Java, Kotlin, Javascript. I worked with Spring Boot, Quarkus, Vue.js, AWS, Azure.
Aktualisiert am 30.01.2024
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Spring Boot



Berlin (+20km)



2 years 1 month
2022-08 - now

Rapid MVP development, sustainable software


on Request
1 year 1 month
2021-12 - 2022-12

Building a centralized platform for many car brands

Java Go K8S ...
Java Go K8S PostgreSQL AWS
1 year 6 months
2020-06 - 2021-11

Developing Second Screen an electronic assistant for GLS drivers

Java Kotlin Spring ...
  • Navigation, maps, data processing
Java Kotlin Spring PostgreSQL AWS
GLS eCom Lab
5 months
2020-02 - 2020-06

A B2B project for BVG

Yii2 PHP
  • Tickets management software for business clients and BVG staff
Yii2 PHP
Sal-A IT
7 months
2019-07 - 2020-01

Developing Second Screen, an electronic assistant for GLS drivers

Java Kotlin Spring ...
  • Navigation, maps, data processing
Java Kotlin Spring PostgreSQL AWS
GLS eCom Lab
11 months
2018-09 - 2019-07

Developing CRM for Hotels, Property Management Systems integrations

Java Spring PostgreSQL ...

Java Spring PostgreSQL Google Cloud
3 months
2018-07 - 2018-09

Developing REST API and async data processing platform

Java Spring Heroku ...
Java Spring Heroku PostgreSQL
Reply Arlanis
5 months
2018-03 - 2018-07

Developing a modular backend platform and mobile app

Full-stack developer Java Spring React ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing a modular backend platform and mobile app as concept for building products in travel industry
Java Spring React React-Native Kubernetes AWS
6 months
2017-10 - 2018-03

Developing a web based enterprise application

Full-stack developer Java Spring Heroku ...
Full-stack developer
  • Using Salesforce?s Platform Events to enable event-based architecture
Java Spring Heroku Salesforce React Hibernate PostgreSQL
Reply Arlanis
1 year 6 months
2016-05 - 2017-10

Developing and leading a project named ?Rebooking?

Full-stack developer AWS Java Spring Boot ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing and leading a project named ?Rebooking? - rebooking a hotel room on customers behalf as soon as the price drops
  • Duties included planning architecture, filling backlog, prioritising and delegating tasks, integration with various systems, aggregating domain knowledge from various sources across Europe
AWS Java Spring Boot SOAP
2 months
2016-03 - 2016-04

Supporting development of a page

Full-stack developer PHP JS
Full-stack developer

  • URL on Request
  • front and backend, Java- Script widgets

8 months
2015-07 - 2016-02

Developing of Apps

Full-stack developer C# .NET Android PHP ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing a web based inventory management application for AOK Nordost
  • Developing a mobile app for BVG to help register monthly tickets
  • Fast prototyping of web based B2B products (e.g. interactive calendar, SMS notifications, archi- ving of documents)
  • Extending and fixing CMS based pages for various customers (Joomla)
  • Extending a desktop C# .NET application
C# .NET Android PHP Symfony 2 Java Java EE JSF JBoss Hibernate JavaScript
Sal.A IT
1 year
2014-07 - 2015-06

Development of comparison services

Full-stack developer PHP Symfony 2 JavaScript
Full-stack developer
  • Development of comparison services (URL on Request) and tools easing content creation (e.g. rich text editor)
PHP Symfony 2 JavaScript
1 year 11 months
2012-03 - 2014-01

Developing of Apps

Full-stack developer Java Play Framework MySQL ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing frontend for hardware and services monitoring
  • Developing services aggregating and displaying data for analysis from e-mail servers for British Telecom
  • Developing backend for mobile apps in the SPA/Wellness sector
  • Developing native mobile apps
  • Developing web based mobile apps
Java Play Framework MySQL Android Javascript CSS (Twitter Bootstrap/Foundation) PHP (Cake 2) Nagios Vagrant Jasper Reports JSF PhoneGap
German Healthcare Services
4 years
2009-01 - 2012-12

Various back- and frontend projects in PHP and Javascript

Various back- and frontend projects in PHP and Javascript including but not limited to:
  • back- and frontend for service used to configure and order physical marketing materials for Mercedes car dealers (PHP, Javascript)
  • SOAP integration between online shop and inventory management system (PHP)
  • back- and frontend for package tracking service for local courier company (PHP, Javascript)
  • back- and frontend for online holiday houses catalogue with search and ads capability (PHP, Javascript)
  • backend for simple CRM system for a local bank



Berlin (+20km)



2 years 1 month
2022-08 - now

Rapid MVP development, sustainable software


on Request
1 year 1 month
2021-12 - 2022-12

Building a centralized platform for many car brands

Java Go K8S ...
Java Go K8S PostgreSQL AWS
1 year 6 months
2020-06 - 2021-11

Developing Second Screen an electronic assistant for GLS drivers

Java Kotlin Spring ...
  • Navigation, maps, data processing
Java Kotlin Spring PostgreSQL AWS
GLS eCom Lab
5 months
2020-02 - 2020-06

A B2B project for BVG

Yii2 PHP
  • Tickets management software for business clients and BVG staff
Yii2 PHP
Sal-A IT
7 months
2019-07 - 2020-01

Developing Second Screen, an electronic assistant for GLS drivers

Java Kotlin Spring ...
  • Navigation, maps, data processing
Java Kotlin Spring PostgreSQL AWS
GLS eCom Lab
11 months
2018-09 - 2019-07

Developing CRM for Hotels, Property Management Systems integrations

Java Spring PostgreSQL ...

Java Spring PostgreSQL Google Cloud
3 months
2018-07 - 2018-09

Developing REST API and async data processing platform

Java Spring Heroku ...
Java Spring Heroku PostgreSQL
Reply Arlanis
5 months
2018-03 - 2018-07

Developing a modular backend platform and mobile app

Full-stack developer Java Spring React ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing a modular backend platform and mobile app as concept for building products in travel industry
Java Spring React React-Native Kubernetes AWS
6 months
2017-10 - 2018-03

Developing a web based enterprise application

Full-stack developer Java Spring Heroku ...
Full-stack developer
  • Using Salesforce?s Platform Events to enable event-based architecture
Java Spring Heroku Salesforce React Hibernate PostgreSQL
Reply Arlanis
1 year 6 months
2016-05 - 2017-10

Developing and leading a project named ?Rebooking?

Full-stack developer AWS Java Spring Boot ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing and leading a project named ?Rebooking? - rebooking a hotel room on customers behalf as soon as the price drops
  • Duties included planning architecture, filling backlog, prioritising and delegating tasks, integration with various systems, aggregating domain knowledge from various sources across Europe
AWS Java Spring Boot SOAP
2 months
2016-03 - 2016-04

Supporting development of a page

Full-stack developer PHP JS
Full-stack developer

  • URL on Request
  • front and backend, Java- Script widgets

8 months
2015-07 - 2016-02

Developing of Apps

Full-stack developer C# .NET Android PHP ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing a web based inventory management application for AOK Nordost
  • Developing a mobile app for BVG to help register monthly tickets
  • Fast prototyping of web based B2B products (e.g. interactive calendar, SMS notifications, archi- ving of documents)
  • Extending and fixing CMS based pages for various customers (Joomla)
  • Extending a desktop C# .NET application
C# .NET Android PHP Symfony 2 Java Java EE JSF JBoss Hibernate JavaScript
Sal.A IT
1 year
2014-07 - 2015-06

Development of comparison services

Full-stack developer PHP Symfony 2 JavaScript
Full-stack developer
  • Development of comparison services (URL on Request) and tools easing content creation (e.g. rich text editor)
PHP Symfony 2 JavaScript
1 year 11 months
2012-03 - 2014-01

Developing of Apps

Full-stack developer Java Play Framework MySQL ...
Full-stack developer
  • Developing frontend for hardware and services monitoring
  • Developing services aggregating and displaying data for analysis from e-mail servers for British Telecom
  • Developing backend for mobile apps in the SPA/Wellness sector
  • Developing native mobile apps
  • Developing web based mobile apps
Java Play Framework MySQL Android Javascript CSS (Twitter Bootstrap/Foundation) PHP (Cake 2) Nagios Vagrant Jasper Reports JSF PhoneGap
German Healthcare Services
4 years
2009-01 - 2012-12

Various back- and frontend projects in PHP and Javascript

Various back- and frontend projects in PHP and Javascript including but not limited to:
  • back- and frontend for service used to configure and order physical marketing materials for Mercedes car dealers (PHP, Javascript)
  • SOAP integration between online shop and inventory management system (PHP)
  • back- and frontend for package tracking service for local courier company (PHP, Javascript)
  • back- and frontend for online holiday houses catalogue with search and ads capability (PHP, Javascript)
  • backend for simple CRM system for a local bank

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