Telco, Linux, Kubernetes, DevOps, Cloud & Multi-Cloud Expert.
Aktualisiert am 22.08.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



3 Jahre 1 Monat
2021-10 - 2024-10


Manager agiles Projektmanagement

ALTERNATIVE will develop an innovative platform able to detect the cardiotoxicity of chemicals and their biotransformation products. The novel platform will enable regulators and industry to identify, quantify and prevent cardiotoxic co-exposures to industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals in a cost-effective way. ALTERNATIVE will particularly focus on cardiotoxic effects on the older people, which is of high relevance in view of the aging European population and the high spread of cardiovascular diseases.

Within the scope of the project and cloud data platform will be developed to enable deployment, operation and access of the machine learning data modes as well as to facilitate the data gathering and analysis between ALTERNATIVE partners.


  • Implementation of Cloud Data Platform

  • Integration of ML model and data source into the cloud data platform


  • Consortium coordination for SI ES TI EOOD

  • Management of the development team

agiles Projektmanagement
9 Monate
2023-09 - 2024-05

SCS VP04 - Openstack networking

Network/Cloud Architect Border Gateway Protocol OVN OVS ...
Network/Cloud Architect
SCS VP04 Networking outlines 3 sub-lots aiming to improve and further develop the Openstack?s networking stack in three major ways - SDN scalability, traffic encryption and cloud interconnect. The work would be carried out as an open-source project in the SCS community and upstream projects like Openstack and Neutron. Building the SCS lab with physical infrastructure like network switches, server and the networking software based on SONiC was also contributed to.

  • Creating technical concept for slots ?Network encryption? and ?Cloud Interconnect? work packages
  • Deep-dive analysis and technical roadmap for work package 1 - SDN scalability with SONiC
  • Creating virtual environment based on GNS3 and SONiC to simulate SDN architecture
  • Building, customizing and bug fixing community SONiC images for Edgecore switches
  • Deployment and testing of community and enterprise SONiC on lab hardware
  • Creating BGP, VXLAN, EVPN configuration for SONiC
  • Testing custom SONiC builds on lab devices

Border Gateway Protocol OVN OVS EVPN VXLAN Edgecore SONiC
OSB Alliance
6 Monate
2022-09 - 2023-02


DevOps Lead
DevOps Lead

The project is for creating an environment and managing stable coin, that will be used in payments between telco operators.

The main purpose is to eliminate cases of change in the exchange rate of the individual currencies that are used under the contracts between telcos, for example change in rates between EUR and USD.

Core components:

  • Node.js application, that connects to Celo Alfajores Testnet

  • Secure the application with ingress controller (TLS/HTTPS) and management of certificates


  • Celo Alfajores Testnet

  • Node.js

  • AWS EKS cluster

  • Ingress-controller with cert management


  • Kubernetes deployments and automation package

  • Prepare network environment on AWS

  • Build docker images and store them on docker image registry

  • Deploy solution on AWS

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
7 Monate
2022-08 - 2023-02


DevOps Lead
DevOps Lead

The project explores and researches different DLTs, measures them for performance and develops use cases for different Telco implementations. One goal of the project is to develop a platform to collect, process and store telco data on ledger, from the Telco?s network in real time. 

The platform generates Benchmark Reports that cover network performance and amount of transactions incl. requests/responses.

Core components:

  • HL Fabric test network incl. orderers, organizations with 1 or more peers each, smart contract chaincode installed on all peers

  • Distributed testing with HL Caliper with workers from different locations (TZ)


  • Hyperledger Fabric, Celo network

  • Measure tools: HL Caliper, JMeter


  • Kubernetes deployment

  • Network setup and configuration on AWS

  • Building docker images and maintain the registry

  • Automation of deployment

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2021-11 - 2023-02



Implementation of open market specification for information exchange about electricity usage on the Bulgarian energy market.

Implementation of 6 modules according to the ESO specification:

  • settlement

  • billing

  • metering

  • invoice

  • data exchange

  • User Management and Authentication


  • Docker/Docker-compose

  • DotNet Core 6.0




  • Project management

  • Task allocation for the technical team; code reviews

  • Creation of technical specifications according to the higher level ESO documents for each of the modules

  • Integration of production server on client?s premises

  • Working on the server and frontend code bases

1 Jahr 3 Monate
2021-10 - 2022-12


DevOps Lead
DevOps Lead

DIMAS project is focused on development of Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) use cases including Decentralized identifiers (DIDs), that can be used to enable self-sovereign identities in use cases.

Core components:

  • Issuer: issue credentials, verify identities and use schema

  • Holder: acquires, store and present identity

  • Verifier: verify identifiers and schema

  • Verifiable Data Registry: in our case DLT (Hyperledger Indy network or local VON network), that is used to maintain Identifiers and Schema


  • Node.js

  • ACA-py

  • k3s Kubernetes

  • Hyperledger Indy DLT


  • Kubernetes deployments

  • Building docker images and maintain the registry

  • Automation of deployment of the organization that joins the network

  • Deployment and joining the network of demo organization

  • Setting up network environment on AWS

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
3 Jahre
2020-01 - 2022-12

Daiteap (Multi-Cloud management platform)

Team Lead
Team Lead

Project management and technical architecture of a cloud-native Multi-Cloud orchestrator. Main responsibilities include the integration of major public cloud provider APIs, designing the network topology using VPN, IP Routing, DNS, TLS, centralized IDM and Monitoring layers. Implementation of Multi-Cloud capable services like DNS, Monitoring and Kubernetes. Management of the developer team for backend and frontend modules, deployment via CI/CD, error handling. Integration of OpenIDConnect provider. Implementation of multi-tenant functionality.


  • Cloud - AWS, GCP, Azure, Alicloud

  • Terraform

  • Ansible

  • Docker und Kubernetes

  • Helm

  • Vuejs

  • Django and Python

  • CI/CD


  • Project management

  • Testing

4 Jahre 1 Monat
2018-07 - 2022-07


DevOps lead
DevOps lead

Architecture and implementation of Blockchain platform for signing Roaming and mobile Data contracts between MNO worldwide based on Hyperledger Fabric. Adaptation for the Hyperledger project to the NOMAD use case, including migration to Kubernetes orchestrator, setting up core and operator network components, creating development and installation packages and documentation. Supporting client and partner MNO technical teams by installing the NOMAD artifacts on public and private infrastructure, supporting technical teams with running operator NOMAD components. Active role in technical discussions with GSMA and assisting the governing body and partners with technical decisions and discussions pertaining to the technical realization of the network and blockchain technologies.


  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • Public cloud: Open Telekom Cloud, AWS, GCP

  • Private cloud

  • Bash scripting


  • MySQL

  • HLF CA

  • OpenSSL

  • Golang, NodeJS

Deutsche Telekom AG
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2018-03 - 2019-08

Datalab (Cloud based IaaS platform)


The DataLab project provides Big Data infrastructure as a service to clients. The platform provides multi-tenant environments to end users with pre-installed and configured infrastructure including Apache Hadoop (Cloudera Enterprise and Hortonworks), various big data tools, frameworks and development environments.

Our role was to design and implement the software as a service layer running on top of the OpenStack infrastructure, including the management of the Hadoop distributions, user rights and access, integration of analytics tools with big data clusters and resolving user issues within the platform.


  • Installation and configuration of Hadoop distributions: Cloudera Enterprise and Hortonworks

  • Management of Hadoop Activities: HDFS, Hive, Spark, Impala, etc.

  • Resource Management with OpenStack, including performance analysis, resource utilization and backup

  • Remote access using VPN and HTTPS

  • Communications with partners, clients regarding technical requirements

  • Automatisation of user management


  • Cloudera Enterprise, Hortonworks

  • HBase, HDFS, Hive, Hue, Impala, Oozie, Solr, Spark, Sqoop, ZooKeeper, Pig, Kafka, Storm, Flume, Cloudera Manager

  • Ansible

  • Open Telekom Cloud

  • LDAP, Kerberos

  • OpenStack, KVM, Virtualization

  • Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows Server 2012

  • Gitlab, Jenkins

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Jahr
2006-01 - 2006-12

"Tempus" Project

University of Rennes 1 (France)
University of Rennes 1 (France)
Continuation of the "Tempus" project on distribution of access to Internet services in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
1 Jahr
2005-01 - 2005-12

"Tempus" Project

University of Rennes 1 (France)
University of Rennes 1 (France)
Specialization in Internet Technologies within the "Tempus" project on Building the University Computer Network of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
2 Monate
2005-04 - 2005-05

Course "Management of time and stress"

Arthur Adams Training and Professional Center, Geneva (Switzerland)
Arthur Adams Training and Professional Center, Geneva (Switzerland)

Completed course "The most important thing for a successful manager"

 Completed course "Management of time and stress"

2 Monate
1998-07 - 1998-08

Professional course

Internet society
Internet society

Internet Society Annual Seminar and Training (ISOC),

Backbone Internet Connectivity

13 Jahre 10 Monate
1984-09 - 1998-06


EIM operator-programmer, Mathematical High School "Baba Tonka" - Ruse
EIM operator-programmer
Mathematical High School "Baba Tonka" - Ruse
5 Jahre 4 Monate
1990-08 - 1995-11


Master of Informatics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Master of Informatics
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Higher Mathematics, Design of Software Products and Systems and Programming




Project Management
Software Development
Hadoop & Big Data


  • Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • Databases (MySQL, Redis)
  • Tools (Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, ELK stack, LDAP, NGINX, SSL/TLS, OpenSSL, HLF CA)
  • Networking (TCP/IP, UML, LB, Ingress, VPN IPSEC and Wireguard, CNI, OAuth2.0/OIDC)


  • Languages (C, C++, Perl, C#, Go, Visual C++, Delphi, JavaScript, Java, Python, Bash/scripting, HTML, XML)
  • Frameworks (DotNet Core6, J2EE, MS Blazor, Django)
  • IDEs (Microsoft Visual Studio)
  • Tools (GIT, Gitlab, Github, Jupyter Notebook, Minikube)


  • Public providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, Open Telekom Cloud, OVH)
  • Private cloud (OpenStack)


  • SONiC, IOS
  • SDN
  • GNS3
  • Openstack Neutron

Hadoop and big data:

  • Providers (Cloudera, Hortonworks)
  • Services (Cloudera manager, HDFS, Hbase, Spark, Storm, Solr, Banana, Hive, NiFi, KNOX, Ranger, Kerberos, LDAP, Ambari, Zookeeper, Zeppelin)



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



3 Jahre 1 Monat
2021-10 - 2024-10


Manager agiles Projektmanagement

ALTERNATIVE will develop an innovative platform able to detect the cardiotoxicity of chemicals and their biotransformation products. The novel platform will enable regulators and industry to identify, quantify and prevent cardiotoxic co-exposures to industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals in a cost-effective way. ALTERNATIVE will particularly focus on cardiotoxic effects on the older people, which is of high relevance in view of the aging European population and the high spread of cardiovascular diseases.

Within the scope of the project and cloud data platform will be developed to enable deployment, operation and access of the machine learning data modes as well as to facilitate the data gathering and analysis between ALTERNATIVE partners.


  • Implementation of Cloud Data Platform

  • Integration of ML model and data source into the cloud data platform


  • Consortium coordination for SI ES TI EOOD

  • Management of the development team

agiles Projektmanagement
9 Monate
2023-09 - 2024-05

SCS VP04 - Openstack networking

Network/Cloud Architect Border Gateway Protocol OVN OVS ...
Network/Cloud Architect
SCS VP04 Networking outlines 3 sub-lots aiming to improve and further develop the Openstack?s networking stack in three major ways - SDN scalability, traffic encryption and cloud interconnect. The work would be carried out as an open-source project in the SCS community and upstream projects like Openstack and Neutron. Building the SCS lab with physical infrastructure like network switches, server and the networking software based on SONiC was also contributed to.

  • Creating technical concept for slots ?Network encryption? and ?Cloud Interconnect? work packages
  • Deep-dive analysis and technical roadmap for work package 1 - SDN scalability with SONiC
  • Creating virtual environment based on GNS3 and SONiC to simulate SDN architecture
  • Building, customizing and bug fixing community SONiC images for Edgecore switches
  • Deployment and testing of community and enterprise SONiC on lab hardware
  • Creating BGP, VXLAN, EVPN configuration for SONiC
  • Testing custom SONiC builds on lab devices

Border Gateway Protocol OVN OVS EVPN VXLAN Edgecore SONiC
OSB Alliance
6 Monate
2022-09 - 2023-02


DevOps Lead
DevOps Lead

The project is for creating an environment and managing stable coin, that will be used in payments between telco operators.

The main purpose is to eliminate cases of change in the exchange rate of the individual currencies that are used under the contracts between telcos, for example change in rates between EUR and USD.

Core components:

  • Node.js application, that connects to Celo Alfajores Testnet

  • Secure the application with ingress controller (TLS/HTTPS) and management of certificates


  • Celo Alfajores Testnet

  • Node.js

  • AWS EKS cluster

  • Ingress-controller with cert management


  • Kubernetes deployments and automation package

  • Prepare network environment on AWS

  • Build docker images and store them on docker image registry

  • Deploy solution on AWS

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
7 Monate
2022-08 - 2023-02


DevOps Lead
DevOps Lead

The project explores and researches different DLTs, measures them for performance and develops use cases for different Telco implementations. One goal of the project is to develop a platform to collect, process and store telco data on ledger, from the Telco?s network in real time. 

The platform generates Benchmark Reports that cover network performance and amount of transactions incl. requests/responses.

Core components:

  • HL Fabric test network incl. orderers, organizations with 1 or more peers each, smart contract chaincode installed on all peers

  • Distributed testing with HL Caliper with workers from different locations (TZ)


  • Hyperledger Fabric, Celo network

  • Measure tools: HL Caliper, JMeter


  • Kubernetes deployment

  • Network setup and configuration on AWS

  • Building docker images and maintain the registry

  • Automation of deployment

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2021-11 - 2023-02



Implementation of open market specification for information exchange about electricity usage on the Bulgarian energy market.

Implementation of 6 modules according to the ESO specification:

  • settlement

  • billing

  • metering

  • invoice

  • data exchange

  • User Management and Authentication


  • Docker/Docker-compose

  • DotNet Core 6.0




  • Project management

  • Task allocation for the technical team; code reviews

  • Creation of technical specifications according to the higher level ESO documents for each of the modules

  • Integration of production server on client?s premises

  • Working on the server and frontend code bases

1 Jahr 3 Monate
2021-10 - 2022-12


DevOps Lead
DevOps Lead

DIMAS project is focused on development of Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) use cases including Decentralized identifiers (DIDs), that can be used to enable self-sovereign identities in use cases.

Core components:

  • Issuer: issue credentials, verify identities and use schema

  • Holder: acquires, store and present identity

  • Verifier: verify identifiers and schema

  • Verifiable Data Registry: in our case DLT (Hyperledger Indy network or local VON network), that is used to maintain Identifiers and Schema


  • Node.js

  • ACA-py

  • k3s Kubernetes

  • Hyperledger Indy DLT


  • Kubernetes deployments

  • Building docker images and maintain the registry

  • Automation of deployment of the organization that joins the network

  • Deployment and joining the network of demo organization

  • Setting up network environment on AWS

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
3 Jahre
2020-01 - 2022-12

Daiteap (Multi-Cloud management platform)

Team Lead
Team Lead

Project management and technical architecture of a cloud-native Multi-Cloud orchestrator. Main responsibilities include the integration of major public cloud provider APIs, designing the network topology using VPN, IP Routing, DNS, TLS, centralized IDM and Monitoring layers. Implementation of Multi-Cloud capable services like DNS, Monitoring and Kubernetes. Management of the developer team for backend and frontend modules, deployment via CI/CD, error handling. Integration of OpenIDConnect provider. Implementation of multi-tenant functionality.


  • Cloud - AWS, GCP, Azure, Alicloud

  • Terraform

  • Ansible

  • Docker und Kubernetes

  • Helm

  • Vuejs

  • Django and Python

  • CI/CD


  • Project management

  • Testing

4 Jahre 1 Monat
2018-07 - 2022-07


DevOps lead
DevOps lead

Architecture and implementation of Blockchain platform for signing Roaming and mobile Data contracts between MNO worldwide based on Hyperledger Fabric. Adaptation for the Hyperledger project to the NOMAD use case, including migration to Kubernetes orchestrator, setting up core and operator network components, creating development and installation packages and documentation. Supporting client and partner MNO technical teams by installing the NOMAD artifacts on public and private infrastructure, supporting technical teams with running operator NOMAD components. Active role in technical discussions with GSMA and assisting the governing body and partners with technical decisions and discussions pertaining to the technical realization of the network and blockchain technologies.


  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • Public cloud: Open Telekom Cloud, AWS, GCP

  • Private cloud

  • Bash scripting


  • MySQL

  • HLF CA

  • OpenSSL

  • Golang, NodeJS

Deutsche Telekom AG
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2018-03 - 2019-08

Datalab (Cloud based IaaS platform)


The DataLab project provides Big Data infrastructure as a service to clients. The platform provides multi-tenant environments to end users with pre-installed and configured infrastructure including Apache Hadoop (Cloudera Enterprise and Hortonworks), various big data tools, frameworks and development environments.

Our role was to design and implement the software as a service layer running on top of the OpenStack infrastructure, including the management of the Hadoop distributions, user rights and access, integration of analytics tools with big data clusters and resolving user issues within the platform.


  • Installation and configuration of Hadoop distributions: Cloudera Enterprise and Hortonworks

  • Management of Hadoop Activities: HDFS, Hive, Spark, Impala, etc.

  • Resource Management with OpenStack, including performance analysis, resource utilization and backup

  • Remote access using VPN and HTTPS

  • Communications with partners, clients regarding technical requirements

  • Automatisation of user management


  • Cloudera Enterprise, Hortonworks

  • HBase, HDFS, Hive, Hue, Impala, Oozie, Solr, Spark, Sqoop, ZooKeeper, Pig, Kafka, Storm, Flume, Cloudera Manager

  • Ansible

  • Open Telekom Cloud

  • LDAP, Kerberos

  • OpenStack, KVM, Virtualization

  • Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows Server 2012

  • Gitlab, Jenkins

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Jahr
2006-01 - 2006-12

"Tempus" Project

University of Rennes 1 (France)
University of Rennes 1 (France)
Continuation of the "Tempus" project on distribution of access to Internet services in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
1 Jahr
2005-01 - 2005-12

"Tempus" Project

University of Rennes 1 (France)
University of Rennes 1 (France)
Specialization in Internet Technologies within the "Tempus" project on Building the University Computer Network of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
2 Monate
2005-04 - 2005-05

Course "Management of time and stress"

Arthur Adams Training and Professional Center, Geneva (Switzerland)
Arthur Adams Training and Professional Center, Geneva (Switzerland)

Completed course "The most important thing for a successful manager"

 Completed course "Management of time and stress"

2 Monate
1998-07 - 1998-08

Professional course

Internet society
Internet society

Internet Society Annual Seminar and Training (ISOC),

Backbone Internet Connectivity

13 Jahre 10 Monate
1984-09 - 1998-06


EIM operator-programmer, Mathematical High School "Baba Tonka" - Ruse
EIM operator-programmer
Mathematical High School "Baba Tonka" - Ruse
5 Jahre 4 Monate
1990-08 - 1995-11


Master of Informatics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Master of Informatics
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Higher Mathematics, Design of Software Products and Systems and Programming




Project Management
Software Development
Hadoop & Big Data


  • Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • Databases (MySQL, Redis)
  • Tools (Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, ELK stack, LDAP, NGINX, SSL/TLS, OpenSSL, HLF CA)
  • Networking (TCP/IP, UML, LB, Ingress, VPN IPSEC and Wireguard, CNI, OAuth2.0/OIDC)


  • Languages (C, C++, Perl, C#, Go, Visual C++, Delphi, JavaScript, Java, Python, Bash/scripting, HTML, XML)
  • Frameworks (DotNet Core6, J2EE, MS Blazor, Django)
  • IDEs (Microsoft Visual Studio)
  • Tools (GIT, Gitlab, Github, Jupyter Notebook, Minikube)


  • Public providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, Open Telekom Cloud, OVH)
  • Private cloud (OpenStack)


  • SONiC, IOS
  • SDN
  • GNS3
  • Openstack Neutron

Hadoop and big data:

  • Providers (Cloudera, Hortonworks)
  • Services (Cloudera manager, HDFS, Hbase, Spark, Storm, Solr, Banana, Hive, NiFi, KNOX, Ranger, Kerberos, LDAP, Ambari, Zookeeper, Zeppelin)

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