Product-Owner Data Science, Software-Architekt, Software-Entwickler C/C++, Python, Java, Robotik, OpenCV, 3D Rekonstruktion
Aktualisiert am 29.10.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 06.01.2025
Verfügbar zu: 95%
davon vor Ort: 10%
fluent contractual level
advanced level
native speaker



Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz



1 Jahr 9 Monate
2019-02 - 2020-10

OCR Improvement

Consulting & Software-Entwickler Bildverarbeitung Scrum
Consulting & Software-Entwickler Bildverarbeitung






6 Monate
2018-02 - 2018-07

Interim Program Lead LTE-M Prototyping

Program Lead
Program Lead
6 Monate
2017-04 - 2017-09

Product Owner - Realtime Vision 3D

Scrum Product Owner
Scrum Product Owner

Forwarding the world's first 3D reconstruction and fibre measurement system used in car and aerospace production environments. Establishing scrum standards within the company. Planning an architecture overhaul of a monolithical system towards an agent/node based system similar to microservice architectures.

  • optimizing the workload in a performance heavy real-time system
  • planning the architecture foundation of the company
  • establishing scrum standards throughout the company
Apodius - a Hexagon Company (Aachen)
2 Jahre 7 Monate
2014-09 - 2017-03

IT Project Lead Warehouse Management System

Planning the warehouse for REWE's e-commerce platform with the goal of beating Amazon Fresh to the market. Mediating between agile and classical company structures and partners, breaking up legacy systems towards a microservice architecture, developing proof of concepts, tutoring on company transparency.

  • planning an automated warehouse
  • product owner of the currently used warehouse management software
  • test automation for the approval of external software releases
  • IT integration of the REWE pick-up station
  • barcode / labeling software for our current warehouses
  • offline storage locator for the setup of new warehouses
  • DB tooling for the delivery region expansion calculation
REWE Digital (Cologne)
2 Jahre 1 Monat
2012-06 - 2014-06

Naval underwater robitics

Research Associate
Research Associate

Research & development on an underwater robot of the german navy for the autonomous exploration of the sea ground. Planning the system architecture and communication middleware, integrating proprietary hardware interfaces, tutoring academic qualification works.

  • robustness analysis of different object detection algorithms on sensor data images
  • realtime object detection using a combination of heuristics with edge and corner detection as well as SURF and pattern matching algorithms
  • realtime motion planning using VFH*, potential fields and dubins path in 2D and 3D
  • occupancy grid mapping represented by 2D probability images
  • ROS UWSim (underwater simulator)
  • dynamic parameter optimization using genetic algorithms in large parameter spaces
Fraunhofer IAIS (Bonn)
1 Jahr
2011-03 - 2012-02

Online Streaming of C++ games

Co-Founder / Lead Web Architect
Co-Founder / Lead Web Architect

Integration and streaming of C++ based computer games in the web browser. Bringing a youtube like click & play experience to the AAA gaming market. First price in the business plan competition BerlinBrandenburg.

  • image compression and streaming
Uplivion Technologies GmbH (Berlin)
5 Monate
2010-10 - 2011-02


Research Assistant
Research Assistant

Serialization of SLAM graphs in the robotics project macropod.

  • matching of velodyne 3D laser range finder data
  • creating an easily navigatable vehicle motion history using efficient storing and loading techniques for its representative SLAM graph Skills
Active Vision Group (University of Koblenz)
8 Jahre 5 Monate
2002-10 - 2011-02

Webdesign & Software development


Webdesign & Software development for various clients. Leading a team of up to 10 members/partners. Reference clients:

  • Open New Media GmbH
  • Statt Strand Koblenz
  • Praxis Renneberg & Ingenhaag
  • Huebinet
  • Inf. GmbH
  • Realtime Visions GmbH
4 Monate
2010-06 - 2010-09

Realization of the DMFCam

Research Assistant
Research Assistant

Realization of the DMFCam - a self-adjusting helmet camera system always pointing towards your sports partner in skiing or similar environments.

  • object detection using color matching and histogram backprojection
  • camera calibration
  • adaptive color correction
  • position tracking using kalman filtering of adjacent images
  • position tracking using heuristic size matching within adjacent mages
MMSPG (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
10 Monate
2009-08 - 2010-05

Study on image region classification

Research Assistant
Research Assistant
  • Study on image region classification using the wavelet standard deviation descriptor. Third price in the best paper category at IMCSIT MMAP Conference, Poland.
Active Vision Group (University of Koblenz)
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2008-10 - 2009-10

Developing an autonomous robot plattform

Practical Course
Practical Course
  • Developing an autonomous robot platform and participating as a team in the World RoboCup 2009. Scoring 1st in the rescue league and 4th in the @home league.
Active Vision Group, University
10 Monate
2004-05 - 2005-02

Video streaming on embedded devices

Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Fraunhofer FIT, Bonn
3 Monate
2002-02 - 2002-04

Virtual studio

  • video cutting
  • keying
  • 3D modeling
Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

06/2002 - 09/2011
Computer Science Diploma
University of Koblenz

  • Studies of Computational Visualistics with main subjects in robotics and image processing.

09/1987 - 06/2000
Rechberg-Gymnasium Donzdorf

  • Receiving the german university-entrance diploma with main subjects in mathematics & sports.

03/2011 - 02/2012
Freie Universität Berlin

  • Scholarship for founding the company Uplivion Tech. GmbH.

03/2009 -08/2009
State of Rhineland-Palatinate

  • Scholarship for writing the diploma thesis in Lausanne, Switzerland



Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

  • IT Product Management
    Certified Scrum Product Owner
  • IT Project Management
    Time and budget driven projects
  • Software Development
    C++, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, more
  • Software Architecture
    Domain design, Microservices, ...
  • Prototyping
    Software POCs, 3D-Printing, Embedded Solutions
  • Design & 3D Modeling
    Adobe Suite, Blender, Maya, Unreal Engine


Linux, Android, Win, iOS


C/C++, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Shell/Bash, ActionScript, ASP/, PHP, JSP



Sqlite, Mongo-DB, MS-SQL, MySQL, PostgreSql


MQTT, ActiveMQ, ROS, Webservices, Client-Server- / Socket-Programmierung


PC / Mac, Android-Devices, Raspberry Pi, ODroid

Design / Entwicklung / Konstruktion

Grundlegende Fähigkeiten in Fusion 360, SolidWorks, Maya, Blender, 3D-Druck, Simulationsumgebungen



Forschungs- und IT-Dienstleisterumfeld, Bildverarbeitung, Automatisierung, Embedded Devices.

E-Commerce, Logistiks, Food.



Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz



1 Jahr 9 Monate
2019-02 - 2020-10

OCR Improvement

Consulting & Software-Entwickler Bildverarbeitung Scrum
Consulting & Software-Entwickler Bildverarbeitung






6 Monate
2018-02 - 2018-07

Interim Program Lead LTE-M Prototyping

Program Lead
Program Lead
6 Monate
2017-04 - 2017-09

Product Owner - Realtime Vision 3D

Scrum Product Owner
Scrum Product Owner

Forwarding the world's first 3D reconstruction and fibre measurement system used in car and aerospace production environments. Establishing scrum standards within the company. Planning an architecture overhaul of a monolithical system towards an agent/node based system similar to microservice architectures.

  • optimizing the workload in a performance heavy real-time system
  • planning the architecture foundation of the company
  • establishing scrum standards throughout the company
Apodius - a Hexagon Company (Aachen)
2 Jahre 7 Monate
2014-09 - 2017-03

IT Project Lead Warehouse Management System

Planning the warehouse for REWE's e-commerce platform with the goal of beating Amazon Fresh to the market. Mediating between agile and classical company structures and partners, breaking up legacy systems towards a microservice architecture, developing proof of concepts, tutoring on company transparency.

  • planning an automated warehouse
  • product owner of the currently used warehouse management software
  • test automation for the approval of external software releases
  • IT integration of the REWE pick-up station
  • barcode / labeling software for our current warehouses
  • offline storage locator for the setup of new warehouses
  • DB tooling for the delivery region expansion calculation
REWE Digital (Cologne)
2 Jahre 1 Monat
2012-06 - 2014-06

Naval underwater robitics

Research Associate
Research Associate

Research & development on an underwater robot of the german navy for the autonomous exploration of the sea ground. Planning the system architecture and communication middleware, integrating proprietary hardware interfaces, tutoring academic qualification works.

  • robustness analysis of different object detection algorithms on sensor data images
  • realtime object detection using a combination of heuristics with edge and corner detection as well as SURF and pattern matching algorithms
  • realtime motion planning using VFH*, potential fields and dubins path in 2D and 3D
  • occupancy grid mapping represented by 2D probability images
  • ROS UWSim (underwater simulator)
  • dynamic parameter optimization using genetic algorithms in large parameter spaces
Fraunhofer IAIS (Bonn)
1 Jahr
2011-03 - 2012-02

Online Streaming of C++ games

Co-Founder / Lead Web Architect
Co-Founder / Lead Web Architect

Integration and streaming of C++ based computer games in the web browser. Bringing a youtube like click & play experience to the AAA gaming market. First price in the business plan competition BerlinBrandenburg.

  • image compression and streaming
Uplivion Technologies GmbH (Berlin)
5 Monate
2010-10 - 2011-02


Research Assistant
Research Assistant

Serialization of SLAM graphs in the robotics project macropod.

  • matching of velodyne 3D laser range finder data
  • creating an easily navigatable vehicle motion history using efficient storing and loading techniques for its representative SLAM graph Skills
Active Vision Group (University of Koblenz)
8 Jahre 5 Monate
2002-10 - 2011-02

Webdesign & Software development


Webdesign & Software development for various clients. Leading a team of up to 10 members/partners. Reference clients:

  • Open New Media GmbH
  • Statt Strand Koblenz
  • Praxis Renneberg & Ingenhaag
  • Huebinet
  • Inf. GmbH
  • Realtime Visions GmbH
4 Monate
2010-06 - 2010-09

Realization of the DMFCam

Research Assistant
Research Assistant

Realization of the DMFCam - a self-adjusting helmet camera system always pointing towards your sports partner in skiing or similar environments.

  • object detection using color matching and histogram backprojection
  • camera calibration
  • adaptive color correction
  • position tracking using kalman filtering of adjacent images
  • position tracking using heuristic size matching within adjacent mages
MMSPG (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
10 Monate
2009-08 - 2010-05

Study on image region classification

Research Assistant
Research Assistant
  • Study on image region classification using the wavelet standard deviation descriptor. Third price in the best paper category at IMCSIT MMAP Conference, Poland.
Active Vision Group (University of Koblenz)
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2008-10 - 2009-10

Developing an autonomous robot plattform

Practical Course
Practical Course
  • Developing an autonomous robot platform and participating as a team in the World RoboCup 2009. Scoring 1st in the rescue league and 4th in the @home league.
Active Vision Group, University
10 Monate
2004-05 - 2005-02

Video streaming on embedded devices

Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Fraunhofer FIT, Bonn
3 Monate
2002-02 - 2002-04

Virtual studio

  • video cutting
  • keying
  • 3D modeling
Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

06/2002 - 09/2011
Computer Science Diploma
University of Koblenz

  • Studies of Computational Visualistics with main subjects in robotics and image processing.

09/1987 - 06/2000
Rechberg-Gymnasium Donzdorf

  • Receiving the german university-entrance diploma with main subjects in mathematics & sports.

03/2011 - 02/2012
Freie Universität Berlin

  • Scholarship for founding the company Uplivion Tech. GmbH.

03/2009 -08/2009
State of Rhineland-Palatinate

  • Scholarship for writing the diploma thesis in Lausanne, Switzerland



Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

  • IT Product Management
    Certified Scrum Product Owner
  • IT Project Management
    Time and budget driven projects
  • Software Development
    C++, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, more
  • Software Architecture
    Domain design, Microservices, ...
  • Prototyping
    Software POCs, 3D-Printing, Embedded Solutions
  • Design & 3D Modeling
    Adobe Suite, Blender, Maya, Unreal Engine


Linux, Android, Win, iOS


C/C++, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Shell/Bash, ActionScript, ASP/, PHP, JSP



Sqlite, Mongo-DB, MS-SQL, MySQL, PostgreSql


MQTT, ActiveMQ, ROS, Webservices, Client-Server- / Socket-Programmierung


PC / Mac, Android-Devices, Raspberry Pi, ODroid

Design / Entwicklung / Konstruktion

Grundlegende Fähigkeiten in Fusion 360, SolidWorks, Maya, Blender, 3D-Druck, Simulationsumgebungen



Forschungs- und IT-Dienstleisterumfeld, Bildverarbeitung, Automatisierung, Embedded Devices.

E-Commerce, Logistiks, Food.

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