Projektmanagement und Prozessmanagement, Organisationsberatung, Change Management, Dokumentenmanagement
Aktualisiert am 08.04.2024
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Gelsenkirchen (+200km) Hannover (+50km)



6 Jahre 2 Monate
2018-07 - heute

Erstellung und Umsetzung der Digitalisierungsstrategie

Berater und Coach
Berater und Coach
8 Monate
2017-11 - 2018-06

Rationalisierung - ISDN-Dial-In-Platform (Data)

Projektleiter Kundenzufriedenheit
Projektleiter Kundenzufriedenheit
Operative Beratung von 122 Kunden mit ca. 2000 Services zur Ablösung der technisch veralteten Plattform.
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2016-06 - 2018-01

KONSENS - Koordinierte neue Software-Entwicklung der Steuerverwaltung

JIRA Confluence Bitbucket
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2015-04 - 2016-04

Introducing a real converged product in a telecommunications environment

Covering all aspects of sales, delivery and customer care we provide an innovative convergent product combined with excellent customer experience. It was technically implemented by adapting, changing and building of more than 40 systems and IT components. We creatively amended and synchronized the sales and service processes between wireline, mobile and cable to provide a seamless customer experience.
5 Monate
2015-02 - 2015-06

Implementation ITEX 17 Guideline BNetzA

IT Projektleiter
IT Projektleiter
The Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA)releases with Amtsblatt 24/2014, announcement 1525/2014 the ITEX 17 specification. This specification describes new features to be implemented within the number management system i.e. new correction codes, new rules for porting date etc. - Develop, test and implement ITEX 17 - adapt processes for managing phone numbers in customer operations and enterprise operations
6 Monate
2014-11 - 2015-04

Direct Activation on NGN Routing Prefix

IT Projektleiter
IT Projektleiter
This is a follow up project to "Einführung 2te Portierungskennung Festnetz". It was not possible to assign the NGN routing prefix directly to a ported call number (customer that changes from a different carrier to my customer). The concequence is that a spare capacity of TDM-ICAs to DTAG has to be in place. This project enables all systems to avoid this limitation.
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2013-12 - 2015-03

Enhanced SIM-delivery & SIM-SWAP process

IT Projektmanager
IT Projektmanager
Current Situation: The experience of new and base customers ordering via online channel, telesales/retention and shops is not optimal (separate delivery of hardware and SIM card, lengthy delivery process, or no SIM delivery at all). This leads to a high complaint ratio at the hotline and thus a low customer satisfaction. Proposal: - Introduction of a new process to ship hardware ordered via online-channels in case of contract prolongation together with neccessary SIM in one parcel. - Introduction of a "virtual SIM" concept, i.e. a SIM card that is only known by its data, but does not exist physically - Integration of the "virtual SIM" concept into the existing IT landscape. This new SIM concept supports the integration into the current business processes and allows the acceleration of lead times, delivering the customers all required components (hardware and SIM) as fast as possible and without the need for additional interaction at hotline, shop, etc. Management Summary: Optimization of delivery process for new handsets: faster, SIM and device in one parcel, always provisioned with the correct SIM for the handset. Optimized seeding of new SIM types in the customer base.
2 Jahre 8 Monate
2012-04 - 2014-11

Einführung 2. Portierungskennung Festnetz (NGN)

IT Projektmanager
IT Projektmanager
Implmentation of a second routing prefix for interconnection to fixed network (NGN). Implentation in IT systems which connect to the national "Portierungsdatenaustauschverfahren". Implementation of VoIP/SIP interconnection to Deutsche Telekom.
1 Jahr
2013-11 - 2014-10

360 ° customer view

Technical Designer
Technical Designer
Current Situation: Mobile / Fixnet customer information at POS is only partially available and scattered over several legacy systems. When an existing customer is entering the shop and has a sales or service request, the sales rep has to start a complex search through different applications to collect the necessary information. Meanwhile the customer waits in front of the desk. Our customers are expecting a quite different customer experience. Key Deliverables: Implementation of first 360° Degree convergent customer view - web browser application for multi-channel purpose (Tablet & PC ): All necessary MF & FN information available without time absorbing searches and without letting the customer wait in front of the desk: Product / contract data, customer data, customer history Billing & Usage information, documents, contacts
5 Monate
2013-12 - 2014-04

Introduce an Product / Offer Configurator (e.g tablet)

Technical Solution Designer
Technical Solution Designer
Current Situation: Main selling instrument at POS is the paper-based pencil selling method. The offer is "configurated" on paper and in case the customer is still undecided, the sales rep hands out the paper. The quality of the offer depends on the sales rep´s state of tariff / promotion logic and his / her handwriting capabilities. In the digital age, our customers expect something different, more digital, more comprehensible. Key deliverables: Implementation of a multi-channel offer configuration application available on tablet or web browser to create transparent customer offer (new activation, vvl etc.) Consideration of complex price / promotion logic when generating the offer. Inclusion of print and email-capabilties for undecided customers.
1 Jahr 10 Monate
2011-10 - 2013-07

Change order forms for mobile and fixed net orders

Technical Designer
Technical Designer
With the project the current order forms for mobile and fixed net orders shall be changed or enhanced. Goals (Objectives, Non Objectives) ?The main goals are to achieve transparency for our customers and therefore to avoid bill and contract queries and call-backs and last but not least to increase customer satisfaction. To realize the project goals, a new printout should be available at all POS, which shows the customer transparently, what he has bought at which price (fixed net, hardware, additional costs). The new print-out is an order confirmation print-out of what the sales staff has booked in addition to the order print-out. It is signed by the sales agent.
6 Monate
2012-10 - 2013-03

DMS New Generation - CM & CMoD new

Business Requirement Manager
Business Requirement Manager
Due to end of lifecycle the DMS soft-/ and hardware used is no longer supported. The project will implement a new DMS generation of the Content Manager (CM) / Content Manager on Demand (CMoD) / Input Accel (IA) and Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM), to return to a fully supported operational DMS environment. There will be no functional changes to the connected business systems or any other system. Goals (Objectives, Non Objectives) * The project will implement a new DMS generation of CM/CMoD and ensure software and hardware availability with very high document access performance for all internal and external users without changing or negatively impacting current front- und back-end processes. * The new DMS generation will be based on a new scalable infrastructure that can sustain future growth of direct customer's online accesses to their archived documents over the internet.
IBM Content Manager
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2010-02 - 2011-09

Betreuung Staatsanwaltschaftliche Automatisierte Schreibwerk (SAS) und MESTA (Mehrländer-Staatsanwaltschafts-Automation)

Produktmanager MESTA und SAS
Produktmanager MESTA und SAS

Die Staatsanwaltschaften setzen seit 1999 MESTA (MehrländerStaatsanwaltschafts-Automation) ein. Das Programm wird gemeinsam mit den Bundesländern Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen und SchleswigHolstein weiterentwickelt und ausgebaut. MESTA unterstützt alle Arbeitsabläufe der Staatsanwaltschaften und verfügt über Schnittstellen, die mittels XJustiz-Datensatz für elektronische Kommunikationspartner genutzt werden können. Seit 2007 wird zudem das Staatsanwaltschaftliche Automatisierte Schreibwerk (SAS) eingesetzt. Das eng mit MESTA verzahnte Programm wird in Abstimmung mit den Ländern Berlin, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Schleswig-Holstein gepflegt. Das formularbasierte Schreibwerk wurde um die Möglichkeiten des eingebundenen digitalen Diktats ergänzt. Neu hinzugekommen ist die Integration eines nach den Bedürfnissen der Praxis angepassten DMS für ein elektronisches Aktendop- pel, auch wenn die Papierakte weiterhin führend ist. Neben Such- und Recherchemöglichkeiten stellt SAS weitere Funktionen, z.B. für eine „Beweismittelverdichtung“ zur Verfügung. SAS kommt zuneh- mend auch in der Hauptverhandlung zum Einsatz. Die elektronische Akteneinsicht über das Internet für Rechtsanwälte wird seit Anfang 2013 in der Praxis erprobt. Diese Form der Akteneinsicht soll vorwie- gend in den Verfahren genutzt werden, in denen heute Kopieakten angelegt werden oder in Verfahren, in denen viele Rechtsanwälte Akteneinsicht beantragen.

öffentliche Verwaltung / Softwarehersteller

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

7 Jahre 6 Monate
1990-10 - 1998-03


Dipl-Ing., Universität Dortmund
Universität Dortmund
Nachrichtentechnik / Bildverarbeitung




Changemanagement Coaching Projektmanagement/Projektleitung


Schwerpunkt IT

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Ceyoniq Arcis
Ceyoniq Document Server
HP Quality Center
Hyparchiv Inspire BPM
IBM Content Manager
IBM Content Manager on Demand
Kofax Ascent Capture
Lexign Workflow (ehemals Keyflow)
Life Styles Inventory? (LSI)
MS Office
MS Project
MS Sharepoint
Organizational Culture Inventory®
Word Café


NT, 2000, XP, 7







Telekommunikation, Öffentliche Verwaltung, Handel, Industrie, Consulting, NPOs, Banken



Gelsenkirchen (+200km) Hannover (+50km)



6 Jahre 2 Monate
2018-07 - heute

Erstellung und Umsetzung der Digitalisierungsstrategie

Berater und Coach
Berater und Coach
8 Monate
2017-11 - 2018-06

Rationalisierung - ISDN-Dial-In-Platform (Data)

Projektleiter Kundenzufriedenheit
Projektleiter Kundenzufriedenheit
Operative Beratung von 122 Kunden mit ca. 2000 Services zur Ablösung der technisch veralteten Plattform.
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2016-06 - 2018-01

KONSENS - Koordinierte neue Software-Entwicklung der Steuerverwaltung

JIRA Confluence Bitbucket
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2015-04 - 2016-04

Introducing a real converged product in a telecommunications environment

Covering all aspects of sales, delivery and customer care we provide an innovative convergent product combined with excellent customer experience. It was technically implemented by adapting, changing and building of more than 40 systems and IT components. We creatively amended and synchronized the sales and service processes between wireline, mobile and cable to provide a seamless customer experience.
5 Monate
2015-02 - 2015-06

Implementation ITEX 17 Guideline BNetzA

IT Projektleiter
IT Projektleiter
The Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA)releases with Amtsblatt 24/2014, announcement 1525/2014 the ITEX 17 specification. This specification describes new features to be implemented within the number management system i.e. new correction codes, new rules for porting date etc. - Develop, test and implement ITEX 17 - adapt processes for managing phone numbers in customer operations and enterprise operations
6 Monate
2014-11 - 2015-04

Direct Activation on NGN Routing Prefix

IT Projektleiter
IT Projektleiter
This is a follow up project to "Einführung 2te Portierungskennung Festnetz". It was not possible to assign the NGN routing prefix directly to a ported call number (customer that changes from a different carrier to my customer). The concequence is that a spare capacity of TDM-ICAs to DTAG has to be in place. This project enables all systems to avoid this limitation.
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2013-12 - 2015-03

Enhanced SIM-delivery & SIM-SWAP process

IT Projektmanager
IT Projektmanager
Current Situation: The experience of new and base customers ordering via online channel, telesales/retention and shops is not optimal (separate delivery of hardware and SIM card, lengthy delivery process, or no SIM delivery at all). This leads to a high complaint ratio at the hotline and thus a low customer satisfaction. Proposal: - Introduction of a new process to ship hardware ordered via online-channels in case of contract prolongation together with neccessary SIM in one parcel. - Introduction of a "virtual SIM" concept, i.e. a SIM card that is only known by its data, but does not exist physically - Integration of the "virtual SIM" concept into the existing IT landscape. This new SIM concept supports the integration into the current business processes and allows the acceleration of lead times, delivering the customers all required components (hardware and SIM) as fast as possible and without the need for additional interaction at hotline, shop, etc. Management Summary: Optimization of delivery process for new handsets: faster, SIM and device in one parcel, always provisioned with the correct SIM for the handset. Optimized seeding of new SIM types in the customer base.
2 Jahre 8 Monate
2012-04 - 2014-11

Einführung 2. Portierungskennung Festnetz (NGN)

IT Projektmanager
IT Projektmanager
Implmentation of a second routing prefix for interconnection to fixed network (NGN). Implentation in IT systems which connect to the national "Portierungsdatenaustauschverfahren". Implementation of VoIP/SIP interconnection to Deutsche Telekom.
1 Jahr
2013-11 - 2014-10

360 ° customer view

Technical Designer
Technical Designer
Current Situation: Mobile / Fixnet customer information at POS is only partially available and scattered over several legacy systems. When an existing customer is entering the shop and has a sales or service request, the sales rep has to start a complex search through different applications to collect the necessary information. Meanwhile the customer waits in front of the desk. Our customers are expecting a quite different customer experience. Key Deliverables: Implementation of first 360° Degree convergent customer view - web browser application for multi-channel purpose (Tablet & PC ): All necessary MF & FN information available without time absorbing searches and without letting the customer wait in front of the desk: Product / contract data, customer data, customer history Billing & Usage information, documents, contacts
5 Monate
2013-12 - 2014-04

Introduce an Product / Offer Configurator (e.g tablet)

Technical Solution Designer
Technical Solution Designer
Current Situation: Main selling instrument at POS is the paper-based pencil selling method. The offer is "configurated" on paper and in case the customer is still undecided, the sales rep hands out the paper. The quality of the offer depends on the sales rep´s state of tariff / promotion logic and his / her handwriting capabilities. In the digital age, our customers expect something different, more digital, more comprehensible. Key deliverables: Implementation of a multi-channel offer configuration application available on tablet or web browser to create transparent customer offer (new activation, vvl etc.) Consideration of complex price / promotion logic when generating the offer. Inclusion of print and email-capabilties for undecided customers.
1 Jahr 10 Monate
2011-10 - 2013-07

Change order forms for mobile and fixed net orders

Technical Designer
Technical Designer
With the project the current order forms for mobile and fixed net orders shall be changed or enhanced. Goals (Objectives, Non Objectives) ?The main goals are to achieve transparency for our customers and therefore to avoid bill and contract queries and call-backs and last but not least to increase customer satisfaction. To realize the project goals, a new printout should be available at all POS, which shows the customer transparently, what he has bought at which price (fixed net, hardware, additional costs). The new print-out is an order confirmation print-out of what the sales staff has booked in addition to the order print-out. It is signed by the sales agent.
6 Monate
2012-10 - 2013-03

DMS New Generation - CM & CMoD new

Business Requirement Manager
Business Requirement Manager
Due to end of lifecycle the DMS soft-/ and hardware used is no longer supported. The project will implement a new DMS generation of the Content Manager (CM) / Content Manager on Demand (CMoD) / Input Accel (IA) and Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM), to return to a fully supported operational DMS environment. There will be no functional changes to the connected business systems or any other system. Goals (Objectives, Non Objectives) * The project will implement a new DMS generation of CM/CMoD and ensure software and hardware availability with very high document access performance for all internal and external users without changing or negatively impacting current front- und back-end processes. * The new DMS generation will be based on a new scalable infrastructure that can sustain future growth of direct customer's online accesses to their archived documents over the internet.
IBM Content Manager
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2010-02 - 2011-09

Betreuung Staatsanwaltschaftliche Automatisierte Schreibwerk (SAS) und MESTA (Mehrländer-Staatsanwaltschafts-Automation)

Produktmanager MESTA und SAS
Produktmanager MESTA und SAS

Die Staatsanwaltschaften setzen seit 1999 MESTA (MehrländerStaatsanwaltschafts-Automation) ein. Das Programm wird gemeinsam mit den Bundesländern Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen und SchleswigHolstein weiterentwickelt und ausgebaut. MESTA unterstützt alle Arbeitsabläufe der Staatsanwaltschaften und verfügt über Schnittstellen, die mittels XJustiz-Datensatz für elektronische Kommunikationspartner genutzt werden können. Seit 2007 wird zudem das Staatsanwaltschaftliche Automatisierte Schreibwerk (SAS) eingesetzt. Das eng mit MESTA verzahnte Programm wird in Abstimmung mit den Ländern Berlin, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Schleswig-Holstein gepflegt. Das formularbasierte Schreibwerk wurde um die Möglichkeiten des eingebundenen digitalen Diktats ergänzt. Neu hinzugekommen ist die Integration eines nach den Bedürfnissen der Praxis angepassten DMS für ein elektronisches Aktendop- pel, auch wenn die Papierakte weiterhin führend ist. Neben Such- und Recherchemöglichkeiten stellt SAS weitere Funktionen, z.B. für eine „Beweismittelverdichtung“ zur Verfügung. SAS kommt zuneh- mend auch in der Hauptverhandlung zum Einsatz. Die elektronische Akteneinsicht über das Internet für Rechtsanwälte wird seit Anfang 2013 in der Praxis erprobt. Diese Form der Akteneinsicht soll vorwie- gend in den Verfahren genutzt werden, in denen heute Kopieakten angelegt werden oder in Verfahren, in denen viele Rechtsanwälte Akteneinsicht beantragen.

öffentliche Verwaltung / Softwarehersteller

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

7 Jahre 6 Monate
1990-10 - 1998-03


Dipl-Ing., Universität Dortmund
Universität Dortmund
Nachrichtentechnik / Bildverarbeitung




Changemanagement Coaching Projektmanagement/Projektleitung


Schwerpunkt IT

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Ceyoniq Arcis
Ceyoniq Document Server
HP Quality Center
Hyparchiv Inspire BPM
IBM Content Manager
IBM Content Manager on Demand
Kofax Ascent Capture
Lexign Workflow (ehemals Keyflow)
Life Styles Inventory? (LSI)
MS Office
MS Project
MS Sharepoint
Organizational Culture Inventory®
Word Café


NT, 2000, XP, 7







Telekommunikation, Öffentliche Verwaltung, Handel, Industrie, Consulting, NPOs, Banken

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