Senior Android Developer mit Erfahrung in sehr großen Projekten mit Hunderttausenden von täglichen Nutzern.
Aktualisiert am 20.04.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 01.07.2025
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davon vor Ort: 80%
Mobile Apps
Agile Softwareentwicklung



Hamburg (+50km) Cologne (+50km)



9 Jahre 11 Monate
2014-10 - heute

Gym Tracking App

  • Main Features
    • Workout planning & tracking
    • Custom workout & exercise creation
  • Technical Features
    • Local Data Storage via Realm
    • Remote Data synchronization via Firebase Realtime Database
    • Login Flow
    • Payment Flow
    • Analytics
  • Architectures used: MVP, MVVM
Kotlin RxJava2 Coroutines Glide MockK Robolectric JUnit Firebase Realtime Database Dagger2 Kaspresso Google Billing
2 Jahre 11 Monate
2021-04 - 2024-02

Hybrid Shopping App

Android Platform Lead Android Mobile Apps Kotlin ...
Android Platform Lead
  • Drive bigger architecture refactoring?s and developer experience
  • Responsibility for und further development of tech roadmap together with the team
  • Build up Android platform team
  • Moderation of Android platform meetings
  • Planning and consultation with feature development teams
  • Recruiting interviews (general & technical interviews)

  • Automation of development best practices & rules
  • Mainly via detect & lint
  • Reduction of developer errors for certain architecture and reactive patterns
  • Made refactoring needs more transparent
  • Responsibility for planning & partially execution
  • Refactoring of integration test setup 
  • Refactoring of complete test setup from espresso to kaspresso with additional layer to reduce flaky test count
  • Decreased test CI runtimes from 45min to 15 min
  • Result: Minimized flakiness & improvement of success rate from 60% to 99%
  • Implementation of new OAuth authentication via PKCE flow
  • Responsibility for planning & most of the execution
CircleCI AWS Lambda EC2 Docker DynamoDB CloudFormation S3 CloudWatch Elastic Dagger2 RxJava2 Glide Kotlin MockK Robolectric Espresso Retrofit OkHttp Moshi Jetpack Compose Coroutines Kaspresso JUnit detekt lint Koi MVVM
Android Mobile Apps Kotlin Java Softwarearchitektur Continuous Integration
Otto GmbH & Co KG
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2020-01 - 2021-04

Hybrid Shopping App

Senior Android Developer Android Mobile Apps Kotlin ...
Senior Android Developer
  • Mostly working on technical and architecture topics inside a feature team
  • Support of other feature teams for feature concepts
  • Work on technical roadmap and backlog
  • Mentoring
  • Recruiting Interviews (general & technical interviews)

  • Build new native shop start page from scratch
  • Different tile types based on JSON configuration provided by backend
  • Partial responsibility for planning & execution
  • Increased customer engagement with new start page
  • Dagger 1 to Dagger 2 Migration including integration test setup
  • Completely responsible for planning & execution
CircleCI AWS Lambda EC2 Docker DynamoDB CloudFormation S3 CloudWatch Elastic Dagger2 RxJava2 Glide Kotlin MockK Robolectric Espresso Retrofit OkHttp Moshi Kaspresso JUnit detekt lint Koin MVVM
Android Mobile Apps Kotlin Java Agile Softwareentwicklung Continuous Integration Scrum Kanban
Otto GmbH & Co KG
1 Jahr 3 Monate
2018-11 - 2020-01

Mobility Platform App

Android Developer - Kotlin / Java
Android Developer - Kotlin / Java
Mobility Platform App, whitelabel, Multiple mobility service providers per customer. >500.000 User.
  • Developer in the mobility framework team (platform team)
  • Responsible for complete app architecture that is not specific to a mobility service
  • Support other teams in integrating major features (e.g. in search or user account)
  • Responsibility for release process
  • Improve release process automation with fastlane


  • Rebuild complete app navigation (NavigationDrawer ? BottomNavigation)
  • Implementation of new deeplink architecture
  • Rebuild authentication with OAuth2.0
  • Build Android instrumentation test setup with Firebase Test Lab
MVP MVVM Dagger2 RxJava2 RxBindings Picasso Kotlin / Java AndroidX MapBox Mockito Robolectric Espresso Firebase Realtime Database Retrofit2 Room PhraseApp NewRelic TeamCity (CI) AWS EC2 fastlane
moovel GmbH (merge to Reach NOW, then mobimeo)
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2017-03 - 2018-11

Hybrid Shopping App

Software Developer Mobile - Java / Android
Software Developer Mobile - Java / Android
  • Conception and implementation of new Android features
  • Migration, maintenance and further development of Apps-Backend Services (Microservices / Docker / AWS)
  • Improve Android test automation
  • Participation in the product development process, e.g., in discoveries on various topics

  • Build completely new native start page
  • Including new backend services & data collection via backend APIs
  • Resulting in CTR and other business KPIs significantly improved
Dagger1 RxJava1 Picasso DataBinding Java Retrofit2 Mockito Espresso Git EventBus CloudFormation EC2 Lambda API Gateway S3 CloudWatch VPC API-Gateway Jenkins CodeBuild Kibana
Otto GmbH & Co KG
2 Jahre
2015-03 - 2017-02

HR Platform for Applicant Management and Onboarding, SaaS/web application

Team Lead & Developer ? Web
Team Lead & Developer ? Web
  • Team Lead (team size: 5 people)
  • Control of parallel software development projects (resources, quality, deadlines)
  • Communication with project management, service providers and customers
  • Development and coordination of team goals
  • Annual performance reviews
  • Regular employee feedback meetings
  • Recruiting interviews


  • Optimization of the test strategy of the core library and increase of test automation
  • Main tasks as developer similar to => ?Developer ? Web, 11.2013 ? 03.2015?
Perl Groovy React (from 2015)
d.vinci HR-Systems GmbH
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2013-11 - 2015-03

HR Platform for Applicant Management and Onboarding, SaaS/web application

Developer ? Web
Developer ? Web
  • Responsibility for the technical implementation of migration and new customer projects
  • Analysis of existing systems
  • Conception, communication and implementation of new APIs
  • Support of application development, IT admin and customer support
  • Planning and implementation of new features
  • Implementation of development processes in for quality optimization
  • Mentoring of new employees


  • Implementation of a tool for partial automation of database migrations
  • Process optimization of the implementation of new customer projects and migrations

Perl Groovy React (from 2015)
d.vinci HR-Systems GmbH
4 Jahre 1 Monat
2009-11 - 2013-11

HR Platform for Applicant Management and Onboarding, SaaS/web application

Working Student ? Developer ? Web
Working Student ? Developer ? Web
  • Software Developer, later Team Lead Students
  • Planning and implementation of new features
  • Communication with project management, service providers and customers
  • Training and coaching of new student employees
  • Responsibility for the technical implementation of new customer projects
  • Languages: Perl
d.vinci HR-Systems GmbH

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

4 Jahre 3 Monate
2009-10 - 2013-12

Master of Science Computer Science

University of Hamburg
University of Hamburg
  • Architecture and Design of IT Systems (AGIS)
  • Complex Distributed Systems (KVS)
  • Thesis on Request
  • Technologies: Python (Framework Flask, among others with SQLAlchemy, WTForms, Scrypt), MariaDB, Linux/Ubuntu, Bootstrap, Microsoft Visio 2010
  • Grade: 1,0
  • Overall grade: 1.9
3 Jahre 1 Monat
2006-10 - 2009-10

Bachelor of Science Computer Science

University of Lüneburg
University of Lüneburg
  • Applied Computer Science
  • Thesis on Request
  • Grade: 1,7
  • Overall grade: 2,2




Android Mobile Apps Kotlin Java Applikationsarchitektur Agile Softwareentwicklung

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

I am a Senior Android Developer especially interested in delivering large-scale, high-quality Android projects. My past projects allowed me to drive innovation and quality in apps with hundreds of thousands of daily users. I am passionate about improving best practices for developers and work on the system architecture. Working with cross-functional teams and being involved from ideation to delivery is something I enjoy.


  • Android:
    • Architecture: MVVM, MVP
    • Concurrency: RxJava2, Coroutines
    • Data: Realm, Room, Firebase Realtime Database, Retrofit, OkHttp, Moshi
    • Injection: Dagger, Koin
    • I18n: PhraseApp
    • Image: Glide, Picasso
    • Map: MapBox
    • Quality: Espresso, Kaspresso, Junit, MockK, Robolectric, Mockito, Detekt, JUnit, lint
  • Backend: AWS (Lambda, EC2, Docker, DynamoDB, CloudFormation, S3, CloudWatch)
  • Build: CircleCI, SauceLabs, GitHub Actions, CodeBuild, TeamCity, Jenkins
  • Ops: Elastic, New Relic
  • Soft skills: Mentoring, Platform Lead, Team Lead



Hamburg (+50km) Cologne (+50km)



9 Jahre 11 Monate
2014-10 - heute

Gym Tracking App

  • Main Features
    • Workout planning & tracking
    • Custom workout & exercise creation
  • Technical Features
    • Local Data Storage via Realm
    • Remote Data synchronization via Firebase Realtime Database
    • Login Flow
    • Payment Flow
    • Analytics
  • Architectures used: MVP, MVVM
Kotlin RxJava2 Coroutines Glide MockK Robolectric JUnit Firebase Realtime Database Dagger2 Kaspresso Google Billing
2 Jahre 11 Monate
2021-04 - 2024-02

Hybrid Shopping App

Android Platform Lead Android Mobile Apps Kotlin ...
Android Platform Lead
  • Drive bigger architecture refactoring?s and developer experience
  • Responsibility for und further development of tech roadmap together with the team
  • Build up Android platform team
  • Moderation of Android platform meetings
  • Planning and consultation with feature development teams
  • Recruiting interviews (general & technical interviews)

  • Automation of development best practices & rules
  • Mainly via detect & lint
  • Reduction of developer errors for certain architecture and reactive patterns
  • Made refactoring needs more transparent
  • Responsibility for planning & partially execution
  • Refactoring of integration test setup 
  • Refactoring of complete test setup from espresso to kaspresso with additional layer to reduce flaky test count
  • Decreased test CI runtimes from 45min to 15 min
  • Result: Minimized flakiness & improvement of success rate from 60% to 99%
  • Implementation of new OAuth authentication via PKCE flow
  • Responsibility for planning & most of the execution
CircleCI AWS Lambda EC2 Docker DynamoDB CloudFormation S3 CloudWatch Elastic Dagger2 RxJava2 Glide Kotlin MockK Robolectric Espresso Retrofit OkHttp Moshi Jetpack Compose Coroutines Kaspresso JUnit detekt lint Koi MVVM
Android Mobile Apps Kotlin Java Softwarearchitektur Continuous Integration
Otto GmbH & Co KG
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2020-01 - 2021-04

Hybrid Shopping App

Senior Android Developer Android Mobile Apps Kotlin ...
Senior Android Developer
  • Mostly working on technical and architecture topics inside a feature team
  • Support of other feature teams for feature concepts
  • Work on technical roadmap and backlog
  • Mentoring
  • Recruiting Interviews (general & technical interviews)

  • Build new native shop start page from scratch
  • Different tile types based on JSON configuration provided by backend
  • Partial responsibility for planning & execution
  • Increased customer engagement with new start page
  • Dagger 1 to Dagger 2 Migration including integration test setup
  • Completely responsible for planning & execution
CircleCI AWS Lambda EC2 Docker DynamoDB CloudFormation S3 CloudWatch Elastic Dagger2 RxJava2 Glide Kotlin MockK Robolectric Espresso Retrofit OkHttp Moshi Kaspresso JUnit detekt lint Koin MVVM
Android Mobile Apps Kotlin Java Agile Softwareentwicklung Continuous Integration Scrum Kanban
Otto GmbH & Co KG
1 Jahr 3 Monate
2018-11 - 2020-01

Mobility Platform App

Android Developer - Kotlin / Java
Android Developer - Kotlin / Java
Mobility Platform App, whitelabel, Multiple mobility service providers per customer. >500.000 User.
  • Developer in the mobility framework team (platform team)
  • Responsible for complete app architecture that is not specific to a mobility service
  • Support other teams in integrating major features (e.g. in search or user account)
  • Responsibility for release process
  • Improve release process automation with fastlane


  • Rebuild complete app navigation (NavigationDrawer ? BottomNavigation)
  • Implementation of new deeplink architecture
  • Rebuild authentication with OAuth2.0
  • Build Android instrumentation test setup with Firebase Test Lab
MVP MVVM Dagger2 RxJava2 RxBindings Picasso Kotlin / Java AndroidX MapBox Mockito Robolectric Espresso Firebase Realtime Database Retrofit2 Room PhraseApp NewRelic TeamCity (CI) AWS EC2 fastlane
moovel GmbH (merge to Reach NOW, then mobimeo)
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2017-03 - 2018-11

Hybrid Shopping App

Software Developer Mobile - Java / Android
Software Developer Mobile - Java / Android
  • Conception and implementation of new Android features
  • Migration, maintenance and further development of Apps-Backend Services (Microservices / Docker / AWS)
  • Improve Android test automation
  • Participation in the product development process, e.g., in discoveries on various topics

  • Build completely new native start page
  • Including new backend services & data collection via backend APIs
  • Resulting in CTR and other business KPIs significantly improved
Dagger1 RxJava1 Picasso DataBinding Java Retrofit2 Mockito Espresso Git EventBus CloudFormation EC2 Lambda API Gateway S3 CloudWatch VPC API-Gateway Jenkins CodeBuild Kibana
Otto GmbH & Co KG
2 Jahre
2015-03 - 2017-02

HR Platform for Applicant Management and Onboarding, SaaS/web application

Team Lead & Developer ? Web
Team Lead & Developer ? Web
  • Team Lead (team size: 5 people)
  • Control of parallel software development projects (resources, quality, deadlines)
  • Communication with project management, service providers and customers
  • Development and coordination of team goals
  • Annual performance reviews
  • Regular employee feedback meetings
  • Recruiting interviews


  • Optimization of the test strategy of the core library and increase of test automation
  • Main tasks as developer similar to => ?Developer ? Web, 11.2013 ? 03.2015?
Perl Groovy React (from 2015)
d.vinci HR-Systems GmbH
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2013-11 - 2015-03

HR Platform for Applicant Management and Onboarding, SaaS/web application

Developer ? Web
Developer ? Web
  • Responsibility for the technical implementation of migration and new customer projects
  • Analysis of existing systems
  • Conception, communication and implementation of new APIs
  • Support of application development, IT admin and customer support
  • Planning and implementation of new features
  • Implementation of development processes in for quality optimization
  • Mentoring of new employees


  • Implementation of a tool for partial automation of database migrations
  • Process optimization of the implementation of new customer projects and migrations

Perl Groovy React (from 2015)
d.vinci HR-Systems GmbH
4 Jahre 1 Monat
2009-11 - 2013-11

HR Platform for Applicant Management and Onboarding, SaaS/web application

Working Student ? Developer ? Web
Working Student ? Developer ? Web
  • Software Developer, later Team Lead Students
  • Planning and implementation of new features
  • Communication with project management, service providers and customers
  • Training and coaching of new student employees
  • Responsibility for the technical implementation of new customer projects
  • Languages: Perl
d.vinci HR-Systems GmbH

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

4 Jahre 3 Monate
2009-10 - 2013-12

Master of Science Computer Science

University of Hamburg
University of Hamburg
  • Architecture and Design of IT Systems (AGIS)
  • Complex Distributed Systems (KVS)
  • Thesis on Request
  • Technologies: Python (Framework Flask, among others with SQLAlchemy, WTForms, Scrypt), MariaDB, Linux/Ubuntu, Bootstrap, Microsoft Visio 2010
  • Grade: 1,0
  • Overall grade: 1.9
3 Jahre 1 Monat
2006-10 - 2009-10

Bachelor of Science Computer Science

University of Lüneburg
University of Lüneburg
  • Applied Computer Science
  • Thesis on Request
  • Grade: 1,7
  • Overall grade: 2,2




Android Mobile Apps Kotlin Java Applikationsarchitektur Agile Softwareentwicklung

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

I am a Senior Android Developer especially interested in delivering large-scale, high-quality Android projects. My past projects allowed me to drive innovation and quality in apps with hundreds of thousands of daily users. I am passionate about improving best practices for developers and work on the system architecture. Working with cross-functional teams and being involved from ideation to delivery is something I enjoy.


  • Android:
    • Architecture: MVVM, MVP
    • Concurrency: RxJava2, Coroutines
    • Data: Realm, Room, Firebase Realtime Database, Retrofit, OkHttp, Moshi
    • Injection: Dagger, Koin
    • I18n: PhraseApp
    • Image: Glide, Picasso
    • Map: MapBox
    • Quality: Espresso, Kaspresso, Junit, MockK, Robolectric, Mockito, Detekt, JUnit, lint
  • Backend: AWS (Lambda, EC2, Docker, DynamoDB, CloudFormation, S3, CloudWatch)
  • Build: CircleCI, SauceLabs, GitHub Actions, CodeBuild, TeamCity, Jenkins
  • Ops: Elastic, New Relic
  • Soft skills: Mentoring, Platform Lead, Team Lead

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