2018 - heute: various projectsCustomer: on request
Role: Senior Software Developer
Senior Software Developer responsible for design and implementation of Java and Cloud based solutions.
Recent projects:Lead developer in the team working on development of IoT Management Platform. Responsible for analysis and implementation of complex tasks and guiding less experienced team members.
Skills:Java, Spring, Spring Cloud (config server, service discovery Eureka, Feign, Ribbon), Kafka, REST, SOAP, Spock
Lead developer of the backend team that implemented from scratch reporting system for international logistics company. System goal was predictive performance analysis and monitoring on various levels of organization and different countries. Responsible for requirements analysis and implementing them in the system.
Skills:Java, Spring Boot, Teradata DB, MyBatis, REST, JSON, Spock, Groovy
Design and development of ticket booking platform for international and domestic trips.
Skills: Java 11, Spring Boot, Elasticsearch, Spring Cloud Contracts, PostgreSQL, REST, SOAP, Spock, Groovy
Development of Java-based Backend for Health Advisory platform in UK
Skills: Java, Spring, JWT, MySQL, REST API, AWS S3 and AWS KMS client libs
Development of the Web Administration Module of Blockchain-based platform of insurance broker company
Skills: React.js, RxJS, SASS, Component libs: Material-UI & ReactMD
Booking.com-like system for booking accommodations for patients of medical facilities with integrated payments and geocoding
- developing web services (refining, planning, estimating);
- developing web application;
- writing integration and unit tests.
Skills:Kotlin, Spring, Spring Boot, JOOQ, Liquibase, Maven, React, Redux, Material UI, Spock, Groovy, PostgreSQL
Backend development of Wealth Management Platform that helps underserved communities invest in high interest pensions, ISAs and personal portfolios
Java, Spring (Cloud, Boot, Security), PostgreSQL/H2, JSON, RESTful, Liquibase, Docker, Thymeleaf/Velocity, Python, Elastic Search, Kibana, Logstash
2016 - 2018: System helping auditors in UNSPSC categories attributionCustomer: Polish branch of US Software House
Role: Software Engineer
Tasks: System helping auditors in UNSPSC categories attribution
- developing Web service (refining, planning, estimating);
- implementing features; ?xing bugs;
- responsible for REST API;
- preparing tech designs; writing integration and unit tests.
Skills:Java 8, Spring, Liquibase, Spock, Groovy, PostgreSQL
System to classify and audit medical products
- retraining and evaluating ML models; increasing results of the classi?cation;
- developing Web App (refining, planning, estimating);
- preparing tech designs; developing audit features; REST API;
- writing integration and unit tests.
Skills:Kotlin, Deeplearning4j, Apache Spark, Spring, Java 8, PostgreSQL, Spock, Groovy
2014 - 2016: Multilingual product databaseCustomer: Allegro Group
Role: Software Engineer
Tasks:Multilingual product database for allegro.pl retail system and whole product-based allegro.de system
- developing microservices based application;
- implementing features; ?xing bugs;
- developing public API microservice;
- integration tests and unit tests; code reviews
Skills:Java 8, Spring, ElasticSearch, Apache Spark, Hadoop, MongoDB, Spock, Groovy, PostgreSQL
2013 - 2014: variousCustomer: Polish Software House and System Integrator
Role: Web Developer
Tasks:Projects featuring trading operations between energy industry in Poland
- developing web app (refining, planning, estimating);
- providing features;
- ?xing bugs on both frontend and backend side.
Skills:Java, Spring, Hibernate, Velocity, Spark, Hadoop, MongoDB, Spock, Groovy, PostgreSQL