Hochverfügbare Webplatformen:
- http://www.fanreport.com/
Systemdesign und Programmierung, 900.000 Visits pro Monat, 5.3 Mio Pageviews (ÖWA Stats 09/2012)
- http://www.geomix.at/
Systemdesign und Programmierung
Integration lwIP Embedded System:
- FreeRTOS
- AVR32 platform
- Technical lead DSL-Systems
- DSLAM port- and RADIUS provisioning interfaces for OSS systems, using
- Design and implementation of an European RADIUS system (freeradius,
MySQL 5.1, NDB Cluster)
- Dynamic tftpd, writing DOCSIS compliant bootfiles on the fly, querying
ldap for various parameters
- IPv6 course
OS: Redhat, Centos, Solaris 8, 9, 10
Network: CNR
- Teamleader coredevelopment
- Lead development of the BRAS (LAC) implementation, runs on linux (kernel
part, and userland daemon)
- Lead of the SER and later OpenSER VoIP system
- Responsible for the DHCP servers
- Volume tracking
- DSLAM port provisioning
- DSLAM management, customer care panels
- Implementation of redundant firewalls with linux using heartbeat
- DSL CPE (auto)configuration system
OS: Debian starting with 3.0 (woody)
DB: MySQL, 4.x, 5.x, implemented MySQL NDB Cluster for the VoIP and RADIUS
Network: basic IOS knowledge, CCNA course, basic knowledge about some
routing protocols (BGP, OSPF, RIPv2)
Lang: PHP4, PHP5, Perl, C
- maintainer of the RADIUS pecl
- created the mqseries pecl, handed over to other maintainer
- PEAR-Packages:
- RADIUS auth container for the Auth package
- File_SMBPasswd (legacy)
- Crypt_CHAP
OpenSource projects:
- Mpd, Multilink PPP daemon for FreeBSD, RADIUS implementaion, EAP
implementation, multithread support (Version 4.0)
- FreeBSD, minor contributions:
libcrypt, NT-Hash scheme, see man(3) crypt
libradius, message authenticator support, see man(3) libradius
kernel, ng_pptpgre, added the option to disable the windowing algorithm
* Ältere PHP-Projekte
- PHP Frameworkentwicklung für Webapplikationen, anfangs PHP3 + phplib,
später PHP4:
Produktentwicklung web-portal
Produktentwicklung e-learning Portal
OS: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD
Lang: PHP3, 4, Borland Delphi
DB: MySQL 3.x, 4.x, Oracle, MSSQL
* Gemeindeverwaltungssoftware
OS: Solaris 2.3, 2.4
Lang: Smalltalk (Visualworks)
DB: Informix DB
* Trainertätigkeit BIT Schulungscenter
- Trainerausbildung
- Trainer für die Bereiche Linux/Unix, bzw. Programmiersprachen (perl, C,
* Industrieautomation
- PLS, Produktionsleitsystem für die Automobilzulieferindustrie
Produkt- und Frameworkentwicklung Enfin/Smalltalk, später Portierung auf
Delphi, kritische Teile in C
- SLS, Streckenleitsystem für ein Walzwerk
Delphi, kritische Teile in C
OS: OS/2, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD
Lang: Enfin/Smalltalk, Borland Delphi, C
DB: IBM DB/2, Oracle
1979-1983 Volksschule
1983-1992 Gymnasium
1992-1994 HTL-Kolleg (Elektronik u. Nachrichtentechnik)
IT Experte
Mit Erfahrung in den Bereichen:
Hochverfügbare Webplatformen:
- http://www.fanreport.com/
Systemdesign und Programmierung, 900.000 Visits pro Monat, 5.3 Mio Pageviews (ÖWA Stats 09/2012)
- http://www.geomix.at/
Systemdesign und Programmierung
Integration lwIP Embedded System:
- FreeRTOS
- AVR32 platform
- Technical lead DSL-Systems
- DSLAM port- and RADIUS provisioning interfaces for OSS systems, using
- Design and implementation of an European RADIUS system (freeradius,
MySQL 5.1, NDB Cluster)
- Dynamic tftpd, writing DOCSIS compliant bootfiles on the fly, querying
ldap for various parameters
- IPv6 course
OS: Redhat, Centos, Solaris 8, 9, 10
Network: CNR
- Teamleader coredevelopment
- Lead development of the BRAS (LAC) implementation, runs on linux (kernel
part, and userland daemon)
- Lead of the SER and later OpenSER VoIP system
- Responsible for the DHCP servers
- Volume tracking
- DSLAM port provisioning
- DSLAM management, customer care panels
- Implementation of redundant firewalls with linux using heartbeat
- DSL CPE (auto)configuration system
OS: Debian starting with 3.0 (woody)
DB: MySQL, 4.x, 5.x, implemented MySQL NDB Cluster for the VoIP and RADIUS
Network: basic IOS knowledge, CCNA course, basic knowledge about some
routing protocols (BGP, OSPF, RIPv2)
Lang: PHP4, PHP5, Perl, C
- maintainer of the RADIUS pecl
- created the mqseries pecl, handed over to other maintainer
- PEAR-Packages:
- RADIUS auth container for the Auth package
- File_SMBPasswd (legacy)
- Crypt_CHAP
OpenSource projects:
- Mpd, Multilink PPP daemon for FreeBSD, RADIUS implementaion, EAP
implementation, multithread support (Version 4.0)
- FreeBSD, minor contributions:
libcrypt, NT-Hash scheme, see man(3) crypt
libradius, message authenticator support, see man(3) libradius
kernel, ng_pptpgre, added the option to disable the windowing algorithm
* Ältere PHP-Projekte
- PHP Frameworkentwicklung für Webapplikationen, anfangs PHP3 + phplib,
später PHP4:
Produktentwicklung web-portal
Produktentwicklung e-learning Portal
OS: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD
Lang: PHP3, 4, Borland Delphi
DB: MySQL 3.x, 4.x, Oracle, MSSQL
* Gemeindeverwaltungssoftware
OS: Solaris 2.3, 2.4
Lang: Smalltalk (Visualworks)
DB: Informix DB
* Trainertätigkeit BIT Schulungscenter
- Trainerausbildung
- Trainer für die Bereiche Linux/Unix, bzw. Programmiersprachen (perl, C,
* Industrieautomation
- PLS, Produktionsleitsystem für die Automobilzulieferindustrie
Produkt- und Frameworkentwicklung Enfin/Smalltalk, später Portierung auf
Delphi, kritische Teile in C
- SLS, Streckenleitsystem für ein Walzwerk
Delphi, kritische Teile in C
OS: OS/2, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD
Lang: Enfin/Smalltalk, Borland Delphi, C
DB: IBM DB/2, Oracle
1979-1983 Volksschule
1983-1992 Gymnasium
1992-1994 HTL-Kolleg (Elektronik u. Nachrichtentechnik)
IT Experte
Mit Erfahrung in den Bereichen: