Solution Architekt Telecommunications, 5G, FRMCS, OSS, SDN, NFV, Cloud, ePC, IMS, SIP, VoIP
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Solution Architect
5G Architekt
Mission Critical Communication



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich
nicht möglich



2 years 1 month
2022-08 - now

End-End Quality of Service management

Solution Architect/Subject Matter Expert 5GS (Radio & Core) IMS FRMCS ...
Solution Architect/Subject Matter Expert
FRMCS ETSI standardization is ongoing. Different areas like End-End Quality of Service
management, Session Continuity, Border Crossing, Latency are very crucial for the trains

mobility within a country as well as across the Europe

  • As subject matter expert, my role is to prepare solutions to address different areas, to present them to the internal Stake holders and then to contribute and present those solutions in the ETSI meetings to other Stakeholders.
  • The same way, to validate the proposed solutions in the ETSI meetings, engaging the internal Stakeholders and building a Viewpoint from my client

5GS (Radio & Core) IMS FRMCS Mission Critical Services Systems (MCX) SIP
International Railways Operator
6 years
2018-09 - now

Introduction of 4x4 MIMO in Radio Network planning Tools ? STOV & Atoll

Solution Architect, Requirements Analyst MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...
Solution Architect, Requirements Analyst

At the moment the Radio Network planning the sectors and cells can only be associated to a port of a Single Antenna. The Antenna ?Ports are not documented in Radio Network Planning tools either.

  • With the introduction of Multi-MIMO, the Planning tools should be able to
    • To support two or more antennas for one sector with a 4x4 over higher MIMO configuration.
  • Introduction of Antenna Ports
  • Automatic Assigning of Sectors to the correct available antenna port ? Supporting the given Frequency band.
  • Data Migration of all existing Antenna Configurations
  • Requirement Analysis
  • Impact Analysis, Architecture
  • High Level and Low level design
  • Review Implementation Design
  • Test Cases Planning
MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel Atoll STOV Antenna Management System Oracle Database
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
6 years
2018-09 - now

Centralization of Network planning Tools ? STOV & Atoll

Solution Architect, Requirements & Impact Analyst MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...
Solution Architect, Requirements & Impact Analyst

STOV is the Radio Network planning used by Vodafone German to plan new Radio site, to enhance or edit existing Radio network sites. Existing version of STOV is based on the Sybase based database which is almost 20 years old. The existing solution is based on 8 database instances and each instance contains the data of that particular region. STOVAtoll Centralization is going to introduce a centralized database for all user where each user can plan across the regions and make changes according to allocated access rights. Apart from that the Concept of Single Sing On is also introduced where the users are assigned rights to their Windows user and with a single login the users can navigate between STOV and Atoll Removal of existing interfacing to other OSS tools, and the impact analysis before removal of the existing interfaces

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Impact Analysis, Architecture
  • High Level and Low level design
  • Review Implementation Design
  • Test Cases Planning

MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel Atoll STOV Oracle Database Oracle SQL Developer
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 4 months
2021-11 - 2023-02

xG Inhouse and OSS System for Future Railways Mobile Communication Systems

Solution Architect, 5G & OSS Solution Architekt 5G IMS FRMCS ...
Solution Architect, 5G & OSS Solution Architekt


The goal is to setup a single universal network for the entire infrastructure that covers not only the office employees? requirements but also meets the requirements of the mission critical and the IoT applications.

  • Requirements Management
  • Description of the requirements specification for the xG in-house tender from technical,Operational, SLA aspects.
  • Development of the pricing models for the value proposition of the xG in-house RFP.
  • Development of the eligibility criteria for vendor selection


  • The goal is to create an OSS system architecture for FRMCS, which on one hand helps in eliminating the SILOs within the existing OSS landscape, and supports the model based and distributed applications management.
  • The modern OSS Architecture to support containerized microservices based applications, and to offer a workflow based service design, where service can be deployed and tested on the same network without impacting the existing applications and services - DevOps
  • The OSS system has to offer plug-and-play to integrate network components from any vendor seamlessly without any extra configuration management overhead.
    • Setup Architecture for the OSS for FRMCS and confirm with stakeholders
    • Writing Proposals for the interworking of existing GSM-R and FRMCS systems
5G IMS FRMCS Mission Critical Services System (MCX) Interworking Function (IWF)
International Railways Operator
1 year
2020-10 - 2021-09

Radio Network Optimisation

Technical Project Lead Continual MEA Apache NiFi Operation Support System ...
Technical Project Lead
Mobile Experience Analytics (MEA) is responsible for the Data Analytics and

Highways and Railway Optimization production. MEA collects the CDRs generated by the network elements on hourly basis, aggregates the CDRs in Google Cloud platform and sends back the aggregated data to the Datacenter of the Telco provider. At Datacenter the MEA dashboard is used by the Radio Network optimizers to analysis the traffic and to optimize the radio network settings to offer better quality to the end customers

  • Describing Technical design for the CDRs flow from Local Data Center to Google platform and agreements with the Stakeholders
  • Preparation of proposal on tools and technologies to be used for the data transfer
  • Agreements of attributes of Voice and Data CDRs between different stake holders
  • Agreements regarding data anonymization, encryption and decryption of the data Feed (to Google Platform) and the Reverse Feed

Continual MEA Apache NiFi Operation Support System Com5 (Micronova) ActixOne
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 6 months
2020-04 - 2021-09

5G Private Network (Campus Network) Setup

Solution Architect, Subject Matter Expert CentOS Kubernetes Foxconn O-RU ...
Solution Architect, Subject Matter Expert
5G private network has the huge potential in the enterprise market specially Industry

4.0, where the robotics automation, automated warehouse stocking, and remote maintenance monitoring play a big role for the future industries. We setup a full-fledge end-end containers based 5G system, on non propriety hardware and O-RAN based interfacing to integrate multi-vendors Radio Units. At IAA Munich in Sep 2021, we performed Automated Valet Parking tests with renowned international auto manufacturers over 5G private network.

  • Lead support for the establishment of a 5G campus network. (Frequency approval process at the BNetzA for granting the license approval for the use of the 5G private network for NTTData).
  • Analysis, verification and coordination of low-level design with vendor.
  • PLMN: ?Planning of the mobile network code for the SIM cards for the campus network.
  • Provide authoritative guidance for setting up the physical structure and cabling for 5G network elements.
  • Setting up the operating system, and the IP routes and VLANS for the 5G campus network.
  • Installation of 5G DU and 5G Core components software and integration between network elements.
  • Configuration and integration of PTP switches for time synchronization between Distributed Unit and Radio Unit.
  • Integration of all network elements and end-to-end call testing

CentOS Kubernetes Foxconn O-RU WNC 5G modem DU CU-CP CU-UP FibroLAN Falcon-RX/G PTP switch Dell iDRAC iPerf
International Telecommunications Service Provider
1 year 6 months
2020-04 - 2021-09

Testautomation Framework

Subject Matter Expert & Software Developer International Cucumber Ruby Jenkins ...
Subject Matter Expert & Software Developer International
The Test automation Framework automates test cases for components of the telephone network. The prepared test cases are formulated in the BDD language Gherkin and step definitions are implemented in Cucumber and Ruby respectively. The Behavior driven development (BDD) test automation Framework to provide a uniform language to DevOps teams to develop tests cases for the automated testing of the whole infrastructure of the telecommunication setup. The test automation is responsible for the testing of not Protocol confirmation, rather the Speech quality, provisioning of user data

  • Project offering, writing of proposal solution and won the project out of 16 other competitors
  • Proposed Solution Design presentation
  • Analysis of the specified test cases
  • Clarification of questions regarding the test case definition with the customer
  • Implementation in Gherkin, Cucumber, Ruby
  • Integration of the test with Jenkins for automated execution and reporting of of tests on daily basis
  • Tests development, execution and verification
  • Presentation of results for acceptanc

Cucumber Ruby Jenkins Git Linux (Ubuntu) SIP Wireshark IntelliJ IDEA OCIP IMS
Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 3 months
2019-01 - 2020-03

SDN at Transport Network

Integration Engineer MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...
Integration Engineer

As a long-term target of SDN activities at the Transport Network and to provide the valueadded service on future 5G network infrastructure. SDN based infrastructure to manage the Microwave, Optic Transponders and Routers of the Live Transport Networks is seen as a long-term solution. SDN Controller receives the REST based requests at its northbound and abstracts the underlying network infrastructure from individual devices- Allowing expansion of vendor agnostic, open source network elements at the Transport network.

  • Setup Low level solution design
  • Preparing hardware resources for Microwave, Routers and Optic Transport
  • Network planning and network setup SDN controller and SDN Mediators and transport network elements
  • Test automation ? zero touch provisioning
  • Enhancement of UML to YANG tool, for the automated generation of YANG models for standardization of YANG interfaces ? MW, Routers and Optic devices

MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel Pyang GitHub Ruby NodeJs REST Linux Virtualization ? KVM ONAP
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 8 months
2017-08 - 2019-03

EMF Assurance

End to End Solution Architect Visio Power Point Word ...
End to End Solution Architect
  • The Transmission power ranges specified by the BNetzA must not be exceeded.
  • The approved transmission power exceedances must be prevented, monitored and reported via the tool chain.
    • Alignment with STOB and parameter setting BNetzA (frequency approval).
  • Review Baseline Architecture
  • Requirement Management for the Target Architect
  • Requirement management for affected tools
  • Requirement management for the data exchange on the interfaces
  • Gap Analysis
  • Create the entire High Level Solution Design for the OSS Tool Chain
  • Accompany implementation
  • Describe test cases
  • Accompany acceptance or commissioning
Visio Power Point Word Excel
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
5 months
2017-04 - 2017-08

Implementation of Micro Cells in OSS-Tool chain

End to End - Solution Architect, Overall Solution Architect for OSS tool chain LTE Small Cells Atoll ...
End to End - Solution Architect, Overall Solution Architect for OSS tool chain
To create over all solution design to introduce LTE2100 band into Vodafone network, the

enhancement of Cell naming conventions to introduce Small Cells, as well as to dedicate and plan the cells for the traffic of Internet of Things (IoT).

  • Introduction of LTE2100 Carrier in Radio Network Planning Tools and Operational Tools
  • Implementation of Micro Cells in OSS-Tool chain
    • Requirement Analysis
    • Impact Analysis, Architecture
    • High Level and Low-level design
    • Interface adaptations of OSS tools
LTE Small Cells Atoll STOV AMS (Antenna Management System) MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
5 months
2016-11 - 2017-03

MicroServices Gateway

DevOps ? Operating Engineer, DevOps Operator IBM Urban Code Deploy ? UCD WSO2 API Manager Micro services ...
DevOps ? Operating Engineer, DevOps Operator

GLUE provides an integration layer between the Legacy system and new Applications for the Digital System of the Bank. GLUE is actually a Gateway for the MicroService, where each of the API can be subscribed and can access the backend service over a secure mechanism

  • To Keep Alive and Maintain and monitoring of GLUE infrastructure that includes following components
    • WOS2 API Manager, installation of updates and fixes of GLUE components at different GLUE environments like QA, Pre-Production and Production.
    • Databases
    • Monitoring Systems
  • Staging of API from QA to System Integration Testing, Pre-Production and Production Environments.
IBM Urban Code Deploy ? UCD WSO2 API Manager Micro services REST DevOps RedHat Enterprise UNIX JIRA Confluence (Atlassian)
International Bank
Frankfurt am Main
7 months
2016-04 - 2016-10

Integration of Antenna Management System (AMS) in OSS-Tool Chain

Solution Architect Enterprise Architect SID-Service Information Domain TMForum Radio Networks and Antenna Systems ...
Solution Architect

Provisioning and Integration of new Antenna Management System into Operators Operation Support Systems tool chain, data migration from Legacy Antenna System into new Antenna Management System, decommissioning of Legacy Antenna Management System

  • Requirements Management to AMS system, High Level and Low System Integration Design, Mechanisms to Data Cleansing and Data Migration
    • Requirements gathering and describing requirements specification to new Antenna Management System
    • Creation of High- and Low-Level Design regrading Integration of AMS into OSS Tool Chain and to data exchange.
    • Creation of Solution Design for Antenna Management System
    • Meeting with Stakeholders to filter out which data to be migrated to the system
    • Defining Mechanism to data cleansing of the Legacy system
    • Attributes mapping of the legacy and new Antenna Management System

Enterprise Architect SID-Service Information Domain TMForum Radio Networks and Antenna Systems MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel AVIS Atoll STOV AMS
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year
2015-11 - 2016-10

Requirements analysis, Solution Design, Roll-Out Management

MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...

Enhancement and re-structuring of Radio Network Planning Tools to support LTE 1800 frequency band and Carrier aggregation features, and small cells (Lampsite, Radio Dot).

  • Solution Design:
    • Introduction of LTE1800 Carrier frequencies and Multicarrier Aggregation in Radio Network Planning Tools
  • Requirements gathering and writing of requirement specification.
  • Interface Adaptation and Enhancement.
  • Solution Design creation, Review of Implementation Design and Agreement of solution design with the stakeholders.
  • Impact analysis on other OSS tools regarding the changes brought by the re structuring of the planning tool and the required adjustments for the dependent tools.
  • Monitoring implementation activities and Rollout support.
MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel LTE Advance Carrier Aggregation STOV Atoll CPCM
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
4 months
2015-10 - 2016-01

LTE Carrier Aggregation Impact on OSS Tool chain

Analyst LTE Release10 Carrier Aggregation Excel ...
In carrier aggregation, multiple carriers are aggregated to provide high bandwidth to the customers, provided that the user equipment is capable of multicarrier transmission and reception. It was required to analyse those changes brought into the network are reflected transparently into the operational tools and no misleading data or information exists in the operational tools that could result into wrong Alarming or wrong inventory data.

  • Requirements gathering from tools lifecycle managers, problem definition and Data analysis of the affected Systems.
  • Determining the adaptation effort in the various OSS Tools / components. (For example, Inventory, Fault Management, Performance Management, Reporting, ticketing systems).
  • Preparation of an implementation recommendation, adapting of concerned OSSTools / components, from the viewpoint of the lowest possible System interference.

LTE Release10 Carrier Aggregation Excel PowerPoint Word Craemer Mobile RefDB
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
5 months
2015-06 - 2015-10

Business Intelligence ? PEPPS (Produkt ? Endgerät ? Plattform ? Port ? Standort)

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Oracle ETL ...

Extraction of data from Data Warehouse and transformation of the data to provide the information about the technical product cluster regarding customers, infrastructure, resources, new and planned, changing customers and customers? churn. The information of about the availability of products in a specific region and the forecast about the customers trends in a specific region and about a specific product.

  • Extracting inventory and plan data from different sources into Oracle data warehouse.
  • Data cleansing, data assignment to the appropriate clusters (Data dimensioning).
  • Data Quality Assurance.
  • Creation of data cubes for frontend applications. Performance optimization.

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Oracle ETL Oracle SQL Developer 4.1.1
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
Bonn, Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Computer Sciences


Information and Communication Engineering



  • IP Security and Routing
  • LTE-Signaling and Protocols
  • WLAN Analysis with Wireshark and AirPcap Adapter


  • Certified Enterprise Architect ? TOGAF Open Group Certification




Solution Architect 5G Architekt OSS IMS EPC Cloud Mission Critical Communication

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Telecommunication ?Mobile and Fixed Network? expert with profound knowledge in the Telecommunication and IT worlds

Mobile- and Fixed Network

  • FRMS: Contributing in ETSI Standardization for FRMCS NAS Stratum, End to End QoS management, and Border Crossing Scenarios
  • FRMCS: Defining Architecture for future for the Operation Support System for Future Railways Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) as well how to manage parallel operations of GSMR and FRMCS seamlessly.
  • 5G Private Network (Access & Core): end-end setup (from frequency spectrum approval till end to end working solution)
  • 4G Access Network: Analyst, Requirement Management, Solution Design for LTE Frequencies optimization and LTE Carrier Aggregation
  • Telecommunication Transport Network: Design and Integration of SDN based Infrastructure for Microwave, Routing and Optical Transponders Telecommunications Core Network- ?Fixed and Mobile Network Engineering and Planning? with emphasis on evolved Packet Core- und IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
  • Operation Support Systems: Design, Development, Deployment, Subject Matter of Expert of Multi-Vendor OSS system for the Provisioning, Operational Support & Readiness of Next Generation Core Network for Mobile and Fixed Network
  • Cast Study & Impact Analysis: SDN and NFV on existing Operation Support Systems
  • Operation Support System: Solution Architect für OSS in Radio and Core Network as well as Design, Development, Deployment, Subject matter expert for the NGSSM System (Next Generation Service Support System) for a world renouned Radio network operator. Architect/Technical Project manager for OSS migration to the cloud as well as the creation of architect for cloud native, domain driven design (DDD) for next generation OSS system

IT-Development & Administration

  • Operation Support Systeme
  • Testautomatisierung, Testen von aktiven Netzwerken und IT-Software Reporting und Analyse
  • Database Design und Management
  • Administration von Web, Datenbank Servern
  • Unix/Linux Administration
  • Operation Support Systeme
  • Testautomatisierung, Testen von aktiven Netzwerken und IT-Software Reporting und Analyse
  • Database Design und Management
  • Administration von Web, Datenbank Servern
  • Unix/Linux Administration
  • Solution Architect
  • Certified Enterprise Architect TOGAF Subject Matter Expert
  • Team Management Rollout Management Projekt Management Concept Development
  • Interculturel collaboration (International and Europe Wide)

Practical Experience with Technologies

  • FRMCS (Future Railways Mobile Communication System) Standardization ?5G NAS, Mission Critical Communication System, IMS 5G ? Radio, Transport and Access (Massive MIMO, Beamforming, mmWave, NFV & SDN)
    • DevOps, Dockers, Kubernetes
    • Planning, Design, Rollout 4G Core Network EPC/SAE (MME, SGW, PGW), VoLTE, SRVCC
    • Solution Design and Rollout, Radio Network Planning Tools and Antenna Management System
    • IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
    • LTE Signaling and protocol (EUTRAN and EPC)
    • Object Oriented - J2EE, JMS, Message Oriented Middleware, SOAP, WSDLs, REST, WSO2 API Manager, Micro Services, Virtualization - KVM
    • LTE Radio Network ? Solution Design
    • Operation Support System (MTOSI, NGOSS)
    • C++, Multithreading, SIP Stack
    • Administration of VoIP servers and Switches
    • Unified Communications - OCS
    • Software Development and Administration of Web/Application/Databases
    • Web 2.0
    • Administration MySQL Server, Oracle Databases



  • Ruby
  • C++
  • Java
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • J2EE
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Shell-Scripts
  • Cucumber


  • J2EE
  • MS .NET
  • WebServices
  • Microservices
  • Blockchain


  • WSO2 (Microservice Gateway, Docker)

Data Modeling

  • Rational Rose
  • Visio
  • Enterprise Architect
  • YANG

Version Control systems

  • SVN
  • CVS
  • GIT


  • Apache CXF
  • JAX-WS
  • DevOps
  • Scrum

Web und Application Servers

  • Tomcat
  • Phusion Passenger


  • SIP
  • File Transfer Protokoll
  • TCP/IP
  • HTTP
  • IPSec
  • JMS
  • LDAP
  • ODBC
  • OSI
  • Private/Public Key Infrastructure
  • SOAP
  • REST
  • TCP/IP
  • WLAN 802.11
  • NetConf

Quality Assurance

  • Test Administration
  • Test Automatisierung
  • Test Data Management
  • Test Execution
  • Test Case Description
  • Test Management
  • Test Automation

Technologie & Netzarchitektur

  • 5G (new Radio, Transport & Core)
  • Software Defined Networking
  • Long Term Evolution (LTE)
  • IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
  • ePC. LTE Advance

Work Experience

11/2021 - 11/2021

Role: Date Freelance Consultant IT

Customer: Telecommunications

04/2020 - 09/2021

Role: Lead Consultant 

Customer: NTT DATA GmbH Germany

09/2014 - 03/2020 

Role: Senior Consultant

Customer: Sopra Steria Consulting

02/2008 - 08/2014

Role: System Engineer

Customer: Tieto Deutschland GmbH

01/2007 - 12/2007

Role: VoIP Engineer

Customer: Cross-Solution Germany


Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOs
Windows7, Windows Server 2008





Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich
nicht möglich



2 years 1 month
2022-08 - now

End-End Quality of Service management

Solution Architect/Subject Matter Expert 5GS (Radio & Core) IMS FRMCS ...
Solution Architect/Subject Matter Expert
FRMCS ETSI standardization is ongoing. Different areas like End-End Quality of Service
management, Session Continuity, Border Crossing, Latency are very crucial for the trains

mobility within a country as well as across the Europe

  • As subject matter expert, my role is to prepare solutions to address different areas, to present them to the internal Stake holders and then to contribute and present those solutions in the ETSI meetings to other Stakeholders.
  • The same way, to validate the proposed solutions in the ETSI meetings, engaging the internal Stakeholders and building a Viewpoint from my client

5GS (Radio & Core) IMS FRMCS Mission Critical Services Systems (MCX) SIP
International Railways Operator
6 years
2018-09 - now

Introduction of 4x4 MIMO in Radio Network planning Tools ? STOV & Atoll

Solution Architect, Requirements Analyst MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...
Solution Architect, Requirements Analyst

At the moment the Radio Network planning the sectors and cells can only be associated to a port of a Single Antenna. The Antenna ?Ports are not documented in Radio Network Planning tools either.

  • With the introduction of Multi-MIMO, the Planning tools should be able to
    • To support two or more antennas for one sector with a 4x4 over higher MIMO configuration.
  • Introduction of Antenna Ports
  • Automatic Assigning of Sectors to the correct available antenna port ? Supporting the given Frequency band.
  • Data Migration of all existing Antenna Configurations
  • Requirement Analysis
  • Impact Analysis, Architecture
  • High Level and Low level design
  • Review Implementation Design
  • Test Cases Planning
MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel Atoll STOV Antenna Management System Oracle Database
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
6 years
2018-09 - now

Centralization of Network planning Tools ? STOV & Atoll

Solution Architect, Requirements & Impact Analyst MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...
Solution Architect, Requirements & Impact Analyst

STOV is the Radio Network planning used by Vodafone German to plan new Radio site, to enhance or edit existing Radio network sites. Existing version of STOV is based on the Sybase based database which is almost 20 years old. The existing solution is based on 8 database instances and each instance contains the data of that particular region. STOVAtoll Centralization is going to introduce a centralized database for all user where each user can plan across the regions and make changes according to allocated access rights. Apart from that the Concept of Single Sing On is also introduced where the users are assigned rights to their Windows user and with a single login the users can navigate between STOV and Atoll Removal of existing interfacing to other OSS tools, and the impact analysis before removal of the existing interfaces

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Impact Analysis, Architecture
  • High Level and Low level design
  • Review Implementation Design
  • Test Cases Planning

MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel Atoll STOV Oracle Database Oracle SQL Developer
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 4 months
2021-11 - 2023-02

xG Inhouse and OSS System for Future Railways Mobile Communication Systems

Solution Architect, 5G & OSS Solution Architekt 5G IMS FRMCS ...
Solution Architect, 5G & OSS Solution Architekt


The goal is to setup a single universal network for the entire infrastructure that covers not only the office employees? requirements but also meets the requirements of the mission critical and the IoT applications.

  • Requirements Management
  • Description of the requirements specification for the xG in-house tender from technical,Operational, SLA aspects.
  • Development of the pricing models for the value proposition of the xG in-house RFP.
  • Development of the eligibility criteria for vendor selection


  • The goal is to create an OSS system architecture for FRMCS, which on one hand helps in eliminating the SILOs within the existing OSS landscape, and supports the model based and distributed applications management.
  • The modern OSS Architecture to support containerized microservices based applications, and to offer a workflow based service design, where service can be deployed and tested on the same network without impacting the existing applications and services - DevOps
  • The OSS system has to offer plug-and-play to integrate network components from any vendor seamlessly without any extra configuration management overhead.
    • Setup Architecture for the OSS for FRMCS and confirm with stakeholders
    • Writing Proposals for the interworking of existing GSM-R and FRMCS systems
5G IMS FRMCS Mission Critical Services System (MCX) Interworking Function (IWF)
International Railways Operator
1 year
2020-10 - 2021-09

Radio Network Optimisation

Technical Project Lead Continual MEA Apache NiFi Operation Support System ...
Technical Project Lead
Mobile Experience Analytics (MEA) is responsible for the Data Analytics and

Highways and Railway Optimization production. MEA collects the CDRs generated by the network elements on hourly basis, aggregates the CDRs in Google Cloud platform and sends back the aggregated data to the Datacenter of the Telco provider. At Datacenter the MEA dashboard is used by the Radio Network optimizers to analysis the traffic and to optimize the radio network settings to offer better quality to the end customers

  • Describing Technical design for the CDRs flow from Local Data Center to Google platform and agreements with the Stakeholders
  • Preparation of proposal on tools and technologies to be used for the data transfer
  • Agreements of attributes of Voice and Data CDRs between different stake holders
  • Agreements regarding data anonymization, encryption and decryption of the data Feed (to Google Platform) and the Reverse Feed

Continual MEA Apache NiFi Operation Support System Com5 (Micronova) ActixOne
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 6 months
2020-04 - 2021-09

5G Private Network (Campus Network) Setup

Solution Architect, Subject Matter Expert CentOS Kubernetes Foxconn O-RU ...
Solution Architect, Subject Matter Expert
5G private network has the huge potential in the enterprise market specially Industry

4.0, where the robotics automation, automated warehouse stocking, and remote maintenance monitoring play a big role for the future industries. We setup a full-fledge end-end containers based 5G system, on non propriety hardware and O-RAN based interfacing to integrate multi-vendors Radio Units. At IAA Munich in Sep 2021, we performed Automated Valet Parking tests with renowned international auto manufacturers over 5G private network.

  • Lead support for the establishment of a 5G campus network. (Frequency approval process at the BNetzA for granting the license approval for the use of the 5G private network for NTTData).
  • Analysis, verification and coordination of low-level design with vendor.
  • PLMN: ?Planning of the mobile network code for the SIM cards for the campus network.
  • Provide authoritative guidance for setting up the physical structure and cabling for 5G network elements.
  • Setting up the operating system, and the IP routes and VLANS for the 5G campus network.
  • Installation of 5G DU and 5G Core components software and integration between network elements.
  • Configuration and integration of PTP switches for time synchronization between Distributed Unit and Radio Unit.
  • Integration of all network elements and end-to-end call testing

CentOS Kubernetes Foxconn O-RU WNC 5G modem DU CU-CP CU-UP FibroLAN Falcon-RX/G PTP switch Dell iDRAC iPerf
International Telecommunications Service Provider
1 year 6 months
2020-04 - 2021-09

Testautomation Framework

Subject Matter Expert & Software Developer International Cucumber Ruby Jenkins ...
Subject Matter Expert & Software Developer International
The Test automation Framework automates test cases for components of the telephone network. The prepared test cases are formulated in the BDD language Gherkin and step definitions are implemented in Cucumber and Ruby respectively. The Behavior driven development (BDD) test automation Framework to provide a uniform language to DevOps teams to develop tests cases for the automated testing of the whole infrastructure of the telecommunication setup. The test automation is responsible for the testing of not Protocol confirmation, rather the Speech quality, provisioning of user data

  • Project offering, writing of proposal solution and won the project out of 16 other competitors
  • Proposed Solution Design presentation
  • Analysis of the specified test cases
  • Clarification of questions regarding the test case definition with the customer
  • Implementation in Gherkin, Cucumber, Ruby
  • Integration of the test with Jenkins for automated execution and reporting of of tests on daily basis
  • Tests development, execution and verification
  • Presentation of results for acceptanc

Cucumber Ruby Jenkins Git Linux (Ubuntu) SIP Wireshark IntelliJ IDEA OCIP IMS
Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 3 months
2019-01 - 2020-03

SDN at Transport Network

Integration Engineer MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...
Integration Engineer

As a long-term target of SDN activities at the Transport Network and to provide the valueadded service on future 5G network infrastructure. SDN based infrastructure to manage the Microwave, Optic Transponders and Routers of the Live Transport Networks is seen as a long-term solution. SDN Controller receives the REST based requests at its northbound and abstracts the underlying network infrastructure from individual devices- Allowing expansion of vendor agnostic, open source network elements at the Transport network.

  • Setup Low level solution design
  • Preparing hardware resources for Microwave, Routers and Optic Transport
  • Network planning and network setup SDN controller and SDN Mediators and transport network elements
  • Test automation ? zero touch provisioning
  • Enhancement of UML to YANG tool, for the automated generation of YANG models for standardization of YANG interfaces ? MW, Routers and Optic devices

MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel Pyang GitHub Ruby NodeJs REST Linux Virtualization ? KVM ONAP
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year 8 months
2017-08 - 2019-03

EMF Assurance

End to End Solution Architect Visio Power Point Word ...
End to End Solution Architect
  • The Transmission power ranges specified by the BNetzA must not be exceeded.
  • The approved transmission power exceedances must be prevented, monitored and reported via the tool chain.
    • Alignment with STOB and parameter setting BNetzA (frequency approval).
  • Review Baseline Architecture
  • Requirement Management for the Target Architect
  • Requirement management for affected tools
  • Requirement management for the data exchange on the interfaces
  • Gap Analysis
  • Create the entire High Level Solution Design for the OSS Tool Chain
  • Accompany implementation
  • Describe test cases
  • Accompany acceptance or commissioning
Visio Power Point Word Excel
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
5 months
2017-04 - 2017-08

Implementation of Micro Cells in OSS-Tool chain

End to End - Solution Architect, Overall Solution Architect for OSS tool chain LTE Small Cells Atoll ...
End to End - Solution Architect, Overall Solution Architect for OSS tool chain
To create over all solution design to introduce LTE2100 band into Vodafone network, the

enhancement of Cell naming conventions to introduce Small Cells, as well as to dedicate and plan the cells for the traffic of Internet of Things (IoT).

  • Introduction of LTE2100 Carrier in Radio Network Planning Tools and Operational Tools
  • Implementation of Micro Cells in OSS-Tool chain
    • Requirement Analysis
    • Impact Analysis, Architecture
    • High Level and Low-level design
    • Interface adaptations of OSS tools
LTE Small Cells Atoll STOV AMS (Antenna Management System) MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
5 months
2016-11 - 2017-03

MicroServices Gateway

DevOps ? Operating Engineer, DevOps Operator IBM Urban Code Deploy ? UCD WSO2 API Manager Micro services ...
DevOps ? Operating Engineer, DevOps Operator

GLUE provides an integration layer between the Legacy system and new Applications for the Digital System of the Bank. GLUE is actually a Gateway for the MicroService, where each of the API can be subscribed and can access the backend service over a secure mechanism

  • To Keep Alive and Maintain and monitoring of GLUE infrastructure that includes following components
    • WOS2 API Manager, installation of updates and fixes of GLUE components at different GLUE environments like QA, Pre-Production and Production.
    • Databases
    • Monitoring Systems
  • Staging of API from QA to System Integration Testing, Pre-Production and Production Environments.
IBM Urban Code Deploy ? UCD WSO2 API Manager Micro services REST DevOps RedHat Enterprise UNIX JIRA Confluence (Atlassian)
International Bank
Frankfurt am Main
7 months
2016-04 - 2016-10

Integration of Antenna Management System (AMS) in OSS-Tool Chain

Solution Architect Enterprise Architect SID-Service Information Domain TMForum Radio Networks and Antenna Systems ...
Solution Architect

Provisioning and Integration of new Antenna Management System into Operators Operation Support Systems tool chain, data migration from Legacy Antenna System into new Antenna Management System, decommissioning of Legacy Antenna Management System

  • Requirements Management to AMS system, High Level and Low System Integration Design, Mechanisms to Data Cleansing and Data Migration
    • Requirements gathering and describing requirements specification to new Antenna Management System
    • Creation of High- and Low-Level Design regrading Integration of AMS into OSS Tool Chain and to data exchange.
    • Creation of Solution Design for Antenna Management System
    • Meeting with Stakeholders to filter out which data to be migrated to the system
    • Defining Mechanism to data cleansing of the Legacy system
    • Attributes mapping of the legacy and new Antenna Management System

Enterprise Architect SID-Service Information Domain TMForum Radio Networks and Antenna Systems MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel AVIS Atoll STOV AMS
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
1 year
2015-11 - 2016-10

Requirements analysis, Solution Design, Roll-Out Management

MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word ...

Enhancement and re-structuring of Radio Network Planning Tools to support LTE 1800 frequency band and Carrier aggregation features, and small cells (Lampsite, Radio Dot).

  • Solution Design:
    • Introduction of LTE1800 Carrier frequencies and Multicarrier Aggregation in Radio Network Planning Tools
  • Requirements gathering and writing of requirement specification.
  • Interface Adaptation and Enhancement.
  • Solution Design creation, Review of Implementation Design and Agreement of solution design with the stakeholders.
  • Impact analysis on other OSS tools regarding the changes brought by the re structuring of the planning tool and the required adjustments for the dependent tools.
  • Monitoring implementation activities and Rollout support.
MS Visio MS Power Point MS Word MS Excel LTE Advance Carrier Aggregation STOV Atoll CPCM
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
4 months
2015-10 - 2016-01

LTE Carrier Aggregation Impact on OSS Tool chain

Analyst LTE Release10 Carrier Aggregation Excel ...
In carrier aggregation, multiple carriers are aggregated to provide high bandwidth to the customers, provided that the user equipment is capable of multicarrier transmission and reception. It was required to analyse those changes brought into the network are reflected transparently into the operational tools and no misleading data or information exists in the operational tools that could result into wrong Alarming or wrong inventory data.

  • Requirements gathering from tools lifecycle managers, problem definition and Data analysis of the affected Systems.
  • Determining the adaptation effort in the various OSS Tools / components. (For example, Inventory, Fault Management, Performance Management, Reporting, ticketing systems).
  • Preparation of an implementation recommendation, adapting of concerned OSSTools / components, from the viewpoint of the lowest possible System interference.

LTE Release10 Carrier Aggregation Excel PowerPoint Word Craemer Mobile RefDB
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
5 months
2015-06 - 2015-10

Business Intelligence ? PEPPS (Produkt ? Endgerät ? Plattform ? Port ? Standort)

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Oracle ETL ...

Extraction of data from Data Warehouse and transformation of the data to provide the information about the technical product cluster regarding customers, infrastructure, resources, new and planned, changing customers and customers? churn. The information of about the availability of products in a specific region and the forecast about the customers trends in a specific region and about a specific product.

  • Extracting inventory and plan data from different sources into Oracle data warehouse.
  • Data cleansing, data assignment to the appropriate clusters (Data dimensioning).
  • Data Quality Assurance.
  • Creation of data cubes for frontend applications. Performance optimization.

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Oracle ETL Oracle SQL Developer 4.1.1
International Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication Operator
Bonn, Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Computer Sciences


Information and Communication Engineering



  • IP Security and Routing
  • LTE-Signaling and Protocols
  • WLAN Analysis with Wireshark and AirPcap Adapter


  • Certified Enterprise Architect ? TOGAF Open Group Certification




Solution Architect 5G Architekt OSS IMS EPC Cloud Mission Critical Communication

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Telecommunication ?Mobile and Fixed Network? expert with profound knowledge in the Telecommunication and IT worlds

Mobile- and Fixed Network

  • FRMS: Contributing in ETSI Standardization for FRMCS NAS Stratum, End to End QoS management, and Border Crossing Scenarios
  • FRMCS: Defining Architecture for future for the Operation Support System for Future Railways Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) as well how to manage parallel operations of GSMR and FRMCS seamlessly.
  • 5G Private Network (Access & Core): end-end setup (from frequency spectrum approval till end to end working solution)
  • 4G Access Network: Analyst, Requirement Management, Solution Design for LTE Frequencies optimization and LTE Carrier Aggregation
  • Telecommunication Transport Network: Design and Integration of SDN based Infrastructure for Microwave, Routing and Optical Transponders Telecommunications Core Network- ?Fixed and Mobile Network Engineering and Planning? with emphasis on evolved Packet Core- und IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
  • Operation Support Systems: Design, Development, Deployment, Subject Matter of Expert of Multi-Vendor OSS system for the Provisioning, Operational Support & Readiness of Next Generation Core Network for Mobile and Fixed Network
  • Cast Study & Impact Analysis: SDN and NFV on existing Operation Support Systems
  • Operation Support System: Solution Architect für OSS in Radio and Core Network as well as Design, Development, Deployment, Subject matter expert for the NGSSM System (Next Generation Service Support System) for a world renouned Radio network operator. Architect/Technical Project manager for OSS migration to the cloud as well as the creation of architect for cloud native, domain driven design (DDD) for next generation OSS system

IT-Development & Administration

  • Operation Support Systeme
  • Testautomatisierung, Testen von aktiven Netzwerken und IT-Software Reporting und Analyse
  • Database Design und Management
  • Administration von Web, Datenbank Servern
  • Unix/Linux Administration
  • Operation Support Systeme
  • Testautomatisierung, Testen von aktiven Netzwerken und IT-Software Reporting und Analyse
  • Database Design und Management
  • Administration von Web, Datenbank Servern
  • Unix/Linux Administration
  • Solution Architect
  • Certified Enterprise Architect TOGAF Subject Matter Expert
  • Team Management Rollout Management Projekt Management Concept Development
  • Interculturel collaboration (International and Europe Wide)

Practical Experience with Technologies

  • FRMCS (Future Railways Mobile Communication System) Standardization ?5G NAS, Mission Critical Communication System, IMS 5G ? Radio, Transport and Access (Massive MIMO, Beamforming, mmWave, NFV & SDN)
    • DevOps, Dockers, Kubernetes
    • Planning, Design, Rollout 4G Core Network EPC/SAE (MME, SGW, PGW), VoLTE, SRVCC
    • Solution Design and Rollout, Radio Network Planning Tools and Antenna Management System
    • IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
    • LTE Signaling and protocol (EUTRAN and EPC)
    • Object Oriented - J2EE, JMS, Message Oriented Middleware, SOAP, WSDLs, REST, WSO2 API Manager, Micro Services, Virtualization - KVM
    • LTE Radio Network ? Solution Design
    • Operation Support System (MTOSI, NGOSS)
    • C++, Multithreading, SIP Stack
    • Administration of VoIP servers and Switches
    • Unified Communications - OCS
    • Software Development and Administration of Web/Application/Databases
    • Web 2.0
    • Administration MySQL Server, Oracle Databases



  • Ruby
  • C++
  • Java
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • J2EE
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Shell-Scripts
  • Cucumber


  • J2EE
  • MS .NET
  • WebServices
  • Microservices
  • Blockchain


  • WSO2 (Microservice Gateway, Docker)

Data Modeling

  • Rational Rose
  • Visio
  • Enterprise Architect
  • YANG

Version Control systems

  • SVN
  • CVS
  • GIT


  • Apache CXF
  • JAX-WS
  • DevOps
  • Scrum

Web und Application Servers

  • Tomcat
  • Phusion Passenger


  • SIP
  • File Transfer Protokoll
  • TCP/IP
  • HTTP
  • IPSec
  • JMS
  • LDAP
  • ODBC
  • OSI
  • Private/Public Key Infrastructure
  • SOAP
  • REST
  • TCP/IP
  • WLAN 802.11
  • NetConf

Quality Assurance

  • Test Administration
  • Test Automatisierung
  • Test Data Management
  • Test Execution
  • Test Case Description
  • Test Management
  • Test Automation

Technologie & Netzarchitektur

  • 5G (new Radio, Transport & Core)
  • Software Defined Networking
  • Long Term Evolution (LTE)
  • IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
  • ePC. LTE Advance

Work Experience

11/2021 - 11/2021

Role: Date Freelance Consultant IT

Customer: Telecommunications

04/2020 - 09/2021

Role: Lead Consultant 

Customer: NTT DATA GmbH Germany

09/2014 - 03/2020 

Role: Senior Consultant

Customer: Sopra Steria Consulting

02/2008 - 08/2014

Role: System Engineer

Customer: Tieto Deutschland GmbH

01/2007 - 12/2007

Role: VoIP Engineer

Customer: Cross-Solution Germany


Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOs
Windows7, Windows Server 2008



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