ITSM Manager, ITIL Expert (sieben Zertifik), Rolloutmanager, Projektmanagement, IT Infrastruktur, Telekommunikation, ISO 27001, Stakeholder-Management
Aktualisiert am 19.12.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
Verfügbar ab: 02.01.2025
Verfügbar zu: 100%
davon vor Ort: 100%
Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters
sehr gute Kenntnisse



Nürnberg (+500km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



15 Jahre 9 Monate
2009-04 - heute

verschiedene Projekte

Interim- and Project Manager
Interim- and Project Manager
IT, Telekommunikation
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2023-01 - 2024-05


Global Rollout Manager Cisco 9300 Makro-Segmentierung Mikro-Segmentierung ...
Global Rollout Manager
  • Transformation des bestehenden LAN hin zu SDA-LAN für die globalen ca. 100 Top-Unternehmensstandorte.
  • Verantwortung für alle Schritte der Transformation: Analyse des bestehenden LAN?s inkl. Anwendungen und Hosts. Übertragung der Business-Anforderungen aus dem seitherigen LAN/rVLAN mittels Koordination der Makro-Segmentierung & Mikro-Segmentierung mit Business-IT, Architekten, IT-Security und IT-Compliance.
  • Projektplanung & Kapazitätsplanung, Projekt-Kommunikation, wöchentl. Projekt-Berichte
  • Multilevel Stakeholder-Management: zentrale IT, lokale IT-Infrastruktur (in den global verteilten Standorten), IT-Anwender aus den Fachabteilungen sowie Service-Provider-Management mit Nearshore- (PL, RO, SK, HU) und Offshore-Teams (Indien).
  • Projektsprache English.
Cisco 9300 Makro-Segmentierung Mikro-Segmentierung rVLAN SDA-LAN SD-WAN PMP PMI Atlassian JIRA DevOps MAB Authentication IT-Security Zero-Trust IT-Compliance
Siemens Healthineers AG
Erlangen, onsite & remote
9 Monate
2022-04 - 2022-12

CCT Transformation

Project Manager RfQ Stakeholder-Management
Project Manager RfQ
Transformation der bestehenden CCT (Call Center-Technologie) hin zu einem ?Call Center as a Service ? Modell (CCAS). Enge Kooperation und Koordination der Abläufe zwischen IT und dem Fachbereich Customer-Service und In-Service.
  • Definition der Anforderungen (technisch und funktional, Service, kaufmännisch)
  • Ausschreibung (RfQ)
  • Anbieter-Präsentationen (5 Anbieter) 
  • Deepdive-Sessions (vier Anbieter)
  • Vertragsverhandlungen mit 2 Anbietern für
    • Hauptvertrag (master service agreement MSA)
    • Anhängen (Cyber-Security & Datenschutz, BCM, Leistungsbeschreibung und Roadmap, Pönnale ? Regelung bei Zielverfehlung, etc.).
  • Implementierung des neuen Service durch den ausgewählten Anbieter
  • POC und Integrationstests nach Brands und Bereichen des Auftraggebers
  • Übergang in Live-Betrieb nach abgestimmtem Plan mit den verschiedenen Brands und nach Planung mit den Fachbereichen In-Service-Sales, B2C, B2B
Telefonica Germany
München & remote
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2019-01 - 2020-08

ITIL Change Management

Process- and project manager
Process- and project manager
  • ITIL Change Management in the program-stream ?processes and tools? within an outsourcing-program of the IT-infrastructure for a national health insurance company with 90k clients.
  • Managing all needed activities to adapt and establish the new IT-ChangeProcess across numerous project-streams and the new adapted and reorganised IT-line-organization. Complex communications structure in a matrix organization.
  • Delicate people management procedures because of changed, unused personal situation and fearfull thoughts of individuals.
  • Moderation of workshops to identify and eliminate old habits in a joint team of old staff and new provider.
  • Regular weekly reporting in a complex programreporting.
  • Assisting in PMI-project-management processes: time, budget, risk, people & vendor-management.
  • Owner of the stream-RAID-log. Reporting and meetings in German and English
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2017-11 - 2018-12

adidas global SD-WAN-rollout

Global Project Manager
Global Project Manager
  • Project-scope was the rollout of the SD-WAN network to reduce complexity and enhance capabilities as well as overall security by rolling-out cloud-security service.
  • Incumbent vendors: Orange Business Services and Vodafone in APAC.
  • New vendors are AT&T and SingTel in APAC.
  • Offshore service-unit Network-Operations with Infosys.
  • Nearshore project support in Bratislava/Slovakia.
  • In charge of all PMI-subprocesses over the 3 world-regions EMEA, APAC and Americas.
  • Managing and leading a team of 25 project-members with external and internal employees in a mixed matrix-organization from different business units.
  • Reports and meetings in English only.
Adidas AG
3 Monate
2017-09 - 2017-11

Datacenter relocation

Project manager
Project manager
  • Project manager in the program ?Datacenter relocation?: move of the coreapplication running on 700 servers (dedicated and virtual).
  • Stakeholdermanagement with business-units to coordinate activities according to an tight move-plan, steer and moderate business-alignment-meetings to pass move- prep-quality-gates, align technical changes and steer several IT-provider with different working-packages.
  • Reporting and meetings in English and German.
8 Monate
2016-07 - 2017-02


  • Process-manager in the program-stream ?processes and tools? for ?order-tocash? in an outsourcing program for a national health insurance company.
  • In charge of all activities across numerous project-streams to ensure the quality of all end-to-end workflows to ensure a proper and high-quality ordermanagement (add, move, change, delete), documentation and up to the invoicing.
  • Collaboration with quality-management to pass the quality gates.
  • Weekly reporting and meetings in German and English.
1 Jahr
2015-07 - 2016-06

Large outsourcing program for a global worldwide environment

  • Project-manager in a major outsourcing program for a global worldwide surrounding with five global data centers around the world and related services.
  • Management of implementation of VMware?s Cloud Integration Center.
  • In charge of all working packages to deliver this full digital service to enable the customer to use virtual server and applications with very short delivery times (SLA) of a few hours.
  • Manage a team of around 10 co-workers, architects and admin staff in a multinational, distributed surrounding.
  • Weekly reporting of progress and monthly budgetary report. Program language English.
1 Jahr
2014-05 - 2015-04

Rollout plan of a transport network based on MPLS

Project Manager
Project Manager
  • Rollout of IP-/MPLS-based transport network for LTE sites all over Germany.
  • Focus on time & budget management according to initial project plan.
  • Remove road-blockers resulting out of complex, permanent changing organization.
  • International coordination within global organization.

Main skills
  • Good technical background in IP-networks.
  • Excellent communication skills (German, English, Spanish) incl. workshops and presentations on working and executive level.
Telefónica Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2024-12 - 2024-12


Foundation, PECB Firebrand Training
PECB Firebrand Training

Information Security Management System


3 Jahre
2011-01 - 2013-12

ITIL Service Management Expert

ITIL university
ITIL university

Der ITIL Expert hat sieben Zertifikate mit folg. Schwerpunkten:

ITIL Foundation

Service Strategy

Service Develepment

Service Transition

Service Operation / Change Management

Managing Across Lifecycle

Continual Service Improvement

4 Jahre 10 Monate
1986-10 - 1991-07

Studium - Nachrichtentechnik/Telecommunications

Diplom/Diploma, Ostbayrische Technische Hochschule Regensburg/University of Applied Sciences
Ostbayrische Technische Hochschule Regensburg/University of Applied Sciences

Lasertechnik in der Telekommunikation

Diploma Thesis: Entwicklung von Halbleitern in GaAS-Technologie (Siemens/Infineon).


01/1988 ? 07/1988
Firma: AUDI AG, D-Ingolstadt
Working in the IT-Department of an multinational company.

02/1989 ? 07/1989
Firma: Telefunken Microelektronik GmbH (TEMIC)
Working in the R&D-department for automobile electrical and electronical components. Developping a circuit for measurement of disturbant signals in digital controls of automobile electronics.



Innovative, digitale Transition- & Transformations-Projekte mit hoher Komplexität in globalen Unternehmen mit Nearshore und Offshore-Service-Units
Branchen-übergreifend, da IT-Infrastruktur wie Strassenbau ist - darüber fahren viele verschiedene Fahrzeuge = Applikationen.




Transition & Transformation
IT Infrastruktur
Change Request Management
Atlassian JIRA
Azure Devops

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Management- and interpersonal skills
  • Moderation skills for customer-meetings, workshops, coaching of employees
  • Project-management following PMI - methodology
  • Effective stakeholder-management and communication on senior management and engineer-level
  • Longterm experience in consultative sales to enterprises and public entities
  • Widespread personal network in the German/European datacom-market
  • Budget- and goal-oriented team-management and staff-motivation based on individual, methodical motivation-requirements
  • Skilled in technical and business/economical know-how
  • High commitment, personal engagement & envolvement.
  • Superior relationship-building abilities to decision makers & decision influencers.
  • Outstanding presentation, communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Track record of success in exceeding performance goals in terms of revenue, customer satisfaction and ownership of territory.
  • Well-structured; cross-functional collaboration skills with internal departments (marketing, productmanagement, customer-service, controlling, legal, purchase) leading introduction and improvement of internal procedures, processes, interfaces. Good knowledge of German legal contract regulations.

Technical & Computer Skills
  • Detailled knowledge of protocols and architecture of data- and voicecommunication in public and private networks (LAN/MAN/WAN): IP-MPLS, internet & tunneling, security/firewall services, x-DSL-technology, cloudcomputing, managed services.
  • Power-user of MS-Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook) Reliable personal networks in social internetcommunities (Linkedin, XING)

Other activities

01/1988 ? 07/1988
Firma: AUDI AG, D-Ingolstadt
Working in the IT-Department of an multinational company.

02/1989 ? 07/1989
Firma: Telefunken Microelektronik GmbH (TEMIC)
Working in the R&D-department for automobile electrical and electronical components. Developping a circuit for measurement of disturbant signals in digital controls of automobile electronics.



Global Enterprises: adidas, Siemens Healthineers, E.ON, ThyssenKrupp, Continental

IT-Serviceprovider T-Systems International, gkvi (AOK), ITSCare (AOK)

Telekommunikation / Telecommunication provider: Telefonica, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom



Nürnberg (+500km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



15 Jahre 9 Monate
2009-04 - heute

verschiedene Projekte

Interim- and Project Manager
Interim- and Project Manager
IT, Telekommunikation
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2023-01 - 2024-05


Global Rollout Manager Cisco 9300 Makro-Segmentierung Mikro-Segmentierung ...
Global Rollout Manager
  • Transformation des bestehenden LAN hin zu SDA-LAN für die globalen ca. 100 Top-Unternehmensstandorte.
  • Verantwortung für alle Schritte der Transformation: Analyse des bestehenden LAN?s inkl. Anwendungen und Hosts. Übertragung der Business-Anforderungen aus dem seitherigen LAN/rVLAN mittels Koordination der Makro-Segmentierung & Mikro-Segmentierung mit Business-IT, Architekten, IT-Security und IT-Compliance.
  • Projektplanung & Kapazitätsplanung, Projekt-Kommunikation, wöchentl. Projekt-Berichte
  • Multilevel Stakeholder-Management: zentrale IT, lokale IT-Infrastruktur (in den global verteilten Standorten), IT-Anwender aus den Fachabteilungen sowie Service-Provider-Management mit Nearshore- (PL, RO, SK, HU) und Offshore-Teams (Indien).
  • Projektsprache English.
Cisco 9300 Makro-Segmentierung Mikro-Segmentierung rVLAN SDA-LAN SD-WAN PMP PMI Atlassian JIRA DevOps MAB Authentication IT-Security Zero-Trust IT-Compliance
Siemens Healthineers AG
Erlangen, onsite & remote
9 Monate
2022-04 - 2022-12

CCT Transformation

Project Manager RfQ Stakeholder-Management
Project Manager RfQ
Transformation der bestehenden CCT (Call Center-Technologie) hin zu einem ?Call Center as a Service ? Modell (CCAS). Enge Kooperation und Koordination der Abläufe zwischen IT und dem Fachbereich Customer-Service und In-Service.
  • Definition der Anforderungen (technisch und funktional, Service, kaufmännisch)
  • Ausschreibung (RfQ)
  • Anbieter-Präsentationen (5 Anbieter) 
  • Deepdive-Sessions (vier Anbieter)
  • Vertragsverhandlungen mit 2 Anbietern für
    • Hauptvertrag (master service agreement MSA)
    • Anhängen (Cyber-Security & Datenschutz, BCM, Leistungsbeschreibung und Roadmap, Pönnale ? Regelung bei Zielverfehlung, etc.).
  • Implementierung des neuen Service durch den ausgewählten Anbieter
  • POC und Integrationstests nach Brands und Bereichen des Auftraggebers
  • Übergang in Live-Betrieb nach abgestimmtem Plan mit den verschiedenen Brands und nach Planung mit den Fachbereichen In-Service-Sales, B2C, B2B
Telefonica Germany
München & remote
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2019-01 - 2020-08

ITIL Change Management

Process- and project manager
Process- and project manager
  • ITIL Change Management in the program-stream ?processes and tools? within an outsourcing-program of the IT-infrastructure for a national health insurance company with 90k clients.
  • Managing all needed activities to adapt and establish the new IT-ChangeProcess across numerous project-streams and the new adapted and reorganised IT-line-organization. Complex communications structure in a matrix organization.
  • Delicate people management procedures because of changed, unused personal situation and fearfull thoughts of individuals.
  • Moderation of workshops to identify and eliminate old habits in a joint team of old staff and new provider.
  • Regular weekly reporting in a complex programreporting.
  • Assisting in PMI-project-management processes: time, budget, risk, people & vendor-management.
  • Owner of the stream-RAID-log. Reporting and meetings in German and English
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2017-11 - 2018-12

adidas global SD-WAN-rollout

Global Project Manager
Global Project Manager
  • Project-scope was the rollout of the SD-WAN network to reduce complexity and enhance capabilities as well as overall security by rolling-out cloud-security service.
  • Incumbent vendors: Orange Business Services and Vodafone in APAC.
  • New vendors are AT&T and SingTel in APAC.
  • Offshore service-unit Network-Operations with Infosys.
  • Nearshore project support in Bratislava/Slovakia.
  • In charge of all PMI-subprocesses over the 3 world-regions EMEA, APAC and Americas.
  • Managing and leading a team of 25 project-members with external and internal employees in a mixed matrix-organization from different business units.
  • Reports and meetings in English only.
Adidas AG
3 Monate
2017-09 - 2017-11

Datacenter relocation

Project manager
Project manager
  • Project manager in the program ?Datacenter relocation?: move of the coreapplication running on 700 servers (dedicated and virtual).
  • Stakeholdermanagement with business-units to coordinate activities according to an tight move-plan, steer and moderate business-alignment-meetings to pass move- prep-quality-gates, align technical changes and steer several IT-provider with different working-packages.
  • Reporting and meetings in English and German.
8 Monate
2016-07 - 2017-02


  • Process-manager in the program-stream ?processes and tools? for ?order-tocash? in an outsourcing program for a national health insurance company.
  • In charge of all activities across numerous project-streams to ensure the quality of all end-to-end workflows to ensure a proper and high-quality ordermanagement (add, move, change, delete), documentation and up to the invoicing.
  • Collaboration with quality-management to pass the quality gates.
  • Weekly reporting and meetings in German and English.
1 Jahr
2015-07 - 2016-06

Large outsourcing program for a global worldwide environment

  • Project-manager in a major outsourcing program for a global worldwide surrounding with five global data centers around the world and related services.
  • Management of implementation of VMware?s Cloud Integration Center.
  • In charge of all working packages to deliver this full digital service to enable the customer to use virtual server and applications with very short delivery times (SLA) of a few hours.
  • Manage a team of around 10 co-workers, architects and admin staff in a multinational, distributed surrounding.
  • Weekly reporting of progress and monthly budgetary report. Program language English.
1 Jahr
2014-05 - 2015-04

Rollout plan of a transport network based on MPLS

Project Manager
Project Manager
  • Rollout of IP-/MPLS-based transport network for LTE sites all over Germany.
  • Focus on time & budget management according to initial project plan.
  • Remove road-blockers resulting out of complex, permanent changing organization.
  • International coordination within global organization.

Main skills
  • Good technical background in IP-networks.
  • Excellent communication skills (German, English, Spanish) incl. workshops and presentations on working and executive level.
Telefónica Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2024-12 - 2024-12


Foundation, PECB Firebrand Training
PECB Firebrand Training

Information Security Management System


3 Jahre
2011-01 - 2013-12

ITIL Service Management Expert

ITIL university
ITIL university

Der ITIL Expert hat sieben Zertifikate mit folg. Schwerpunkten:

ITIL Foundation

Service Strategy

Service Develepment

Service Transition

Service Operation / Change Management

Managing Across Lifecycle

Continual Service Improvement

4 Jahre 10 Monate
1986-10 - 1991-07

Studium - Nachrichtentechnik/Telecommunications

Diplom/Diploma, Ostbayrische Technische Hochschule Regensburg/University of Applied Sciences
Ostbayrische Technische Hochschule Regensburg/University of Applied Sciences

Lasertechnik in der Telekommunikation

Diploma Thesis: Entwicklung von Halbleitern in GaAS-Technologie (Siemens/Infineon).


01/1988 ? 07/1988
Firma: AUDI AG, D-Ingolstadt
Working in the IT-Department of an multinational company.

02/1989 ? 07/1989
Firma: Telefunken Microelektronik GmbH (TEMIC)
Working in the R&D-department for automobile electrical and electronical components. Developping a circuit for measurement of disturbant signals in digital controls of automobile electronics.



Innovative, digitale Transition- & Transformations-Projekte mit hoher Komplexität in globalen Unternehmen mit Nearshore und Offshore-Service-Units
Branchen-übergreifend, da IT-Infrastruktur wie Strassenbau ist - darüber fahren viele verschiedene Fahrzeuge = Applikationen.




Transition & Transformation
IT Infrastruktur
Change Request Management
Atlassian JIRA
Azure Devops

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Management- and interpersonal skills
  • Moderation skills for customer-meetings, workshops, coaching of employees
  • Project-management following PMI - methodology
  • Effective stakeholder-management and communication on senior management and engineer-level
  • Longterm experience in consultative sales to enterprises and public entities
  • Widespread personal network in the German/European datacom-market
  • Budget- and goal-oriented team-management and staff-motivation based on individual, methodical motivation-requirements
  • Skilled in technical and business/economical know-how
  • High commitment, personal engagement & envolvement.
  • Superior relationship-building abilities to decision makers & decision influencers.
  • Outstanding presentation, communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Track record of success in exceeding performance goals in terms of revenue, customer satisfaction and ownership of territory.
  • Well-structured; cross-functional collaboration skills with internal departments (marketing, productmanagement, customer-service, controlling, legal, purchase) leading introduction and improvement of internal procedures, processes, interfaces. Good knowledge of German legal contract regulations.

Technical & Computer Skills
  • Detailled knowledge of protocols and architecture of data- and voicecommunication in public and private networks (LAN/MAN/WAN): IP-MPLS, internet & tunneling, security/firewall services, x-DSL-technology, cloudcomputing, managed services.
  • Power-user of MS-Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook) Reliable personal networks in social internetcommunities (Linkedin, XING)

Other activities

01/1988 ? 07/1988
Firma: AUDI AG, D-Ingolstadt
Working in the IT-Department of an multinational company.

02/1989 ? 07/1989
Firma: Telefunken Microelektronik GmbH (TEMIC)
Working in the R&D-department for automobile electrical and electronical components. Developping a circuit for measurement of disturbant signals in digital controls of automobile electronics.



Global Enterprises: adidas, Siemens Healthineers, E.ON, ThyssenKrupp, Continental

IT-Serviceprovider T-Systems International, gkvi (AOK), ITSCare (AOK)

Telekommunikation / Telecommunication provider: Telefonica, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom

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