Certified full-stack web developer from Berlin. Two years of experience as a professional frontend engineer.
Aktualisiert am 09.04.2024
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Scrum Product Owner
Agile Softwareentwicklung
Business fluent
Mandarin: Fluent



Berlin (+50km)



2 years 1 month
2022-08 - now

Front-end development in modern JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and CSS preprocessors

FullStack Software Engineer
FullStack Software Engineer
  • Front-end development in modern JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and CSS preprocessors (SASS).
  • Playing a key role in the technical decision-making and management of a company's own ecommerce platform through its life cycle, with a focus on React expertise.
  • Designed and implemented layouts for Volkswagen's internal autonomous driving NDA project using React, TypeScript, and Material-UI.
  • Leveraged CSS preprocessors like SASS and BEM methodology for clean and maintainable styles.
  • SPARQL queries for retrieving data from the Knowledge Graph (Stardog).
  • Extensive experience with React and RESTful APIs.
  • Implemented comprehensive testing with Jest and React Testing Library, ensuring code quality and stability.
  • Integrated AzureAD for secure authentication and authorization, safeguarding user data and access.
  • Utilized commercetools for seamless e-commerce functionality, enhancing user experience and business processes.
  • Collaborative & cross-functional teams approach through Git for version control.
  • Preparation of hot topics for bi-weekly UI working group, primarily focused on CSS.
  • Technical writing within the Tech-squad group, actively seeking new topics for continuous learning and team research and development.
  • Hosted presentations on internal meetings.
  • Passionate about knowledge sharing, publishing articles on Medium.com and delivering technical lectures at developer conferences, contributing to the community's growth.
  • Proactively mentored and Coached junior developers through pair programming and code reviews.
  • Actively participated in Scrum and SAFe agile methodologies, contributing to sprint planning, refinements, stand-ups, and retrospectives, promoting agility and team collaboration.
diconium GmbH | Berlin, Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 year 3 months
2021-05 - 2022-07

Fullstack Web Development

Digital Carrer Institute DCI GmbH | Berlin, Germany
Digital Carrer Institute DCI GmbH | Berlin, Germany
  • Completed a 2024-hour full-stack development training program under the supervision of industry-leading Senior Front-End and Full-Stack Web Developers. The project-based program was divided into two parts, Introduction to Front-End Development and Full-Stack Immersion.
  • Full-time web development training.
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • MERN stack. MongoDb, React.js, Node.js, Express, Tailwind & Bootstrap.
  • Soft skills, agile project management and weekly German classes.
  • Online Marketing Tools.
  • Developed an Invoice generator for the final project as a responsive web-app, storing clients data and tracking expenses.
  • Built multiple projects from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, ReactJS
2 years 11 months
2011-09 - 2014-07

Traditional Mandarin Language and Chinese culture Studies

National Sun Yat-sen | Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages | Kaohsiung, Taiwan
National Sun Yat-sen | Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages | Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Writing, reading, speaking traditional mandarin chinese and Taiwanese culture.
  • TOCFL Band B- Level 4 Proficeny
1 year 10 months
2003-09 - 2005-06

Audiovisual Production Management & Direction Bachelor Degree

IORTV Spanish National School of Image & Sound | Madrid, Spain
IORTV Spanish National School of Image & Sound | Madrid, Spain
  • Filming, production & Video-editing Production.




JavaScript HTML CSS ReactJS Git Scrum Scrum Product Owner Agile Softwareentwicklung Node.js TailwindCSS

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Certified full-stack web developer from Berlin. Two years of experience as a frontend developer at diconium digital solutions. Certified by Digital Career Institute. Very good knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MERN Stack, and TypeScript. Experienced in frontend and backend development, with a focus on usability, scalable APIs and clean code. Great communicator with a passion for learning, Agile methodologies, UX and working in teams. International background job experience in multicultural teams.


  • Very good knowledge: Semantic HTML, CSS3/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, REST, JSON, JWT, Tailwind, NodeJS, Styled Components, CSS Modules, Unit Testing, Git Version Control, Scrum
  • Good knowledge: NextJS, React Native, Material Design, Redux, Express, MongoDB, Google Cloud Platform, Material UI, Bootstrap, Agile & Kanban (Project Management), Miro, Figma, Confluence, LLMS, Mixtral, HuggingFace, Avid & Premiere pro Video-editing, Canva, After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Avid Media Composer
  • Basic knowledge: PHP, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, Cloud development, Vue.js, event driven architectures, AWS, PWA, OAuth with AzureAD, GitLab CI/CD, Test-Driven-Development, Angular, DevOps, 3js, SalesForce, NoCode, WebFlow, Wix, Wordpress



Berlin (+50km)



2 years 1 month
2022-08 - now

Front-end development in modern JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and CSS preprocessors

FullStack Software Engineer
FullStack Software Engineer
  • Front-end development in modern JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and CSS preprocessors (SASS).
  • Playing a key role in the technical decision-making and management of a company's own ecommerce platform through its life cycle, with a focus on React expertise.
  • Designed and implemented layouts for Volkswagen's internal autonomous driving NDA project using React, TypeScript, and Material-UI.
  • Leveraged CSS preprocessors like SASS and BEM methodology for clean and maintainable styles.
  • SPARQL queries for retrieving data from the Knowledge Graph (Stardog).
  • Extensive experience with React and RESTful APIs.
  • Implemented comprehensive testing with Jest and React Testing Library, ensuring code quality and stability.
  • Integrated AzureAD for secure authentication and authorization, safeguarding user data and access.
  • Utilized commercetools for seamless e-commerce functionality, enhancing user experience and business processes.
  • Collaborative & cross-functional teams approach through Git for version control.
  • Preparation of hot topics for bi-weekly UI working group, primarily focused on CSS.
  • Technical writing within the Tech-squad group, actively seeking new topics for continuous learning and team research and development.
  • Hosted presentations on internal meetings.
  • Passionate about knowledge sharing, publishing articles on Medium.com and delivering technical lectures at developer conferences, contributing to the community's growth.
  • Proactively mentored and Coached junior developers through pair programming and code reviews.
  • Actively participated in Scrum and SAFe agile methodologies, contributing to sprint planning, refinements, stand-ups, and retrospectives, promoting agility and team collaboration.
diconium GmbH | Berlin, Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 year 3 months
2021-05 - 2022-07

Fullstack Web Development

Digital Carrer Institute DCI GmbH | Berlin, Germany
Digital Carrer Institute DCI GmbH | Berlin, Germany
  • Completed a 2024-hour full-stack development training program under the supervision of industry-leading Senior Front-End and Full-Stack Web Developers. The project-based program was divided into two parts, Introduction to Front-End Development and Full-Stack Immersion.
  • Full-time web development training.
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • MERN stack. MongoDb, React.js, Node.js, Express, Tailwind & Bootstrap.
  • Soft skills, agile project management and weekly German classes.
  • Online Marketing Tools.
  • Developed an Invoice generator for the final project as a responsive web-app, storing clients data and tracking expenses.
  • Built multiple projects from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, ReactJS
2 years 11 months
2011-09 - 2014-07

Traditional Mandarin Language and Chinese culture Studies

National Sun Yat-sen | Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages | Kaohsiung, Taiwan
National Sun Yat-sen | Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages | Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Writing, reading, speaking traditional mandarin chinese and Taiwanese culture.
  • TOCFL Band B- Level 4 Proficeny
1 year 10 months
2003-09 - 2005-06

Audiovisual Production Management & Direction Bachelor Degree

IORTV Spanish National School of Image & Sound | Madrid, Spain
IORTV Spanish National School of Image & Sound | Madrid, Spain
  • Filming, production & Video-editing Production.




JavaScript HTML CSS ReactJS Git Scrum Scrum Product Owner Agile Softwareentwicklung Node.js TailwindCSS

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Certified full-stack web developer from Berlin. Two years of experience as a frontend developer at diconium digital solutions. Certified by Digital Career Institute. Very good knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MERN Stack, and TypeScript. Experienced in frontend and backend development, with a focus on usability, scalable APIs and clean code. Great communicator with a passion for learning, Agile methodologies, UX and working in teams. International background job experience in multicultural teams.


  • Very good knowledge: Semantic HTML, CSS3/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, REST, JSON, JWT, Tailwind, NodeJS, Styled Components, CSS Modules, Unit Testing, Git Version Control, Scrum
  • Good knowledge: NextJS, React Native, Material Design, Redux, Express, MongoDB, Google Cloud Platform, Material UI, Bootstrap, Agile & Kanban (Project Management), Miro, Figma, Confluence, LLMS, Mixtral, HuggingFace, Avid & Premiere pro Video-editing, Canva, After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Avid Media Composer
  • Basic knowledge: PHP, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, Cloud development, Vue.js, event driven architectures, AWS, PWA, OAuth with AzureAD, GitLab CI/CD, Test-Driven-Development, Angular, DevOps, 3js, SalesForce, NoCode, WebFlow, Wix, Wordpress

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