Microsoft Fullstack Experte für OnPremise und in Cloud Architekturen
Aktualisiert am 04.10.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters



Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz



2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-06 - heute

Prozesse und Maßnahmenplanung im Bereich Threat-Intelligence

Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant

Im Kontext von Citrix-Anwendungen im Bereich Security wurden umfangreiche Maßnahmen entwickelt, um die Sicherheit der Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) zu gewährleisten. Dabei wurden verschiedene Schutzmechanismen implementiert, um die VDI vor möglichen Kompromittierungen und Sicherheitsrisiken effektiv abzusichern und die Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit der Systeme zu erhalten.

MS Visio Office 365 MS Office Citrix Cisco Hardware
3 Monate
2024-02 - 2024-04

Entwicklung einer KI mit Einsatz von Large Language Models (LLM) und Lang-Chaining

Engineer JavaScript C# HTML ...

Im Rahmen eines Projekts für die Weiterentwicklung wurde eine Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) entwickelt, die auf Large Language Models (LLM) und der Technik des Lang-Chaining basiert. Diese KI wurde speziell dafür konzipiert, Benutzeranfragen zu verstehen und darauf basierend Aktionen in einer Anwendung auszuführen, wie zum Beispiel das Erstellen von Dashboards und geografischen Informationssystemen (GIS)-Karten. Darüber hinaus ist die KI in der Lage, große Datenmengen zu analysieren und zu verarbeiten. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Entwicklung war die Zielsetzung, die KI so zu gestalten, dass sie den Benutzern komplizierte und wiederkehrende Arbeiten abnimmt, um die Effizienz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Anwendung zu steigern.

LLM ChatGPT Langchain Python ReactJS REST OpenAi
WhoMeta Inc
1 Jahr
2023-05 - 2024-04

Aufbau und Übergabe des SharePoint Application Managements

Senior Berater PowerShell HTML CSS ...
Senior Berater

Ziel dieses Projekts war die professionelle Vorbereitung und Dokumentation von SharePoint-Anwendungen für einen reibungslosen Betriebsübergang. Es wurden umfassende IT-Sicherheitskonzepte entwickelt und implementiert, um die Integrität und Sicherheit der Anwendungen zu gewährleisten. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Projekts war das Onboarding und die Schulung der Application Management Mitarbeiter aus dem operativen Betrieb, um eine nahtlose Übergabe und zukünftige Wartung der Systeme zu sichern. Zusätzlich wurden maßgebliche Prozesse wie "Train-the-Trainer", Patching und Change Management etabliert und optimiert, um die Aktualität, Funktionalität und Sicherheit der SharePoint-Anwendungen dauerhaft zu gewährleisten.

ITIL DevOps MS Office SharePoint 2019 Nintex Workflow-Engine Nintex Forms MS SQL Datenbanken k2
PowerShell HTML CSS SQL K2
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2023-01 - 2024-04

Planung und Architektur einer DDD-basierten Software für DevOps-Bereitstellung in Azure Kubernetes (AKS)

Product Owner DDD Domain Driven Design C# ...
Product Owner

In dieser Rolle wurde eine umfassende Plattform konzipiert, deren Ziel die Sammlung und Auswertung von öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen für globales Reporting war. Der Technologiestack umfasste eine ReactJS-basierte Benutzeroberfläche und ein Backend aus Domain-Driven Design (DDD) orientierten Microservices in .NET Core, die verschiedenen Bereiche wie Gateway, Incident Management, Klimadaten, Kernoperationen und Geoinformationssysteme (GIS) abdeckten. Weitere Komponenten waren ElasticSearch für die Suche und Datenanalyse sowie Python FastAPI für schnelle, skalierbare API-Entwicklungen. Die Entwicklung und Verwaltung der Microservices erfolgten unter Einsatz von .NET Core Versionen 6 und 7 durch ein internationales Team, das unter meiner Leitung stand.

WhoMetaOS AI Kubernete Kubernetes Azure MS Azure SQL Database Ubuntu Linux Docker ocelot-SQL Maptiler Mapbox google maps MongoDB
DDD Domain Driven Design C# ReactJS SQL ADO.NET Entity Framework PowerShell Click2Cast HTML CSS KSON JSON Python
WhoMeta Inc
2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-01 - 2024-04

Team und Projektleitung

Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant

In dieser Position erfolgten die Leitung und Koordination eines agilen Scrum-Teams von bis zu 7 Entwicklern und Administratoren in einem projektübergreifenden Kontext. Zu den Hauptaufgaben gehörten das Management und die Koordination der täglichen Aktivitäten des Teams, um eine effiziente Umsetzung der Projektziele zu fördern. Die Rolle umfasste die Koordination und Bewältigung von Herausforderungen innerhalb des Teams sowie die Eskalation von kritischen Angelegenheiten zur Sicherstellung einer proaktiven Problembehandlung außerhalb des Teams. Die Führung dieses Teams ermöglichte eine synergetische und effektive Arbeit an diversen Projekten, wobei der Fokus auf der Einhaltung von Zeitplänen, der Sicherstellung der Qualität und der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung lag.

Regelmäßige Feedbacks und QS für die Projekte

Daily Standups 

Einsatz von Kanbo (Knaben für SharePoint)

Stakeholder Reporting

2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-01 - 2024-04

Regelmäßig OSINT Trainer im Bereich der Cybersecurity und Öffentliche Sicherheit


Um den Mitarbeitern im Bereich Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) umfassende Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln, wurden speziell konzipierte Schulungen eingeführt. 

Diese Trainings beinhalten verschiedene Aspekte der OSINT-Techniken und Methoden und sind darauf ausgerichtet, die Mitarbeiter effektiv in die Nutzung und Analyse von öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen einzuführen. 

OSINT Office 365 Präsentation
BOS, VFS, Defence, Finance
3 Jahre
2021-05 - 2024-04

Arbeitsplatz Ausgestaltung für Security Mitarbeiter

Senior Consultant OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ...
Senior Consultant

Im Rahmen der Einführung der Arbeitsumgebung wurden auch für die Mitarbeiter physische Arbeitsplätze gestaltet, die speziell auf die Anforderungen ihrer Tätigkeiten zugeschnitten sind. Hierbei wurde besonderer Wert auf die Auswahl hochwertiger Hardware-Komponenten gelegt, die für einen reibungslosen und effizienten Betrieb notwendig sind.

Zu den ausgewählten Hardware-Komponenten zählen unter anderem Monitore mit hoher Auflösung und ergonomischem Design, um den Mitarbeitern ein ermüdungsfreies Arbeiten zu ermöglichen. Leistungsstarke Rechner wurden bereitgestellt, um die rechenintensive Software und Anwendungen ohne Verzögerungen auszuführen. 

OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT Windows Linux WSL Citrix Hardware Komponenten Microsoft Office PowerShell Python Microsoft SharePoint
3 Jahre 4 Monate
2021-01 - 2024-04

Aktuelle Architektur und Lösungen für öffentlicher Daten

Senior Consultant OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ...
Senior Consultant

Für einen Kunden wurde eine Umgebung für Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) entworfen und implementiert. Dabei wurden innovative Forschungs- und Sicherheitstools entwickelt und eingesetzt, um eine umfassende Überwachung des Internets, sozialer Medien und anderer öffentlich zugänglicher Informationen zu ermöglichen.

Die gesamte Infrastruktur dieser OSINT-Umgebung wurde sorgfältig entworfen, entwickelt und implementiert, um sicherzustellen, dass die gewonnenen Informationen zuverlässig, aktuell und relevant sind. Diese Umgebung trägt dazu bei, die Informationsbeschaffung und -analyse für den Kunden zu optimieren und ermöglicht es ihm, fundierte Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage von öffentlich verfügbaren Daten und Informationen zu treffen. Durch die Einführung dieser OSINT-Umgebung wurde ein bedeutender Schritt in Richtung einer effizienteren und effektiveren Nutzung von öffentlich zugänglichen Ressourcen unternommen. 

OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ElasticSearch Falconir VMWare Microsoft Office Software Tools Visual Studio C# SharePoint 2019 KanboApp PowerShell Microsoft SQL Server Windows Server Windows BizTalk SharePoint
OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ElasticSearch Falconir VMWare Microsoft Office Software Tools Visual Studio C# SharePoint 2019 KanboApp PowerShell Microsoft SQL Server Windows Server Windows BizTalk SharePoint
3 Monate
2024-01 - 2024-03

Entwicklung einer Datenbankinfrastruktur für IoT-Geräte

SharePoint Experte und Berater Nintex Forms Nintex Workflow PowerShell ...
SharePoint Experte und Berater

 In dieser Funktion wurden die Konzeption und Implementierung einer Datenbank für IoT-Geräte vorgenommen, einschließlich des Prozesses für den Datenfluss. Es wurde eine Benutzeroberfläche entwickelt, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, ihre eigenen Geräte zu registrieren und in die Datenbank aufzunehmen. Für die Gestaltung der Eingabemasken und die Evaluierung der Daten wurde SharePoint 2019 als NoCode-Lösung eingesetzt, um die Einfachheit und Effizienz der Wartung zu gewährleisten. Die gesammelten Daten wurden anschließend aus SharePoint extrahiert, um sie für die Analyse in anderen Systemen wie Geoinformationssystemen (GIS) oder zur Standortbestimmung nutzbar zu machen.

SharePoint Workspace Citrix Nintex Workflow-Engine SharePoint 2019 MS Office
Nintex Forms Nintex Workflow PowerShell REST CSV
5 Monate
2023-10 - 2024-02

Buchautor Zufahrtsschutz Sicherheit

Autor für den Bereich Open Source Intelligence
Autor für den Bereich Open Source Intelligence

Ende Januar 2024 erschien nun endlich in einem schnellen und intensiven Erarbeitungsprozess das von Politik, Verwaltung und vielen Industrie- und Berufsverbänden sehnlichst gewünschte VfS-Handbuch Zufahrtsschutz. Wie alle Fachbücher des Verbandes für Sicherheitstechnik e. V. (VfS), beschreibt das Handbuch praxisorientiert und zuverlässig den Stand der Technik und bemüht sich um vollständige Informationen bezüglich des behandelten Sachgebietes. Das VfS-Handbuch Zufahrtsschutz bietet in den entsprechenden Passagen des technischen Teils eine erneute aktualisierte Auflage des all time Klassikers Perimetersicherung. Neutralität und Vollständigkeit bei Inhalt und Darstellung des Handbuches Zufahrtsschutz sind dabei oberstes Gebot.

10 Monate
2022-08 - 2023-05

Microsoft SharePoint Multi Farm Architektor OnPremise

Senior Consultant PowerShell SharePoint 2019 MS-SQL ...
Senior Consultant

In diesem Projekt wurde eine hochsichere Microsoft SharePoint-Umgebung konzipiert und implementiert, die sich über zwei physisch getrennte Farms erstreckt. Die Architektur wurde so gestaltet, dass Farm 2 keine direkte Kenntnis von Farm 1 hat, um den Datenschutz und die Sicherheit zu maximieren. Dabei wurde ein gesicherter Datentransfer zwischen den beiden Farms eingerichtet. Zusätzlich wurden interne Lösungen für spezifische Anwendungsanforderungen entwickelt und eingeführt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt lag auf dem Branding der SharePoint-Umgebung, um eine konsistente und markenspezifische Nutzererfahrung zu gewährleisten.

SharePoint 2019 MS SQL Datenbanken MS SQL Server Windows Server Windows Server 2022 Nintex Workflow Nintex Workflow-Engine
PowerShell SharePoint 2019 MS-SQL Microsoft Office Nintex Provider Hosted Apps ReactJS
1 Jahr
2022-01 - 2022-12

Einführung eines Verfahrens auf Basis Videokonferenz

Senior Consultant PowerShell C# HTML ...
Senior Consultant

In diesem Projekt wurde ein fortschrittliches Videokonferenzverfahren entwickelt, das externen Teilnehmern den Zugang zum internen Videokonferenzsystem ermöglicht. Zur Realisierung wurden spezifische interne Prozesse definiert und eine dedizierte SharePoint-Anwendung zur effizienten Verwaltung der Konferenzdaten entwickelt. Diese Anwendung nutzte Nintex-Workflows, um Konferenzinformationen zu erfassen und mittels einer WebAPI neue Besprechungsräume dynamisch zu generieren. Die Zugangsinformationen zu den Konferenzen wurden den Teilnehmern anschließend per E-Mail oder postalisch in Form eines Briefes mit integriertem QR-Code zur Verfügung gestellt. Dieses Verfahren stärkte nicht nur die interne und externe Kommunikation, sondern erhöhte auch die Flexibilität und Sicherheit des Videokonferenzsystems.

Cisco VKS Cisco WebEx Microsoft Sharepoint Nintex Workflow
PowerShell C# HTML JavaScript ReactJS
5 Monate
2021-01 - 2021-05

SharePoint Online Hub Management mit Teams-Integration

Berater SharePoint Online Teams PowerApps ...

Automatisierung der Prozesse für die Einführung von SharePoint-Online-Hubs, um Unterseiten auf der obersten Ebene zusammenzufassen. Unterstützende Webpart-Architektur zur Anzeige von Standort-Metadaten auf dem Top-Level-Hub für das Stakeholder-Dashboarding.

Unterseiten wurden eingeführt, um die Integration von Teamkanälen und die Zusammenarbeit zu erleichtern.

SharePoint Online Teams PowerApps Flow React SPfx
Öffentlicher Sektor
13 Jahre 2 Monate
2007-11 - 2020-12

Enterprise Projekte im Bereich der Zusammenarbeit

Berater für Microsoft Technologien c# HTML Webpart ...
Berater für Microsoft Technologien

Integration und Erweiterungen von SharePoint Umgebung

Aufbau von Application Management Teams

Prozess Digitalisierung

Hybride Farm


Workflow Designs

Provider Hosted Apps

Apps for SharePoint

Microsoft Microsoft Sharepoint SQL Windows Server Nintex Workflow Nintex SDK PowerFlow Lotus Notes Oracle
c# HTML Webpart CSS javascipt JavaScript API REST SOAP Ajax Nintex SDK K2 Workflow Bamboo
12 Jahre 5 Monate
2007-11 - 2020-03

Berater Microsoft Technologien und SharePoint / 365

IT Berater C# HTML JavaScript ...
IT Berater

01/2020 ? 03/2020 Nintex Site publishing

Digitalization of a manual process in SharePoint with Nintex Workflow.

SharePoint User can create Site Request for internal and external Users. New SiteCollections are created either in the Cloud for external sharing or on premise for the internal Users.

Techniques used: Nintex, HTML, Rest API, SharePoint, CSS, Wizdom API, Wizdom Intranet.

11/2019 ? Current Internal Process Automatization Terminal

Architecture and Development of a SharePoint 2019 Solution which is connected to various Services like SAP, ITSM, CRM, OneNote and Onedrive.

Implementing Standards for the development team based on VisualStudio and GIT Hub in the BundesCloud. 

Techniques Used: HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, Rest, Angular, Nintex Workflow, Nintex Forms

05/2020 ? Validating BackUps and Scripts 

After Data loss within a SharePoint environment, the BackUp Strategy has been validated and tested within the Farm environment. 

Techniques used: PowerShell 

08/2019 ? Current Azure Web Development 

Development of a Hub System for Webinars and Trainings to create Content in Social Media. 

Techniques: HTML, JavaScript, MS-SQL, Azure Web deployment, Restful API

03/2019 ? 07/2019 SharePoint Cloud Integration

Integrate Microsoft 365 into a new Company Structure.

Training of Employees, Adding Solutions and digitalizing Processes.

Techniques used: PowerApps, SharePoint Online, OneDrive Integration, Kanbo Integration

10/2018 - 03/2019 Lotus Notes Migration to SharePoint

Lotus Notes Applications have been migrated to SharePoint 2013 with the Focus for ReUsability.

Lotus Notes Databases have been migrated with PowerShell and CSOM.

The UI was created with Client Side Rendering, JavaScript and HTML via Injection.

Also the UI has been designed for executive and Stakeholder usage in meetings and as Dashboards for KPI and fast Issue Tracking. Processes have been designed and created with Nintex Workflow. Dynamicfields have been rendered and calculated in RealTime via JavaScript in HTML, without the need of DataStorage

09/2018 - 01/2019 SharePoint 2016 Consulting and Support for Solutions and Processes

Clientside and remote Support for integrating SharePoint on Premise for the Customer.

Current Forms have been deployed via Word and are beeing migrated with Nintex Forms and SharePoint 2016

IT Department Support for using SharePoint in Enterprise mode.

Planning and Designing the new Intranet for the Entire Company Group

07/2018 - 12/2018 Microsoft Office 365 PowerApp Real Estate Management Processes

Request Management for the Internal Department

Development and Prototyping Release to MVP For the internal DataBase based on Access 2003 a migration to the Cloud was projected.

The initial Request Management and Data structure was planned and rolled out to SharePoint Online via CSOM and PowerShell.

The migration was done with PowerApps(ModernUI) and AngularJS (Classic Design). The implementation of the solution was rolled out as MVP with the goal of agile growth.

06/2018 SharePoint CSR List View DashBoards for Data Classification

Providing a Rollout for Boldon James custom solution to display the status of the document security Status provided by the user. Documents which have not been classified have been identified by initial PowerShell Script to show the need of the implementation.

Techniques used: SharePoint 2016, JavaScript, SharePoint Client Side Rendering (CSR), HTML, PowerShell

01/2017 - 06/2018 SharePoint Contact DataBase DashBoards

Request Management for the internal Department. Including initial evaluation, prototype and design of the solution. The Solution was from a Big Lotus Notes Contact Database XML Format to SQL Server DataBase. The WebUi was based on SharePoint 2016 including a provider hosted App for manipulating the Data. The Ui had options to identify the relevant Data and display KPI for the Stakeholders.

Final Solution was developed by external Consulting Company which was guided through request and design specifications.

Techniques used: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SQL Server, C#, API, Search

03/2018 Wizdom onPremise Installation

SharePoint 2016 Wizdom onPremise Installation with the Vendor and importing already created Data from Cloud to onPremise.

Techniques used: HTML, PowerShell, XML, CSS, SQL 2016

02/2018 - 04/2018 Change Request Board SharePoint App

Design, Development of a Change Request Manage Solution for SharePoint with export to SAP Changes. User are able to provide information in a SharePoint form, Change Request Manager are able to control the complete Lifecycle to trigger Rollouts in the Citrix environment. Stakeholders and Management can see the complete performance of the Teams within their departments or units.

Techniques used: HTML, jQuery, CSS, PowerShell, Windows-Server 2016, Charts.js, SharePoint 2013 Workflow Engine, API, Search, CSR

02/2018 - 04/2018 Executive Board SharePoint App

Specification, Design and Prototype of the SharePoint Solution with focus on Usability for the Members of the Executive Office. Goal to implement an Executive Board Meeting Tool to provide timeslots for speakers and export the realtime data to an editable file on Mobile devices.

Techniques used: HTML, JavaScript and Framworks (react.js, Jquery), CSS, SQL Server, C#, API, Search

01/2018 Wizdom Cloud Installation Office 365 / Azure

SharePoint Cloud / Azure Wizdom Installation with the Vendor and creating sample Data for validation, Administration of the SiteCollection for Users accessing the Interface as Editors, Visitors and Owners.

Techniques used: HTML, PowerShell, XML, CSS, HTML, SQL 2016

06/2017 - 08/2017 Workflow Server implementation

Evaluating and extending the SharePoint 2016 Environment with the SharePoint 2013 Workflow engine. The Rollout was done via a three tier(Production, Integration, Sandbox) multi location (GER, LUX) setup with evaluation of the User requirements.

Techniques used: Windows-Server 2016, SQL Server 2016, SharePoint 2016, Workflow Server 2013

12/2017 Reimburstment SharePoint

Architecture for reimbursements in the financial industry, related to day trading. Failed operations needed to be identified and validated by the Managing Directors of the Streams.

The Solution was created in JavaScript with the Support of SharePoint Workflow 2013 Engine.

Features: Cascading Listitems, Spreadsheet Import, Spreadsheet Copy and paste to Childitems, 4 Step approval for Parent Items and single disapproval for childitems.

11/2017 Document Governance for Audit

For an external Audit Documents had to be added to a Document lifecycle.

The lifecycle contains the following steps: Request Documents and MetaData by an Auditor, Internal Employees had to deliver all Documents regarding a specific Topic. These Documents then had been locked up for the Audit. KPI were defined for these Sets for the Stage of the Audit, these KPI have been visually upgraded by Microsoft Client Side Rendering (CSR) for the Users Dashboards.

The flow of the Document was designed with SharePoint Workflow 2016 for collecting feedback, locking document and releasing them.


10/2017 Process Manager SharePoint

SharePoint Solution for managing all Processes in the Company, all Processes needed to be validated from time to time via this solution. It is based on Javascript, Client Side Rendering, SharePoint Workflowengine 2013. 

The Processowner can define deputies, assistants and forward the task to them. All Processes where then shown in and overview for the Stakeholders of the company. The Document Lifecycle was managed via SharePoint, Workflows and User Interaction.

Techniques: HTML, JavaScript, Client Side Rendering, SharePoint Workflow 2013, SharePoint Document Lifecycle


06/2016 ? 04/2018 SharePoint Architecture Infrastructure

For an international Environemt a SharePoint 2016 environment was designed and validated with Microsoft Premier Services. The overall Architecture was based on the calculation of Lotus Notes Datastructure. The Usage went to Company relevant IT System and needed to be extend in Storage, Office WebApps and for the Intranet as well. 

SQL Server, Certificates,App server, Windowsserver, OfficeWebApps, Exchange

05/2017 - 07/2017 Planning and Rollout of Project Server 2016

Role: Architect

Projektinhalte: Before activating the Project Server feature on SharePoint 2016 the Environment needed to be validated regarding Capacity and Infrastructure. It was validated in a three-tier environment.

Only limited Users were able to access the Server regarding the company policy and license management.

No further customization was done, to use it in a default

Kenntnisse: 3-Tier Architektur, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, Microsoft Sharepoint, Microsoft Project Server, windows server, sql server

Eingesetzte Produkte: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

04/2017 ? Architecture SharePoint 2016 Hybrid

Next Step in the Project is the migration in the cloud partial as a hybrid cloud solution, to ensure the usage of Slack, Flow, Project server, Power Apps, JavaScript, OneDrive, Skype for business, Azure Ad and much more.

All Data is validated by Metadata and content before moved in the Cloud.

Test tenants are set up and the architecture for the Datacentres especially DMZ are validated.


07/2016 ? 05/2016 SharePoint / Office Governance

Defining the governance based on the features for applications, usage, guidelines, training, permissions, application management, developers and platform services.

On Demand the governance is design by use, a base governance has been defined in 07/2016 and is expanding based on the solutions, features and trainings.

Part of the governance guidelines have been solutions which have been developed ensuring the use of the governance concept (Permission, Audit, Provisioning, Update, Features and executive permission provisioning)


07/2016 ? 05/2017 ? Project Management and Architecture of Applications

As SharePoint Stream Lead the complete request, requirements and architecture was done. More than 50 Lotus Notes App have been evaluated regarding business process, data, functionality) including Architecture design, communication regarding future need and obsolete applications and process optimization.

As base solution, a JavaScript framework was created which provides the reuse of already done programming.

Depending on the need and availability to be run in the Cloud all solutions were designed to run in Office 365 or Hosted App in Azure.

The role contained responsibility for a team of four Developers, including communication with the requesting departments.

All solutions have been evaluated regarding documentation, quality of code, interface usage, provisioning and budget.

Techniques: C#, JavaScript, HTML, ASP.Net, Exchange, SharePoint 2016, API


08/2016 ? Launchpad Design SharePoint Hub

Providing a new front-page for SharePoint Apps as an alternative for the Lotus Notes tiles, a new Hub Page was development as an intranet out of the box Solution, providing search based content for the User.

The App was integrated in SharePoint and set as home page, providing: SharePoint Site Aggregation, Social Aggregation, OneDrive Aggregation

A future intranet Migration as Cloud based app is planned and will be the first available app in the cloud for the company.

Techniques: C#, Hosted Apps, ASP.Net, JavaScript, SharePoint API, SharePoint 2016


07/2016 ? Architecture SharePoint 2016 International Multi Farm Environment

For the migration from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Office 2016 and SharePoint 2016, a complete new Design of the Infrastructure has been done.

Based on the requirements of the Customers internal restrictions and international Laws, a SharePoint 2016 environment was Designed providing High Availability for all locations (Germany, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Prague, Chicago, Boston).

Solution: Four Tier SharePoint Farms on international Datacentres each including Mysites, Teamsites, Projectsites, Testsites, Office Online Server) ready to be run in a hybrid Office 365 environment. The Project was part of the Future Workplace and my architecture has been validated by Microsoft Germany. Tasks of this Project have been design of the software architecture, Hardware and virtual machine Design, storage consumption estimate, load balancing of the machines and data centre placement.


05-07/2016 ? Architecture and evaluation of Big Data Migration

Customers archives are going to be migrated into searchable documents, therefor all Documents are in progress being scanned and migrated on file shares. Since OCR was not an option due to age and quality of the documents the documents have been indexed and metadata was added manually.

As Solution, all scanned documents have been automatically migrated into SharePoint including the extracted Metadata. Responsible Departments have been informed based on the extracted information.


04/2016 ? Documentation and Scheduling

Documentation of the environment and setting up time and schedules for maintenance defined in the overall governance concept. The complete documentation was hand out to the CIO of the company for the future project progress.

Internal employees have been instructed about the application management and platform services.

02/2016 ? SharePoint Coworker training

Training new Application Management Employees for different Architectures and Software solutions in SharePoint, which includes a contract Management (Ecspand), Custom solutions, Provider based Solutions and Project Server with Addons (Campana & Schott).

01/2016 ? SharePoint publishing page navigation provider

Designing and implementing a custom Navigationprovider for SharePoint 2010 which automatically creates a 3 Tier fold out Menu on the Sidebar and a Megamenu on the top menu.

Techniques: C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Powershell

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013, SQL

12/2015 ? SharePoint roles and permission reorder

On Premise SharePoint environment was in need of a reorganization of the user?s permission and roles structure to fit in the new it-security governance, the solution was a Script which was scheduled and reorganized the complete permissions, from direct permissions to groups. This included creating new groups and permissions structure out of the script.

Techniques: SharePoint Webservices, HTML, Powershell, SQL

Software: Powershell, Visual Studio, Excel, SQL, SharePoint, Windows server.

11/2015 ? SharePoint 2013 autoinstall script for plattform

Setting up Autoinstallscripts for SharePoint 2013 in a Multifarm environment including a staging for Developers, Sandbox and Production, the Use case was for a customer?s SharePoint 2013 rollout on Premise.

Techniques: Powershell, SQL

Software: PowerGUI, SharePoint, Windows Server 2012, SQL Server

10/2015 ? Project Server Upgrades

Setting up Terminal servers for users who need to access Projectserver via Project-Professional. Access was granted for external Consultants and Employees who are Members of the Companies global Project Management organization.

Pre-Requisites for implementing the environment included restructuring the Active Directory and synchronization with Project Server.


Implementing features into the SharePoint like TASKs and Campaign sharing works in Office 365 and SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, JSOM, CSOM, Webservices, Javascript, JSON

Software: Visual Studio, Azure, Office 365, SharePoint 2013, MY, SQL Database


Implementing features into the Social CRM like Helpdesk Web FAQ, BI and Campaign sharing, also updating the solution package for onsite rollout.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, JSOM, CSOM, Webservices, Javascript, JSON

Software: Visual Studio, Azure, Office 365, SharePoint 2013, SQL Database


Variation of Dashboards in Excel based on SharePoint Content, WebAnalytics, Files and Structures a long with Useraccounts and Calendar data.

Techniques: Excel Services, Excel Dashboards, SharePoint Webservices, Powershell, VBA

Software: Excel 2010, SharePoint 2010   


Implementation of a central Infopathform Solution for CIO IT requests for the entire company, ordering Useraccounts, Fileshares, Printer or Mobiledevices.

Rollout has been Version 2 based on Infopath and Nintex Forms.

Techniques: Workflows, Formserver, Excel

Software: SharePoint 2010, Nintex 2010, Infopath 2010, Excel 2010, Powershell with PowerGui


Porting and Migrating SharePoint 2007 Web Applications into one SharePoint 2010 Webapplication with Enterprise Publishing features active.

Techniques: C#, HTML, JavaScript, Webservices, SQL, Powershell

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise) with Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Management Studio, Powershell, ASP.NET


Based on the SLA Limit for SharePoint Database Recovery, the content had to be reorganized for shrinking the Databases. Websites had to be ported into SiteCollections with custom Databases to enabled fallback and backup scenarios.

Techniques: Powershell, SQL

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise) with Windows Server 2008, SQL Managementstudio, PowerGUI, Custom Tool Development, Axceler


Corporate Governance for Sharepoint emergency and recovery scenarios, write up and concept for emergency recovery for a Multifarm environment based on SLA and and TQM processes.

Dynamic Spreadsheets for SharePoint and Server feature selection including guidance what to do.


03/2015 ? Project Server implementation

Deployment of Project-Server into the existing infrastructure with additional Solutions developed inhouse and by Campana & Schott Milestone aggregation. Tasks for success have been planning the environment, installing components (Reporting Server, Campana & Schott Databases and Solutions, Nintex for Projectserver).

Techniques: Powershell, SQL, HTML, Javascript and ASP.Net, Microsoft Active Directory

Software: SharePoint 2010, Projectserver, Windowsserver, Microsoft SQL, Campana&Schott Aggregation


Corporate Governance for SharePoint, user and permissions had to be cleaned up in over 200 Site collections and 4000 Websites. Corporate Governance based names for usergroups and permissionlevels had to be implemented along with structured user permissions.

Techniques: Powershell

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, PowerGUI


Together with a Microsoft Premier Field Engineer, I analyzed the SharePoint Environment for need of optimization and performance bottlenecks.

Techniques: C#, WebServices, Powershell,

Software: Microsoft Tools, SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, SQL Database


Software release management in SharePoint for the client software team, enabling software managers to maintain software versions and release rollouts via SharePoint management.

Techniques: C#, WebServices, XML, CSV, Workflows, Reporting, Business data connections (BDC)

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, InfoPath, Nintex 2010 Workflow



Post Migration Upgrade for hyperlinks in SharePoint, replacement of obsolete Urls in SharePoint and Documents.

Techniques: Powershell

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, PowerGUI, Microsoft Office



Offline Synchronization from Client software to SharePoint via Web services. User exports from Client and Server Software to reporting Dashboards in SharePoint 2010. Server side software service which uploads File immediately after being placed in a drop off folder.

Techniques: C#, WebServices, XML, CSV, Cryptography

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008

08/2014 ? Social CRM Viral Connect for Sharepoint 2013 ON GOING

Personal Software, Complete Design and Solution for Microsoft SharePoint 2013 ? managing social network accounts out of SharePoint. Seamless integration of Facebook and Twitter into SharePoint for managing Campaigns, Followers and automating Posts from SharePoint Lists and Libraries.

Picked as Microsoft BizSpark PLUS StartUp in Germany.

Interfaces for other Software like Microsoft Dynamix are in development.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, JSON, XML, Services

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2013 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008


Optimizing SharePoint Farms performance, by integrating Processes and Monitoring for the staging Environment.Nintex Database splitting for performance of SharePoints Workflow History lists including a development of a reporting tool for high readout workflows and automating the cleanup.

External Solution Analysis of deployed items and snooping for possible Code Issues and Security Violations.Consulting and training for SLA on new Deployment and Upgrade Management.

Techniques and Software: Powershell, Excel, .Net 3, Console Application, Nintex, SharePoint 2010, MS-SQL 2008

05/2014 ? Contract Management

Rollout of the D.Velop Ecspand Contract Management Suite in a four Tier Farm Architecture.

Integration of all Services including Nintex Custom Workflows for OCR, Contractual Architecture and SAP integration.

In behalf of D.Velop Vienna, Ecspand Germany as a Certified Ecspand Administrator.

Techniques and Software: Powershell, HTML, Javascript, Ecspand Contract Management, Ecspand OCR, Nintex


Architecture and execution of migrating SharePoint 2010 SiteCollections which have been high Risk for Datasize and Usage.

Included shrinking of SiteCollection Databases to several smaller Databases, Backup Management and reorganization of the SharePoint Databases, I analyzed and coordinated the Company departments Sites relocation.

Techniques: Powershell, MS-SQL, AAM, ManagedPath

Software: Axceler, MS Project, SharePoint 2010, MS-SQL, IIS

09/2013 ? Digitial EMployee Record SharePoint

Architected and implemented a personal record management system for employees, including a self-service for managing changes and requests from the Intranet based on SharePoint 2010.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, Webservices

Software: SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008, SAP, Microsoft Developer Tools

06/2013 ? sharepoint administration wizard

Architected, implemented and developed for 2010 a solution which redirects users based on their roles to custom SharePoint Layout pages. Landing Pages and Layout Pages can be deployed in Page Libraries and offer wizard functionality for User Management, Website Settings and Feature Mangement.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008


02/2013 ? Interface for an external domain

Architected and designed an interface for an external Domain implementation for SharePoint 2010.

Users can update their Domain Account Information to an external Profilestorage as a self-service, 

restricted to their own Profile. Solution integrates into any SharePoint Application updating the AD Account.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

09/2012 ? Custom Publishingpages Migration to Sharepoint 2010 migration

Architecture of an Intranet solution in SharePoint 2010.

Quality Assurance of external Consultants and freelancers, pre Sales for the internal Marketing Department. After taking over the Migration Lead for the Publishingpages Intranet, I had to redefine the Project and resources. Farm background: SharePoint 2007 base functionality was removed with external Software which only used the Roles management. This Solution couldn?t be migrated; the goal was to write a set of Data mining tools for SharePoint 2007 which then migrate the old Content to new Farm.

Techniques: MS SQL, WebServices, C#, PowerShell

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2007 / 2010, Windows Server 2008

07/2012 ? Intranet Migration 2010 Preflight DatA AND Design

Design and development of a SharePoint 2010 Intranet Prototype as showcase for the CIO and CEO with modified Ribbon, Layouts and Contentautomatisation.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008,

11/2011 ? Migration DMS SharePoint

Migrating the companies SharePoint applications from 2007 to 2010. Migration included Workflows, Custom Solutions and customized Websites and SiteCollections

Techniques: C#, SQL, Winforms, PowerShell, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

09/2011 ? migration Tool development SharePoint

Several Tools have been developed for analyzing the SharePoint 2007 Farm after reaching the limits of PowerShell. Pre-Checks, Content Migrations, Cleanups and Database analysis have been developed without the need of Tools from 3rd Party Companies.

Techniques: C#, SQL, Winforms, PowerShell, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008,

08/2011 ? MOSS 2007 Newsletter SharePoint

Collaboration Plattform for creating Company internal Newsletters based on security status and roles.

Techniques: SharePoint 2007, Workflow engine Nintex, standard webparts


07/2011 ? Sharepoint 2010 ? Templating and custom layouts

Migration prerequisites development, as update for SharePoint 2010. Complete clean templates, Layouts, Workspaces MasterPage and CSS. Migrationtests, User Testing, User Seminars for SharePoint 2010

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

07/2011 ? My Profile peoplesearch extension SharePoint

PublishingPage Solution for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010

Users can edit their Profile WYSIWYG in the Peoplesearchcenter without having SharePoint MySites activated.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2007 / 2010, Windows Server 2008

06/2011 ? Contenttype and Template repair

Updating an existing Template in a SharePoint environment, redefining ContentTypes, Teamsites, meeting spaces and MasterPages.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

05/2011 ? Governance and DMS Infrastructure (Ongoing process)

Rise the user acceptance for IT Governance ? process and project has been active project for about 12 month based on Microsoft and companies internal guidelines.

Technical Solution: DMS Application Infrastructure reorganization and Searchcenter adjustment with PowerShell support for hierarchy movements. Essential Step in this Farm while migrating to 2010.

Techniques: C#, PowerShell

Software: Notepad, SharePoint 2007, Windows Server 2008,

04/2011 ? localization and implementation Nintex, bamboo

Preparing Bamboo Solutions for a German environment, translating the Resources writing user documentation.

Techniques: .Net

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008, Bamboo

04/2011 ? architecture and implementation IT Securityconcepts

Concept, Solution and Delivery of an IT Security publishing requirement. The Solution monitors the defined Period of updating concepts and requests approval for the Document sets. Approval is based on 10 different Roles in the departments and companies.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, Webservices

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008, Nintex

03/2011 ? contract management suite quality assurance and implementation

Solution Layout, Quality Assurance and User Seminars for an external contract Management Solution. In Collaboration with an external Consultant Agency, the Solution was designed and implemented for SharePoint 2007. The Application has been migrated to SharePoint 2010 later. Several Additions have been developed with the internal Change Request Process.

Techniques: MS SQL, WebServices, C#, Infopath, SAP

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

11/2008-2011 Renewment of IT infrastructure and collaboration

Company collaboration and governance integration.

Providing SharePoint 2007, processes, templates, workflows, ERP interface, ecommerce upgrade, Server infrastructure cost optimization, integrating external solution and service provider.

The Companies Fileshare, local shares and exchange shares have been moved into Structures with rights and roles in SharePoint. The ERP solution has been connected to an ecommerce storefront with a company cloud.

Several tools which integrate into SharePoint and Office have been developed or standards have been purchased.

01/2010|02/2011 ? ENTERPRISE eCommerce Storefront with ERP Integration

Enterprise eCommerce System including Templateengine, Development of the XHTML Framework and Modules in XSLT. Frontend and backend Programming, such as Imageprocessor Logics, ERP Integegration (KHK Sage) and AJAX for Shoppingcart and Images and detail pages.

WSI 3.0 for importing and exporting Products, or export Content to Social Networks. Full integration of Payment Providers, such as Ogone with DirectDebit, Creditcard processing (PCI Compliant).

Techniques: XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML, ASP.Net, C#,

Software:MSSQL, Visual Studio, Windows 2008 Server, GDI+, 

03/2010 ? Datascraper, Dataminer, Compare, History

Development of a Data Scraper which mines Content from other eCommerce Systems or Productfeeds.

Including a Watchdog for drastically Pricechanges. Base Classes for Migration onto other Cartsystems in .Net.

Techniques: Winforms, c#, MSSQL, XML, XSLT, RegEx, GDI+

Software: Visual Studio 2008, MSSQL 2008, XML, XSLT, Excel

01/2010 ? CMS Developing and Design

CMS Design and Templateengine, Development of the XHTML Framework including Modules in XSLT.

Contentinterface for Communities

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML

Software: JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Notepad++, Apache, GD-Lib  


02/2009 ? Portal Relaunch

Rebranding a Portal including new features for Pricelist and Customer Sign Up for a wholesaler.

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

12/2009 ? Magazin Relaunch

As internal Marketing Tool a 9 year old Website had to be rewritten to compete on other Pages. As it was most likely blog content a Core was taken and wrapper template engine was written to have a magazine style layout. Migration was made with a tool written in C# injecting the Data into the MySQL DB, including rewriting of Links and Image Galleries.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 T, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, MySQL, XML, CSV, PHP, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, .Net Framework 2.0, Notepad++

12/2009 ? Survey Tool with Administration

Survey tool was developed to create and deploy web based surveys to gather feedback from MAXS customers, it was written in C# - ASP.Net including SQL 2008 and XML. Template could be SQL or XML File with Questionnaire, customer answers where saved to file system as XML. Administration features Charts and Bars for analytics.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, XML, XSLT, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework 2.0

11/2009 ? eCommerce Wishlist engine

Integration of a Wishlistengine for a XMas Special. Customer where able to select a Product, define a custom Price and it to shoppingcart afterwards a Notification of that Order send to Salesteam.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, XML, WSI 3.0, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework 2.0

11/2009 ? CMS Upgrading

CMS Design and Templateengine, Development of the XHTML Framework including Modules in XSLT.

Contentinterface for Communities.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML

Software: JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Notepad++, Apache, GD-Lib

10/2009 ? eCommerce Administration 2.0

Classic ASP Storefront Software needed new features for Product Publishing, Social Communities and better Sales Analyzes.

Features: Reward Points management, Customer modification, Payment integration

Techniques: Classic ASP, MSSQL 2008, XHTML, Custom Logon User functionality, GDI, ASP.Net 2.0,

Software: IIS 5.0, Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL, Visual Studio 2008, XSLT, XML

09/2009 ? CMS Developing and Design

CMS Design und Templateengine for a Clubpage, Development of the XHTML Framework including Modules in XSLT. Photos were taken on location as well.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML

Software: JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Notepad++, Apache, GD-Lib

08/2009 ? Hardware and Software optimization

Based on loadout and usability a housed Server was configured including Hardware Firewall.

Features: Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework, Classic ASP, MSSql 2008, WSI 3.0, SSL Thawte, Cisco Hardware Firewall.

05-07/2010 Code & Performance optimization

Upgrading the Storefront based on VBS and HTML 4.0 Static content and controls where rewritten to dynamic controls. Optimization for 2001 based Website, needed to embed ASP.Net for standard functionality. The HTML 4.0

07/2009 ? MAXIES Administration

Classic ASP for deleting and updating reward points of customers. Reward points were created three weeks after a successfully placed order. Sales team can now create custom offers for customers to redeem reward points with products.

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASHX, ASP.Net 2.0, C#, Classic ASP

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework 2.0, VBS

07/2009 ? eCommerce Administration

Classic ASP Storefront Software needed new features for Product Publishing and small CMS functionality. Sales should be able to create Offers immediate and publish News.

Features: OnePage Offer Editing, AJAX Postbacks, Publishing and Unpublishing Versioning of Articles.

Techniques: MSSQL 2005, MSSQL 2008, Storedprocedures/Transact, ASP.Net 2.0, Classic ASP, JQuery, AJAX

Software: IIS 5.0, Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL, Visual Studio 2008, XSLT, XML

06/2009 ? Social media integration

Integrating Facebook API and Social Links into the Plattforms.

Techniques: HTML, Javascript, Facebook API, RSS

05/2009 ? Voucher Engine

Engine to generate Vouchers and validate it to Clients, Customers are informed via email notification. Used for promotion with Communities where customers could request these.

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

06/2009 ? Content Management

Migrating a .Net Blog engine including the Custom Template and integration to an existing Classic ASP Project ?Customer Portal?

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

05/2009 ? Newsletter with Contentinterface

Creating an API for a Storefront to export Data via WSI to a Newsletter Software, Image FTP, Product XML, later 2009 deploying for a Store Update.

Techniques: WSI, ASP.Net, C#, Classic ASP VBS

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

04/2009 ? ERP Interface Pricelistgenerating

Sales team was in need to generate Pricelist including information about Warehouse stock statistics, Price and Currency Analysis. The ERP (KHK Sage) should not be modified to inject any business logics, Winform logic based on Storedprocedures and direct SQL Access.

Features: Template Selection (e.g. $, ?, £), Export to CSV or Excel.

Techniques: MSSQL 2005, Storedprocedures/Transact, .Net 2.0, Winforms

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL, Visual Studio 2008, XML, Office 2007

04/2009 ? Storefront upgrading Classic ASP

Upgrading Databaselogic and performance on a Storefront written in Classic ASP, changing controls logic and Menutypes including Optimization of HTML and scripts.

Techniques: MSSQL 2000, Storedprocedures/Transact, VBS, Classic ASP

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL 2000, Notepad ++

03/2009 ? Payment Gateway integration and update

Perfomance and security tuning for a storefront, Session Share Logic between classic ASP and ASP.Net. Interface for Postbank Paysolution and Ogone on Serverside.

Techniques: MSSQL 2000, Storedprocedures/Transact, VBS, Classic ASP, C#, ASP.Net

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL 2000, Notepad ++

02/2009 ? ERP Data Migration into Storefronts

After an Update from our ASP of the ERP, we needed to update the SSIS Packages from former MSSQL 2000 to MS-SQL Integration Services. Creating SQL Transactions for Data Pumping and Scraping from local Servers to hosted Webservers.

Techniques: SQL, Storedprocedures/Transact

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL 2000, Notepad ++, MSSQL 2005, KHK Sage.

01/2009 ? Upgrading Social Plattforms, Communities, Portals

New Strategic Web Placements in Social networks such as Facebook, Studivz, Twitter, MySpace. Extending the Local Portals for new Brand Placements and collaborate harder with the Community.

11/2008 ? X-Mas Calender

24 Special offers had to be adverted via ecommerce Cart

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASHX, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2005, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

2008 ? SharePoint: History Compare ? Consulting Company Germany

Publishing Page Version history comparison between Variants; Full Logic of Publishing Page, including Highlighting of History via Javascript.

Techniques: C#, SharePoint API, WebParts, Javascript

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)

2007/2008 ? SharePoint: Consulting Company Germany

Several Workshop with Customers, Presentation and technology fairs.

Software: SharePoint (WSS or MOSS) , Nintex, SharePointdesigner

2008 ? SharePoint: Workflows ? Consulting Company Germany

Fifteen Workflows for different Scenarios e.g. Application for leave, Office Material Orders

Techniques: XML, InfoPath, WWF, C#

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS) , Nintex, SharePoint designer

2008 ? SharePoint: Design Mods ? Consulting Company Germany

Custom Masterpage Addition to existing Pages.

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, CSS, JavaScript, SharePoint SDK, MasterPages,

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)

2008 ? SharePoint: LanguagePack ? Consulting Company Germany

Developed for the solution of Freudenberg Publishing Portal, I developed a LanguagePack which consists of 4 Modules:

    1. Language Splitter Page for users not signed in

    2. Language Redirection based on the language defined in the ActiveDirectory

    3. Language Dropdown on every Page to choose the language.

    4. Full Custom Localized ASPMenu extension, single entries can be positioned on Users

     ?rights in ActiveDirectory OrgUnits.

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SharePoint SDK, WebParts, MasterPages,

     ?SiteMapSources, ASPMenu Derivates

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)

2007 ? SharePoint: WebPart MyTools ? Consulting Company Germany

WebPart for creating a bookmark Flyout Menu which can be modified by the users (e.g. link to mysite, often used projects, documents etc.)

Important links are managed due central administrations by users Teamleads, these can?t be deleted or moved by the users. 

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SharePoint SDK, WebParts, MasterPages

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)


2006 / 2007 eCommerce Cart based on DashCommerce

Easy to administrate ecommerce cart, GDI+ integration for CI Integration, Ajax backend, XML Product and order export

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SMTP

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SQL 2005

2006 / 2007 ? eCommerce Cart based on DashCommerce

Dynamic Grafix with GDI+, Custom Navigation Provider, JQuery Integration, SKU Product Information Extension

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SMTP, AJAX, JQuery

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SQL 2005

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Microsoft SharePoint 2019 Microsoft SharePoint 2016 Microsoft SharePoint Online Microsoft Teams MS SQL Datenbanken MS SQL Server Nintex 2010 Nintex SDK Nintex Workflow Nintex Workflow-Engine PowerShell Windows Server Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2022 WebService SAP
C# HTML JavaScript ReactJS Angular React SPFx PowerShell Flow MS Power Apps InfoPath SQL XML ASP.NET WebService Nintex Workflow Nintex Workflow-Engine Web Api .NET 3.5 .NET 4.0 net core 6 Windows Forms



Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

SharePoint 2007
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
Microsoft Flow
Microsoft 365
SharePoint Online
Microsoft CoPilot
Visual Studio
Azure DevOps


Windows 10
Windows 11
Windows Server 2008-2022
Mac OS
Windows Server




Microsoft SQL Server


Cyberthreat Intelligence
TravelRisk Management







Public Sector / Government








Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz



2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-06 - heute

Prozesse und Maßnahmenplanung im Bereich Threat-Intelligence

Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant

Im Kontext von Citrix-Anwendungen im Bereich Security wurden umfangreiche Maßnahmen entwickelt, um die Sicherheit der Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) zu gewährleisten. Dabei wurden verschiedene Schutzmechanismen implementiert, um die VDI vor möglichen Kompromittierungen und Sicherheitsrisiken effektiv abzusichern und die Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit der Systeme zu erhalten.

MS Visio Office 365 MS Office Citrix Cisco Hardware
3 Monate
2024-02 - 2024-04

Entwicklung einer KI mit Einsatz von Large Language Models (LLM) und Lang-Chaining

Engineer JavaScript C# HTML ...

Im Rahmen eines Projekts für die Weiterentwicklung wurde eine Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) entwickelt, die auf Large Language Models (LLM) und der Technik des Lang-Chaining basiert. Diese KI wurde speziell dafür konzipiert, Benutzeranfragen zu verstehen und darauf basierend Aktionen in einer Anwendung auszuführen, wie zum Beispiel das Erstellen von Dashboards und geografischen Informationssystemen (GIS)-Karten. Darüber hinaus ist die KI in der Lage, große Datenmengen zu analysieren und zu verarbeiten. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Entwicklung war die Zielsetzung, die KI so zu gestalten, dass sie den Benutzern komplizierte und wiederkehrende Arbeiten abnimmt, um die Effizienz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Anwendung zu steigern.

LLM ChatGPT Langchain Python ReactJS REST OpenAi
WhoMeta Inc
1 Jahr
2023-05 - 2024-04

Aufbau und Übergabe des SharePoint Application Managements

Senior Berater PowerShell HTML CSS ...
Senior Berater

Ziel dieses Projekts war die professionelle Vorbereitung und Dokumentation von SharePoint-Anwendungen für einen reibungslosen Betriebsübergang. Es wurden umfassende IT-Sicherheitskonzepte entwickelt und implementiert, um die Integrität und Sicherheit der Anwendungen zu gewährleisten. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Projekts war das Onboarding und die Schulung der Application Management Mitarbeiter aus dem operativen Betrieb, um eine nahtlose Übergabe und zukünftige Wartung der Systeme zu sichern. Zusätzlich wurden maßgebliche Prozesse wie "Train-the-Trainer", Patching und Change Management etabliert und optimiert, um die Aktualität, Funktionalität und Sicherheit der SharePoint-Anwendungen dauerhaft zu gewährleisten.

ITIL DevOps MS Office SharePoint 2019 Nintex Workflow-Engine Nintex Forms MS SQL Datenbanken k2
PowerShell HTML CSS SQL K2
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2023-01 - 2024-04

Planung und Architektur einer DDD-basierten Software für DevOps-Bereitstellung in Azure Kubernetes (AKS)

Product Owner DDD Domain Driven Design C# ...
Product Owner

In dieser Rolle wurde eine umfassende Plattform konzipiert, deren Ziel die Sammlung und Auswertung von öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen für globales Reporting war. Der Technologiestack umfasste eine ReactJS-basierte Benutzeroberfläche und ein Backend aus Domain-Driven Design (DDD) orientierten Microservices in .NET Core, die verschiedenen Bereiche wie Gateway, Incident Management, Klimadaten, Kernoperationen und Geoinformationssysteme (GIS) abdeckten. Weitere Komponenten waren ElasticSearch für die Suche und Datenanalyse sowie Python FastAPI für schnelle, skalierbare API-Entwicklungen. Die Entwicklung und Verwaltung der Microservices erfolgten unter Einsatz von .NET Core Versionen 6 und 7 durch ein internationales Team, das unter meiner Leitung stand.

WhoMetaOS AI Kubernete Kubernetes Azure MS Azure SQL Database Ubuntu Linux Docker ocelot-SQL Maptiler Mapbox google maps MongoDB
DDD Domain Driven Design C# ReactJS SQL ADO.NET Entity Framework PowerShell Click2Cast HTML CSS KSON JSON Python
WhoMeta Inc
2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-01 - 2024-04

Team und Projektleitung

Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant

In dieser Position erfolgten die Leitung und Koordination eines agilen Scrum-Teams von bis zu 7 Entwicklern und Administratoren in einem projektübergreifenden Kontext. Zu den Hauptaufgaben gehörten das Management und die Koordination der täglichen Aktivitäten des Teams, um eine effiziente Umsetzung der Projektziele zu fördern. Die Rolle umfasste die Koordination und Bewältigung von Herausforderungen innerhalb des Teams sowie die Eskalation von kritischen Angelegenheiten zur Sicherstellung einer proaktiven Problembehandlung außerhalb des Teams. Die Führung dieses Teams ermöglichte eine synergetische und effektive Arbeit an diversen Projekten, wobei der Fokus auf der Einhaltung von Zeitplänen, der Sicherstellung der Qualität und der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung lag.

Regelmäßige Feedbacks und QS für die Projekte

Daily Standups 

Einsatz von Kanbo (Knaben für SharePoint)

Stakeholder Reporting

2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-01 - 2024-04

Regelmäßig OSINT Trainer im Bereich der Cybersecurity und Öffentliche Sicherheit


Um den Mitarbeitern im Bereich Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) umfassende Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln, wurden speziell konzipierte Schulungen eingeführt. 

Diese Trainings beinhalten verschiedene Aspekte der OSINT-Techniken und Methoden und sind darauf ausgerichtet, die Mitarbeiter effektiv in die Nutzung und Analyse von öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen einzuführen. 

OSINT Office 365 Präsentation
BOS, VFS, Defence, Finance
3 Jahre
2021-05 - 2024-04

Arbeitsplatz Ausgestaltung für Security Mitarbeiter

Senior Consultant OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ...
Senior Consultant

Im Rahmen der Einführung der Arbeitsumgebung wurden auch für die Mitarbeiter physische Arbeitsplätze gestaltet, die speziell auf die Anforderungen ihrer Tätigkeiten zugeschnitten sind. Hierbei wurde besonderer Wert auf die Auswahl hochwertiger Hardware-Komponenten gelegt, die für einen reibungslosen und effizienten Betrieb notwendig sind.

Zu den ausgewählten Hardware-Komponenten zählen unter anderem Monitore mit hoher Auflösung und ergonomischem Design, um den Mitarbeitern ein ermüdungsfreies Arbeiten zu ermöglichen. Leistungsstarke Rechner wurden bereitgestellt, um die rechenintensive Software und Anwendungen ohne Verzögerungen auszuführen. 

OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT Windows Linux WSL Citrix Hardware Komponenten Microsoft Office PowerShell Python Microsoft SharePoint
3 Jahre 4 Monate
2021-01 - 2024-04

Aktuelle Architektur und Lösungen für öffentlicher Daten

Senior Consultant OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ...
Senior Consultant

Für einen Kunden wurde eine Umgebung für Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) entworfen und implementiert. Dabei wurden innovative Forschungs- und Sicherheitstools entwickelt und eingesetzt, um eine umfassende Überwachung des Internets, sozialer Medien und anderer öffentlich zugänglicher Informationen zu ermöglichen.

Die gesamte Infrastruktur dieser OSINT-Umgebung wurde sorgfältig entworfen, entwickelt und implementiert, um sicherzustellen, dass die gewonnenen Informationen zuverlässig, aktuell und relevant sind. Diese Umgebung trägt dazu bei, die Informationsbeschaffung und -analyse für den Kunden zu optimieren und ermöglicht es ihm, fundierte Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage von öffentlich verfügbaren Daten und Informationen zu treffen. Durch die Einführung dieser OSINT-Umgebung wurde ein bedeutender Schritt in Richtung einer effizienteren und effektiveren Nutzung von öffentlich zugänglichen Ressourcen unternommen. 

OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ElasticSearch Falconir VMWare Microsoft Office Software Tools Visual Studio C# SharePoint 2019 KanboApp PowerShell Microsoft SQL Server Windows Server Windows BizTalk SharePoint
OSINT SOCMINT GEOINT ElasticSearch Falconir VMWare Microsoft Office Software Tools Visual Studio C# SharePoint 2019 KanboApp PowerShell Microsoft SQL Server Windows Server Windows BizTalk SharePoint
3 Monate
2024-01 - 2024-03

Entwicklung einer Datenbankinfrastruktur für IoT-Geräte

SharePoint Experte und Berater Nintex Forms Nintex Workflow PowerShell ...
SharePoint Experte und Berater

 In dieser Funktion wurden die Konzeption und Implementierung einer Datenbank für IoT-Geräte vorgenommen, einschließlich des Prozesses für den Datenfluss. Es wurde eine Benutzeroberfläche entwickelt, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, ihre eigenen Geräte zu registrieren und in die Datenbank aufzunehmen. Für die Gestaltung der Eingabemasken und die Evaluierung der Daten wurde SharePoint 2019 als NoCode-Lösung eingesetzt, um die Einfachheit und Effizienz der Wartung zu gewährleisten. Die gesammelten Daten wurden anschließend aus SharePoint extrahiert, um sie für die Analyse in anderen Systemen wie Geoinformationssystemen (GIS) oder zur Standortbestimmung nutzbar zu machen.

SharePoint Workspace Citrix Nintex Workflow-Engine SharePoint 2019 MS Office
Nintex Forms Nintex Workflow PowerShell REST CSV
5 Monate
2023-10 - 2024-02

Buchautor Zufahrtsschutz Sicherheit

Autor für den Bereich Open Source Intelligence
Autor für den Bereich Open Source Intelligence

Ende Januar 2024 erschien nun endlich in einem schnellen und intensiven Erarbeitungsprozess das von Politik, Verwaltung und vielen Industrie- und Berufsverbänden sehnlichst gewünschte VfS-Handbuch Zufahrtsschutz. Wie alle Fachbücher des Verbandes für Sicherheitstechnik e. V. (VfS), beschreibt das Handbuch praxisorientiert und zuverlässig den Stand der Technik und bemüht sich um vollständige Informationen bezüglich des behandelten Sachgebietes. Das VfS-Handbuch Zufahrtsschutz bietet in den entsprechenden Passagen des technischen Teils eine erneute aktualisierte Auflage des all time Klassikers Perimetersicherung. Neutralität und Vollständigkeit bei Inhalt und Darstellung des Handbuches Zufahrtsschutz sind dabei oberstes Gebot.

10 Monate
2022-08 - 2023-05

Microsoft SharePoint Multi Farm Architektor OnPremise

Senior Consultant PowerShell SharePoint 2019 MS-SQL ...
Senior Consultant

In diesem Projekt wurde eine hochsichere Microsoft SharePoint-Umgebung konzipiert und implementiert, die sich über zwei physisch getrennte Farms erstreckt. Die Architektur wurde so gestaltet, dass Farm 2 keine direkte Kenntnis von Farm 1 hat, um den Datenschutz und die Sicherheit zu maximieren. Dabei wurde ein gesicherter Datentransfer zwischen den beiden Farms eingerichtet. Zusätzlich wurden interne Lösungen für spezifische Anwendungsanforderungen entwickelt und eingeführt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt lag auf dem Branding der SharePoint-Umgebung, um eine konsistente und markenspezifische Nutzererfahrung zu gewährleisten.

SharePoint 2019 MS SQL Datenbanken MS SQL Server Windows Server Windows Server 2022 Nintex Workflow Nintex Workflow-Engine
PowerShell SharePoint 2019 MS-SQL Microsoft Office Nintex Provider Hosted Apps ReactJS
1 Jahr
2022-01 - 2022-12

Einführung eines Verfahrens auf Basis Videokonferenz

Senior Consultant PowerShell C# HTML ...
Senior Consultant

In diesem Projekt wurde ein fortschrittliches Videokonferenzverfahren entwickelt, das externen Teilnehmern den Zugang zum internen Videokonferenzsystem ermöglicht. Zur Realisierung wurden spezifische interne Prozesse definiert und eine dedizierte SharePoint-Anwendung zur effizienten Verwaltung der Konferenzdaten entwickelt. Diese Anwendung nutzte Nintex-Workflows, um Konferenzinformationen zu erfassen und mittels einer WebAPI neue Besprechungsräume dynamisch zu generieren. Die Zugangsinformationen zu den Konferenzen wurden den Teilnehmern anschließend per E-Mail oder postalisch in Form eines Briefes mit integriertem QR-Code zur Verfügung gestellt. Dieses Verfahren stärkte nicht nur die interne und externe Kommunikation, sondern erhöhte auch die Flexibilität und Sicherheit des Videokonferenzsystems.

Cisco VKS Cisco WebEx Microsoft Sharepoint Nintex Workflow
PowerShell C# HTML JavaScript ReactJS
5 Monate
2021-01 - 2021-05

SharePoint Online Hub Management mit Teams-Integration

Berater SharePoint Online Teams PowerApps ...

Automatisierung der Prozesse für die Einführung von SharePoint-Online-Hubs, um Unterseiten auf der obersten Ebene zusammenzufassen. Unterstützende Webpart-Architektur zur Anzeige von Standort-Metadaten auf dem Top-Level-Hub für das Stakeholder-Dashboarding.

Unterseiten wurden eingeführt, um die Integration von Teamkanälen und die Zusammenarbeit zu erleichtern.

SharePoint Online Teams PowerApps Flow React SPfx
Öffentlicher Sektor
13 Jahre 2 Monate
2007-11 - 2020-12

Enterprise Projekte im Bereich der Zusammenarbeit

Berater für Microsoft Technologien c# HTML Webpart ...
Berater für Microsoft Technologien

Integration und Erweiterungen von SharePoint Umgebung

Aufbau von Application Management Teams

Prozess Digitalisierung

Hybride Farm


Workflow Designs

Provider Hosted Apps

Apps for SharePoint

Microsoft Microsoft Sharepoint SQL Windows Server Nintex Workflow Nintex SDK PowerFlow Lotus Notes Oracle
c# HTML Webpart CSS javascipt JavaScript API REST SOAP Ajax Nintex SDK K2 Workflow Bamboo
12 Jahre 5 Monate
2007-11 - 2020-03

Berater Microsoft Technologien und SharePoint / 365

IT Berater C# HTML JavaScript ...
IT Berater

01/2020 ? 03/2020 Nintex Site publishing

Digitalization of a manual process in SharePoint with Nintex Workflow.

SharePoint User can create Site Request for internal and external Users. New SiteCollections are created either in the Cloud for external sharing or on premise for the internal Users.

Techniques used: Nintex, HTML, Rest API, SharePoint, CSS, Wizdom API, Wizdom Intranet.

11/2019 ? Current Internal Process Automatization Terminal

Architecture and Development of a SharePoint 2019 Solution which is connected to various Services like SAP, ITSM, CRM, OneNote and Onedrive.

Implementing Standards for the development team based on VisualStudio and GIT Hub in the BundesCloud. 

Techniques Used: HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, Rest, Angular, Nintex Workflow, Nintex Forms

05/2020 ? Validating BackUps and Scripts 

After Data loss within a SharePoint environment, the BackUp Strategy has been validated and tested within the Farm environment. 

Techniques used: PowerShell 

08/2019 ? Current Azure Web Development 

Development of a Hub System for Webinars and Trainings to create Content in Social Media. 

Techniques: HTML, JavaScript, MS-SQL, Azure Web deployment, Restful API

03/2019 ? 07/2019 SharePoint Cloud Integration

Integrate Microsoft 365 into a new Company Structure.

Training of Employees, Adding Solutions and digitalizing Processes.

Techniques used: PowerApps, SharePoint Online, OneDrive Integration, Kanbo Integration

10/2018 - 03/2019 Lotus Notes Migration to SharePoint

Lotus Notes Applications have been migrated to SharePoint 2013 with the Focus for ReUsability.

Lotus Notes Databases have been migrated with PowerShell and CSOM.

The UI was created with Client Side Rendering, JavaScript and HTML via Injection.

Also the UI has been designed for executive and Stakeholder usage in meetings and as Dashboards for KPI and fast Issue Tracking. Processes have been designed and created with Nintex Workflow. Dynamicfields have been rendered and calculated in RealTime via JavaScript in HTML, without the need of DataStorage

09/2018 - 01/2019 SharePoint 2016 Consulting and Support for Solutions and Processes

Clientside and remote Support for integrating SharePoint on Premise for the Customer.

Current Forms have been deployed via Word and are beeing migrated with Nintex Forms and SharePoint 2016

IT Department Support for using SharePoint in Enterprise mode.

Planning and Designing the new Intranet for the Entire Company Group

07/2018 - 12/2018 Microsoft Office 365 PowerApp Real Estate Management Processes

Request Management for the Internal Department

Development and Prototyping Release to MVP For the internal DataBase based on Access 2003 a migration to the Cloud was projected.

The initial Request Management and Data structure was planned and rolled out to SharePoint Online via CSOM and PowerShell.

The migration was done with PowerApps(ModernUI) and AngularJS (Classic Design). The implementation of the solution was rolled out as MVP with the goal of agile growth.

06/2018 SharePoint CSR List View DashBoards for Data Classification

Providing a Rollout for Boldon James custom solution to display the status of the document security Status provided by the user. Documents which have not been classified have been identified by initial PowerShell Script to show the need of the implementation.

Techniques used: SharePoint 2016, JavaScript, SharePoint Client Side Rendering (CSR), HTML, PowerShell

01/2017 - 06/2018 SharePoint Contact DataBase DashBoards

Request Management for the internal Department. Including initial evaluation, prototype and design of the solution. The Solution was from a Big Lotus Notes Contact Database XML Format to SQL Server DataBase. The WebUi was based on SharePoint 2016 including a provider hosted App for manipulating the Data. The Ui had options to identify the relevant Data and display KPI for the Stakeholders.

Final Solution was developed by external Consulting Company which was guided through request and design specifications.

Techniques used: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SQL Server, C#, API, Search

03/2018 Wizdom onPremise Installation

SharePoint 2016 Wizdom onPremise Installation with the Vendor and importing already created Data from Cloud to onPremise.

Techniques used: HTML, PowerShell, XML, CSS, SQL 2016

02/2018 - 04/2018 Change Request Board SharePoint App

Design, Development of a Change Request Manage Solution for SharePoint with export to SAP Changes. User are able to provide information in a SharePoint form, Change Request Manager are able to control the complete Lifecycle to trigger Rollouts in the Citrix environment. Stakeholders and Management can see the complete performance of the Teams within their departments or units.

Techniques used: HTML, jQuery, CSS, PowerShell, Windows-Server 2016, Charts.js, SharePoint 2013 Workflow Engine, API, Search, CSR

02/2018 - 04/2018 Executive Board SharePoint App

Specification, Design and Prototype of the SharePoint Solution with focus on Usability for the Members of the Executive Office. Goal to implement an Executive Board Meeting Tool to provide timeslots for speakers and export the realtime data to an editable file on Mobile devices.

Techniques used: HTML, JavaScript and Framworks (react.js, Jquery), CSS, SQL Server, C#, API, Search

01/2018 Wizdom Cloud Installation Office 365 / Azure

SharePoint Cloud / Azure Wizdom Installation with the Vendor and creating sample Data for validation, Administration of the SiteCollection for Users accessing the Interface as Editors, Visitors and Owners.

Techniques used: HTML, PowerShell, XML, CSS, HTML, SQL 2016

06/2017 - 08/2017 Workflow Server implementation

Evaluating and extending the SharePoint 2016 Environment with the SharePoint 2013 Workflow engine. The Rollout was done via a three tier(Production, Integration, Sandbox) multi location (GER, LUX) setup with evaluation of the User requirements.

Techniques used: Windows-Server 2016, SQL Server 2016, SharePoint 2016, Workflow Server 2013

12/2017 Reimburstment SharePoint

Architecture for reimbursements in the financial industry, related to day trading. Failed operations needed to be identified and validated by the Managing Directors of the Streams.

The Solution was created in JavaScript with the Support of SharePoint Workflow 2013 Engine.

Features: Cascading Listitems, Spreadsheet Import, Spreadsheet Copy and paste to Childitems, 4 Step approval for Parent Items and single disapproval for childitems.

11/2017 Document Governance for Audit

For an external Audit Documents had to be added to a Document lifecycle.

The lifecycle contains the following steps: Request Documents and MetaData by an Auditor, Internal Employees had to deliver all Documents regarding a specific Topic. These Documents then had been locked up for the Audit. KPI were defined for these Sets for the Stage of the Audit, these KPI have been visually upgraded by Microsoft Client Side Rendering (CSR) for the Users Dashboards.

The flow of the Document was designed with SharePoint Workflow 2016 for collecting feedback, locking document and releasing them.


10/2017 Process Manager SharePoint

SharePoint Solution for managing all Processes in the Company, all Processes needed to be validated from time to time via this solution. It is based on Javascript, Client Side Rendering, SharePoint Workflowengine 2013. 

The Processowner can define deputies, assistants and forward the task to them. All Processes where then shown in and overview for the Stakeholders of the company. The Document Lifecycle was managed via SharePoint, Workflows and User Interaction.

Techniques: HTML, JavaScript, Client Side Rendering, SharePoint Workflow 2013, SharePoint Document Lifecycle


06/2016 ? 04/2018 SharePoint Architecture Infrastructure

For an international Environemt a SharePoint 2016 environment was designed and validated with Microsoft Premier Services. The overall Architecture was based on the calculation of Lotus Notes Datastructure. The Usage went to Company relevant IT System and needed to be extend in Storage, Office WebApps and for the Intranet as well. 

SQL Server, Certificates,App server, Windowsserver, OfficeWebApps, Exchange

05/2017 - 07/2017 Planning and Rollout of Project Server 2016

Role: Architect

Projektinhalte: Before activating the Project Server feature on SharePoint 2016 the Environment needed to be validated regarding Capacity and Infrastructure. It was validated in a three-tier environment.

Only limited Users were able to access the Server regarding the company policy and license management.

No further customization was done, to use it in a default

Kenntnisse: 3-Tier Architektur, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, Microsoft Sharepoint, Microsoft Project Server, windows server, sql server

Eingesetzte Produkte: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

04/2017 ? Architecture SharePoint 2016 Hybrid

Next Step in the Project is the migration in the cloud partial as a hybrid cloud solution, to ensure the usage of Slack, Flow, Project server, Power Apps, JavaScript, OneDrive, Skype for business, Azure Ad and much more.

All Data is validated by Metadata and content before moved in the Cloud.

Test tenants are set up and the architecture for the Datacentres especially DMZ are validated.


07/2016 ? 05/2016 SharePoint / Office Governance

Defining the governance based on the features for applications, usage, guidelines, training, permissions, application management, developers and platform services.

On Demand the governance is design by use, a base governance has been defined in 07/2016 and is expanding based on the solutions, features and trainings.

Part of the governance guidelines have been solutions which have been developed ensuring the use of the governance concept (Permission, Audit, Provisioning, Update, Features and executive permission provisioning)


07/2016 ? 05/2017 ? Project Management and Architecture of Applications

As SharePoint Stream Lead the complete request, requirements and architecture was done. More than 50 Lotus Notes App have been evaluated regarding business process, data, functionality) including Architecture design, communication regarding future need and obsolete applications and process optimization.

As base solution, a JavaScript framework was created which provides the reuse of already done programming.

Depending on the need and availability to be run in the Cloud all solutions were designed to run in Office 365 or Hosted App in Azure.

The role contained responsibility for a team of four Developers, including communication with the requesting departments.

All solutions have been evaluated regarding documentation, quality of code, interface usage, provisioning and budget.

Techniques: C#, JavaScript, HTML, ASP.Net, Exchange, SharePoint 2016, API


08/2016 ? Launchpad Design SharePoint Hub

Providing a new front-page for SharePoint Apps as an alternative for the Lotus Notes tiles, a new Hub Page was development as an intranet out of the box Solution, providing search based content for the User.

The App was integrated in SharePoint and set as home page, providing: SharePoint Site Aggregation, Social Aggregation, OneDrive Aggregation

A future intranet Migration as Cloud based app is planned and will be the first available app in the cloud for the company.

Techniques: C#, Hosted Apps, ASP.Net, JavaScript, SharePoint API, SharePoint 2016


07/2016 ? Architecture SharePoint 2016 International Multi Farm Environment

For the migration from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Office 2016 and SharePoint 2016, a complete new Design of the Infrastructure has been done.

Based on the requirements of the Customers internal restrictions and international Laws, a SharePoint 2016 environment was Designed providing High Availability for all locations (Germany, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Prague, Chicago, Boston).

Solution: Four Tier SharePoint Farms on international Datacentres each including Mysites, Teamsites, Projectsites, Testsites, Office Online Server) ready to be run in a hybrid Office 365 environment. The Project was part of the Future Workplace and my architecture has been validated by Microsoft Germany. Tasks of this Project have been design of the software architecture, Hardware and virtual machine Design, storage consumption estimate, load balancing of the machines and data centre placement.


05-07/2016 ? Architecture and evaluation of Big Data Migration

Customers archives are going to be migrated into searchable documents, therefor all Documents are in progress being scanned and migrated on file shares. Since OCR was not an option due to age and quality of the documents the documents have been indexed and metadata was added manually.

As Solution, all scanned documents have been automatically migrated into SharePoint including the extracted Metadata. Responsible Departments have been informed based on the extracted information.


04/2016 ? Documentation and Scheduling

Documentation of the environment and setting up time and schedules for maintenance defined in the overall governance concept. The complete documentation was hand out to the CIO of the company for the future project progress.

Internal employees have been instructed about the application management and platform services.

02/2016 ? SharePoint Coworker training

Training new Application Management Employees for different Architectures and Software solutions in SharePoint, which includes a contract Management (Ecspand), Custom solutions, Provider based Solutions and Project Server with Addons (Campana & Schott).

01/2016 ? SharePoint publishing page navigation provider

Designing and implementing a custom Navigationprovider for SharePoint 2010 which automatically creates a 3 Tier fold out Menu on the Sidebar and a Megamenu on the top menu.

Techniques: C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Powershell

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013, SQL

12/2015 ? SharePoint roles and permission reorder

On Premise SharePoint environment was in need of a reorganization of the user?s permission and roles structure to fit in the new it-security governance, the solution was a Script which was scheduled and reorganized the complete permissions, from direct permissions to groups. This included creating new groups and permissions structure out of the script.

Techniques: SharePoint Webservices, HTML, Powershell, SQL

Software: Powershell, Visual Studio, Excel, SQL, SharePoint, Windows server.

11/2015 ? SharePoint 2013 autoinstall script for plattform

Setting up Autoinstallscripts for SharePoint 2013 in a Multifarm environment including a staging for Developers, Sandbox and Production, the Use case was for a customer?s SharePoint 2013 rollout on Premise.

Techniques: Powershell, SQL

Software: PowerGUI, SharePoint, Windows Server 2012, SQL Server

10/2015 ? Project Server Upgrades

Setting up Terminal servers for users who need to access Projectserver via Project-Professional. Access was granted for external Consultants and Employees who are Members of the Companies global Project Management organization.

Pre-Requisites for implementing the environment included restructuring the Active Directory and synchronization with Project Server.


Implementing features into the SharePoint like TASKs and Campaign sharing works in Office 365 and SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, JSOM, CSOM, Webservices, Javascript, JSON

Software: Visual Studio, Azure, Office 365, SharePoint 2013, MY, SQL Database


Implementing features into the Social CRM like Helpdesk Web FAQ, BI and Campaign sharing, also updating the solution package for onsite rollout.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, JSOM, CSOM, Webservices, Javascript, JSON

Software: Visual Studio, Azure, Office 365, SharePoint 2013, SQL Database


Variation of Dashboards in Excel based on SharePoint Content, WebAnalytics, Files and Structures a long with Useraccounts and Calendar data.

Techniques: Excel Services, Excel Dashboards, SharePoint Webservices, Powershell, VBA

Software: Excel 2010, SharePoint 2010   


Implementation of a central Infopathform Solution for CIO IT requests for the entire company, ordering Useraccounts, Fileshares, Printer or Mobiledevices.

Rollout has been Version 2 based on Infopath and Nintex Forms.

Techniques: Workflows, Formserver, Excel

Software: SharePoint 2010, Nintex 2010, Infopath 2010, Excel 2010, Powershell with PowerGui


Porting and Migrating SharePoint 2007 Web Applications into one SharePoint 2010 Webapplication with Enterprise Publishing features active.

Techniques: C#, HTML, JavaScript, Webservices, SQL, Powershell

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise) with Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Management Studio, Powershell, ASP.NET


Based on the SLA Limit for SharePoint Database Recovery, the content had to be reorganized for shrinking the Databases. Websites had to be ported into SiteCollections with custom Databases to enabled fallback and backup scenarios.

Techniques: Powershell, SQL

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise) with Windows Server 2008, SQL Managementstudio, PowerGUI, Custom Tool Development, Axceler


Corporate Governance for Sharepoint emergency and recovery scenarios, write up and concept for emergency recovery for a Multifarm environment based on SLA and and TQM processes.

Dynamic Spreadsheets for SharePoint and Server feature selection including guidance what to do.


03/2015 ? Project Server implementation

Deployment of Project-Server into the existing infrastructure with additional Solutions developed inhouse and by Campana & Schott Milestone aggregation. Tasks for success have been planning the environment, installing components (Reporting Server, Campana & Schott Databases and Solutions, Nintex for Projectserver).

Techniques: Powershell, SQL, HTML, Javascript and ASP.Net, Microsoft Active Directory

Software: SharePoint 2010, Projectserver, Windowsserver, Microsoft SQL, Campana&Schott Aggregation


Corporate Governance for SharePoint, user and permissions had to be cleaned up in over 200 Site collections and 4000 Websites. Corporate Governance based names for usergroups and permissionlevels had to be implemented along with structured user permissions.

Techniques: Powershell

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, PowerGUI


Together with a Microsoft Premier Field Engineer, I analyzed the SharePoint Environment for need of optimization and performance bottlenecks.

Techniques: C#, WebServices, Powershell,

Software: Microsoft Tools, SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, SQL Database


Software release management in SharePoint for the client software team, enabling software managers to maintain software versions and release rollouts via SharePoint management.

Techniques: C#, WebServices, XML, CSV, Workflows, Reporting, Business data connections (BDC)

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, InfoPath, Nintex 2010 Workflow



Post Migration Upgrade for hyperlinks in SharePoint, replacement of obsolete Urls in SharePoint and Documents.

Techniques: Powershell

Software: SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008, PowerGUI, Microsoft Office



Offline Synchronization from Client software to SharePoint via Web services. User exports from Client and Server Software to reporting Dashboards in SharePoint 2010. Server side software service which uploads File immediately after being placed in a drop off folder.

Techniques: C#, WebServices, XML, CSV, Cryptography

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008

08/2014 ? Social CRM Viral Connect for Sharepoint 2013 ON GOING

Personal Software, Complete Design and Solution for Microsoft SharePoint 2013 ? managing social network accounts out of SharePoint. Seamless integration of Facebook and Twitter into SharePoint for managing Campaigns, Followers and automating Posts from SharePoint Lists and Libraries.

Picked as Microsoft BizSpark PLUS StartUp in Germany.

Interfaces for other Software like Microsoft Dynamix are in development.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, JSON, XML, Services

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2013 (on Premise), And Windows Server 2008


Optimizing SharePoint Farms performance, by integrating Processes and Monitoring for the staging Environment.Nintex Database splitting for performance of SharePoints Workflow History lists including a development of a reporting tool for high readout workflows and automating the cleanup.

External Solution Analysis of deployed items and snooping for possible Code Issues and Security Violations.Consulting and training for SLA on new Deployment and Upgrade Management.

Techniques and Software: Powershell, Excel, .Net 3, Console Application, Nintex, SharePoint 2010, MS-SQL 2008

05/2014 ? Contract Management

Rollout of the D.Velop Ecspand Contract Management Suite in a four Tier Farm Architecture.

Integration of all Services including Nintex Custom Workflows for OCR, Contractual Architecture and SAP integration.

In behalf of D.Velop Vienna, Ecspand Germany as a Certified Ecspand Administrator.

Techniques and Software: Powershell, HTML, Javascript, Ecspand Contract Management, Ecspand OCR, Nintex


Architecture and execution of migrating SharePoint 2010 SiteCollections which have been high Risk for Datasize and Usage.

Included shrinking of SiteCollection Databases to several smaller Databases, Backup Management and reorganization of the SharePoint Databases, I analyzed and coordinated the Company departments Sites relocation.

Techniques: Powershell, MS-SQL, AAM, ManagedPath

Software: Axceler, MS Project, SharePoint 2010, MS-SQL, IIS

09/2013 ? Digitial EMployee Record SharePoint

Architected and implemented a personal record management system for employees, including a self-service for managing changes and requests from the Intranet based on SharePoint 2010.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, Webservices

Software: SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008, SAP, Microsoft Developer Tools

06/2013 ? sharepoint administration wizard

Architected, implemented and developed for 2010 a solution which redirects users based on their roles to custom SharePoint Layout pages. Landing Pages and Layout Pages can be deployed in Page Libraries and offer wizard functionality for User Management, Website Settings and Feature Mangement.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008


02/2013 ? Interface for an external domain

Architected and designed an interface for an external Domain implementation for SharePoint 2010.

Users can update their Domain Account Information to an external Profilestorage as a self-service, 

restricted to their own Profile. Solution integrates into any SharePoint Application updating the AD Account.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Microsoft Developer Tools, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

09/2012 ? Custom Publishingpages Migration to Sharepoint 2010 migration

Architecture of an Intranet solution in SharePoint 2010.

Quality Assurance of external Consultants and freelancers, pre Sales for the internal Marketing Department. After taking over the Migration Lead for the Publishingpages Intranet, I had to redefine the Project and resources. Farm background: SharePoint 2007 base functionality was removed with external Software which only used the Roles management. This Solution couldn?t be migrated; the goal was to write a set of Data mining tools for SharePoint 2007 which then migrate the old Content to new Farm.

Techniques: MS SQL, WebServices, C#, PowerShell

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2007 / 2010, Windows Server 2008

07/2012 ? Intranet Migration 2010 Preflight DatA AND Design

Design and development of a SharePoint 2010 Intranet Prototype as showcase for the CIO and CEO with modified Ribbon, Layouts and Contentautomatisation.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008,

11/2011 ? Migration DMS SharePoint

Migrating the companies SharePoint applications from 2007 to 2010. Migration included Workflows, Custom Solutions and customized Websites and SiteCollections

Techniques: C#, SQL, Winforms, PowerShell, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

09/2011 ? migration Tool development SharePoint

Several Tools have been developed for analyzing the SharePoint 2007 Farm after reaching the limits of PowerShell. Pre-Checks, Content Migrations, Cleanups and Database analysis have been developed without the need of Tools from 3rd Party Companies.

Techniques: C#, SQL, Winforms, PowerShell, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008,

08/2011 ? MOSS 2007 Newsletter SharePoint

Collaboration Plattform for creating Company internal Newsletters based on security status and roles.

Techniques: SharePoint 2007, Workflow engine Nintex, standard webparts


07/2011 ? Sharepoint 2010 ? Templating and custom layouts

Migration prerequisites development, as update for SharePoint 2010. Complete clean templates, Layouts, Workspaces MasterPage and CSS. Migrationtests, User Testing, User Seminars for SharePoint 2010

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, LayoutPages, Webparts, Nintex, XSLT

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

07/2011 ? My Profile peoplesearch extension SharePoint

PublishingPage Solution for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010

Users can edit their Profile WYSIWYG in the Peoplesearchcenter without having SharePoint MySites activated.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2007 / 2010, Windows Server 2008

06/2011 ? Contenttype and Template repair

Updating an existing Template in a SharePoint environment, redefining ContentTypes, Teamsites, meeting spaces and MasterPages.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

05/2011 ? Governance and DMS Infrastructure (Ongoing process)

Rise the user acceptance for IT Governance ? process and project has been active project for about 12 month based on Microsoft and companies internal guidelines.

Technical Solution: DMS Application Infrastructure reorganization and Searchcenter adjustment with PowerShell support for hierarchy movements. Essential Step in this Farm while migrating to 2010.

Techniques: C#, PowerShell

Software: Notepad, SharePoint 2007, Windows Server 2008,

04/2011 ? localization and implementation Nintex, bamboo

Preparing Bamboo Solutions for a German environment, translating the Resources writing user documentation.

Techniques: .Net

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008, Bamboo

04/2011 ? architecture and implementation IT Securityconcepts

Concept, Solution and Delivery of an IT Security publishing requirement. The Solution monitors the defined Period of updating concepts and requests approval for the Document sets. Approval is based on 10 different Roles in the departments and companies.

Techniques: C#, HTML, Javascript, Webservices

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008, Nintex

03/2011 ? contract management suite quality assurance and implementation

Solution Layout, Quality Assurance and User Seminars for an external contract Management Solution. In Collaboration with an external Consultant Agency, the Solution was designed and implemented for SharePoint 2007. The Application has been migrated to SharePoint 2010 later. Several Additions have been developed with the internal Change Request Process.

Techniques: MS SQL, WebServices, C#, Infopath, SAP

Software: Visual Studio, SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008

11/2008-2011 Renewment of IT infrastructure and collaboration

Company collaboration and governance integration.

Providing SharePoint 2007, processes, templates, workflows, ERP interface, ecommerce upgrade, Server infrastructure cost optimization, integrating external solution and service provider.

The Companies Fileshare, local shares and exchange shares have been moved into Structures with rights and roles in SharePoint. The ERP solution has been connected to an ecommerce storefront with a company cloud.

Several tools which integrate into SharePoint and Office have been developed or standards have been purchased.

01/2010|02/2011 ? ENTERPRISE eCommerce Storefront with ERP Integration

Enterprise eCommerce System including Templateengine, Development of the XHTML Framework and Modules in XSLT. Frontend and backend Programming, such as Imageprocessor Logics, ERP Integegration (KHK Sage) and AJAX for Shoppingcart and Images and detail pages.

WSI 3.0 for importing and exporting Products, or export Content to Social Networks. Full integration of Payment Providers, such as Ogone with DirectDebit, Creditcard processing (PCI Compliant).

Techniques: XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML, ASP.Net, C#,

Software:MSSQL, Visual Studio, Windows 2008 Server, GDI+, 

03/2010 ? Datascraper, Dataminer, Compare, History

Development of a Data Scraper which mines Content from other eCommerce Systems or Productfeeds.

Including a Watchdog for drastically Pricechanges. Base Classes for Migration onto other Cartsystems in .Net.

Techniques: Winforms, c#, MSSQL, XML, XSLT, RegEx, GDI+

Software: Visual Studio 2008, MSSQL 2008, XML, XSLT, Excel

01/2010 ? CMS Developing and Design

CMS Design and Templateengine, Development of the XHTML Framework including Modules in XSLT.

Contentinterface for Communities

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML

Software: JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Notepad++, Apache, GD-Lib  


02/2009 ? Portal Relaunch

Rebranding a Portal including new features for Pricelist and Customer Sign Up for a wholesaler.

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

12/2009 ? Magazin Relaunch

As internal Marketing Tool a 9 year old Website had to be rewritten to compete on other Pages. As it was most likely blog content a Core was taken and wrapper template engine was written to have a magazine style layout. Migration was made with a tool written in C# injecting the Data into the MySQL DB, including rewriting of Links and Image Galleries.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 T, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, MySQL, XML, CSV, PHP, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, .Net Framework 2.0, Notepad++

12/2009 ? Survey Tool with Administration

Survey tool was developed to create and deploy web based surveys to gather feedback from MAXS customers, it was written in C# - ASP.Net including SQL 2008 and XML. Template could be SQL or XML File with Questionnaire, customer answers where saved to file system as XML. Administration features Charts and Bars for analytics.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, XML, XSLT, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework 2.0

11/2009 ? eCommerce Wishlist engine

Integration of a Wishlistengine for a XMas Special. Customer where able to select a Product, define a custom Price and it to shoppingcart afterwards a Notification of that Order send to Salesteam.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, XML, WSI 3.0, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework 2.0

11/2009 ? CMS Upgrading

CMS Design and Templateengine, Development of the XHTML Framework including Modules in XSLT.

Contentinterface for Communities.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML

Software: JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Notepad++, Apache, GD-Lib

10/2009 ? eCommerce Administration 2.0

Classic ASP Storefront Software needed new features for Product Publishing, Social Communities and better Sales Analyzes.

Features: Reward Points management, Customer modification, Payment integration

Techniques: Classic ASP, MSSQL 2008, XHTML, Custom Logon User functionality, GDI, ASP.Net 2.0,

Software: IIS 5.0, Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL, Visual Studio 2008, XSLT, XML

09/2009 ? CMS Developing and Design

CMS Design und Templateengine for a Clubpage, Development of the XHTML Framework including Modules in XSLT. Photos were taken on location as well.

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, RSS, XSLT, XML

Software: JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Notepad++, Apache, GD-Lib

08/2009 ? Hardware and Software optimization

Based on loadout and usability a housed Server was configured including Hardware Firewall.

Features: Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework, Classic ASP, MSSql 2008, WSI 3.0, SSL Thawte, Cisco Hardware Firewall.

05-07/2010 Code & Performance optimization

Upgrading the Storefront based on VBS and HTML 4.0 Static content and controls where rewritten to dynamic controls. Optimization for 2001 based Website, needed to embed ASP.Net for standard functionality. The HTML 4.0

07/2009 ? MAXIES Administration

Classic ASP for deleting and updating reward points of customers. Reward points were created three weeks after a successfully placed order. Sales team can now create custom offers for customers to redeem reward points with products.

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASHX, ASP.Net 2.0, C#, Classic ASP

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2008, .Net Framework 2.0, VBS

07/2009 ? eCommerce Administration

Classic ASP Storefront Software needed new features for Product Publishing and small CMS functionality. Sales should be able to create Offers immediate and publish News.

Features: OnePage Offer Editing, AJAX Postbacks, Publishing and Unpublishing Versioning of Articles.

Techniques: MSSQL 2005, MSSQL 2008, Storedprocedures/Transact, ASP.Net 2.0, Classic ASP, JQuery, AJAX

Software: IIS 5.0, Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL, Visual Studio 2008, XSLT, XML

06/2009 ? Social media integration

Integrating Facebook API and Social Links into the Plattforms.

Techniques: HTML, Javascript, Facebook API, RSS

05/2009 ? Voucher Engine

Engine to generate Vouchers and validate it to Clients, Customers are informed via email notification. Used for promotion with Communities where customers could request these.

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 7.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

06/2009 ? Content Management

Migrating a .Net Blog engine including the Custom Template and integration to an existing Classic ASP Project ?Customer Portal?

Techniques: JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

05/2009 ? Newsletter with Contentinterface

Creating an API for a Storefront to export Data via WSI to a Newsletter Software, Image FTP, Product XML, later 2009 deploying for a Store Update.

Techniques: WSI, ASP.Net, C#, Classic ASP VBS

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2008, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

04/2009 ? ERP Interface Pricelistgenerating

Sales team was in need to generate Pricelist including information about Warehouse stock statistics, Price and Currency Analysis. The ERP (KHK Sage) should not be modified to inject any business logics, Winform logic based on Storedprocedures and direct SQL Access.

Features: Template Selection (e.g. $, ?, £), Export to CSV or Excel.

Techniques: MSSQL 2005, Storedprocedures/Transact, .Net 2.0, Winforms

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL, Visual Studio 2008, XML, Office 2007

04/2009 ? Storefront upgrading Classic ASP

Upgrading Databaselogic and performance on a Storefront written in Classic ASP, changing controls logic and Menutypes including Optimization of HTML and scripts.

Techniques: MSSQL 2000, Storedprocedures/Transact, VBS, Classic ASP

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL 2000, Notepad ++

03/2009 ? Payment Gateway integration and update

Perfomance and security tuning for a storefront, Session Share Logic between classic ASP and ASP.Net. Interface for Postbank Paysolution and Ogone on Serverside.

Techniques: MSSQL 2000, Storedprocedures/Transact, VBS, Classic ASP, C#, ASP.Net

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL 2000, Notepad ++

02/2009 ? ERP Data Migration into Storefronts

After an Update from our ASP of the ERP, we needed to update the SSIS Packages from former MSSQL 2000 to MS-SQL Integration Services. Creating SQL Transactions for Data Pumping and Scraping from local Servers to hosted Webservers.

Techniques: SQL, Storedprocedures/Transact

Software: Windowsserver 2003, MSSQL 2000, Notepad ++, MSSQL 2005, KHK Sage.

01/2009 ? Upgrading Social Plattforms, Communities, Portals

New Strategic Web Placements in Social networks such as Facebook, Studivz, Twitter, MySpace. Extending the Local Portals for new Brand Placements and collaborate harder with the Community.

11/2008 ? X-Mas Calender

24 Special offers had to be adverted via ecommerce Cart

Techniques: Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS 2.0, MSSQL, ASHX, ASP.Net 2.0, C#

Software: VisualStudio Professional 2005, IIS 6.0 , Windowsserver 2003, .Net Framework 2.0

2008 ? SharePoint: History Compare ? Consulting Company Germany

Publishing Page Version history comparison between Variants; Full Logic of Publishing Page, including Highlighting of History via Javascript.

Techniques: C#, SharePoint API, WebParts, Javascript

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)

2007/2008 ? SharePoint: Consulting Company Germany

Several Workshop with Customers, Presentation and technology fairs.

Software: SharePoint (WSS or MOSS) , Nintex, SharePointdesigner

2008 ? SharePoint: Workflows ? Consulting Company Germany

Fifteen Workflows for different Scenarios e.g. Application for leave, Office Material Orders

Techniques: XML, InfoPath, WWF, C#

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS) , Nintex, SharePoint designer

2008 ? SharePoint: Design Mods ? Consulting Company Germany

Custom Masterpage Addition to existing Pages.

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, CSS, JavaScript, SharePoint SDK, MasterPages,

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)

2008 ? SharePoint: LanguagePack ? Consulting Company Germany

Developed for the solution of Freudenberg Publishing Portal, I developed a LanguagePack which consists of 4 Modules:

    1. Language Splitter Page for users not signed in

    2. Language Redirection based on the language defined in the ActiveDirectory

    3. Language Dropdown on every Page to choose the language.

    4. Full Custom Localized ASPMenu extension, single entries can be positioned on Users

     ?rights in ActiveDirectory OrgUnits.

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SharePoint SDK, WebParts, MasterPages,

     ?SiteMapSources, ASPMenu Derivates

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)

2007 ? SharePoint: WebPart MyTools ? Consulting Company Germany

WebPart for creating a bookmark Flyout Menu which can be modified by the users (e.g. link to mysite, often used projects, documents etc.)

Important links are managed due central administrations by users Teamleads, these can?t be deleted or moved by the users. 

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SharePoint SDK, WebParts, MasterPages

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SharePoint (WSS or MOSS)


2006 / 2007 eCommerce Cart based on DashCommerce

Easy to administrate ecommerce cart, GDI+ integration for CI Integration, Ajax backend, XML Product and order export

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SMTP

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SQL 2005

2006 / 2007 ? eCommerce Cart based on DashCommerce

Dynamic Grafix with GDI+, Custom Navigation Provider, JQuery Integration, SKU Product Information Extension

Techniques: C#, ASP.NET 2.0, XML, JavaScript, SMTP, AJAX, JQuery

Software: IIS6, Server 2003, SQL 2005

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Microsoft SharePoint 2019 Microsoft SharePoint 2016 Microsoft SharePoint Online Microsoft Teams MS SQL Datenbanken MS SQL Server Nintex 2010 Nintex SDK Nintex Workflow Nintex Workflow-Engine PowerShell Windows Server Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2022 WebService SAP
C# HTML JavaScript ReactJS Angular React SPFx PowerShell Flow MS Power Apps InfoPath SQL XML ASP.NET WebService Nintex Workflow Nintex Workflow-Engine Web Api .NET 3.5 .NET 4.0 net core 6 Windows Forms



Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

SharePoint 2007
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
Microsoft Flow
Microsoft 365
SharePoint Online
Microsoft CoPilot
Visual Studio
Azure DevOps


Windows 10
Windows 11
Windows Server 2008-2022
Mac OS
Windows Server




Microsoft SQL Server


Cyberthreat Intelligence
TravelRisk Management







Public Sector / Government






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