Forwarding the world's first 3D reconstruction and fibre measurement system used in car and aerospace production environments. Establishing scrum standards within the company. Planning an architecture overhaul of a monolithical system towards an agent/node based system similar to microservice architectures.
Planning the warehouse for REWE's e-commerce platform with the goal of beating Amazon Fresh to the market. Mediating between agile and classical company structures and partners, breaking up legacy systems towards a microservice architecture, developing proof of concepts, tutoring on company transparency.
Research & development on an underwater robot of the german navy for the autonomous exploration of the sea ground. Planning the system architecture and communication middleware, integrating proprietary hardware interfaces, tutoring academic qualification works.
Integration and streaming of C++ based computer games in the web browser. Bringing a youtube like click & play experience to the AAA gaming market. First price in the business plan competition BerlinBrandenburg.
Serialization of SLAM graphs in the robotics project macropod.
Webdesign & Software development for various clients. Leading a team of up to 10 members/partners. Reference clients:
Realization of the DMFCam - a self-adjusting helmet camera system always pointing towards your sports partner in skiing or similar environments.
06/2002 - 09/2011
Computer Science Diploma
University of Koblenz
09/1987 - 06/2000
Rechberg-Gymnasium Donzdorf
03/2011 - 02/2012
Freie Universität Berlin
03/2009 -08/2009
State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Linux, Android, Win, iOS
C/C++, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Shell/Bash, ActionScript, ASP/, PHP, JSP
Sqlite, Mongo-DB, MS-SQL, MySQL, PostgreSql
MQTT, ActiveMQ, ROS, Webservices, Client-Server- / Socket-Programmierung
PC / Mac, Android-Devices, Raspberry Pi, ODroid
Grundlegende Fähigkeiten in Fusion 360, SolidWorks, Maya, Blender, 3D-Druck, Simulationsumgebungen
Forschungs- und IT-Dienstleisterumfeld, Bildverarbeitung, Automatisierung, Embedded Devices.
E-Commerce, Logistiks, Food.
Angebote in der Region Köln/Bonn + 100km werden bevorzugt. Generell ist ganz Deutschland oder auch das Ausland möglich sofern man sich über die Konditionen einigen kann.
Der oben angegebene Stundensatz bezieht sich auf Remotearbeit. Bei Einsatz vor Ort kommen je nach Aufwandskosten hinzu (innerdeutsch ca. 20?/h). Ich werde den konkreten Stundensatz bekanntmachen sowie der Einsatzort und die Rahmenbedingungen bekannt sind.
Forwarding the world's first 3D reconstruction and fibre measurement system used in car and aerospace production environments. Establishing scrum standards within the company. Planning an architecture overhaul of a monolithical system towards an agent/node based system similar to microservice architectures.
Planning the warehouse for REWE's e-commerce platform with the goal of beating Amazon Fresh to the market. Mediating between agile and classical company structures and partners, breaking up legacy systems towards a microservice architecture, developing proof of concepts, tutoring on company transparency.
Research & development on an underwater robot of the german navy for the autonomous exploration of the sea ground. Planning the system architecture and communication middleware, integrating proprietary hardware interfaces, tutoring academic qualification works.
Integration and streaming of C++ based computer games in the web browser. Bringing a youtube like click & play experience to the AAA gaming market. First price in the business plan competition BerlinBrandenburg.
Serialization of SLAM graphs in the robotics project macropod.
Webdesign & Software development for various clients. Leading a team of up to 10 members/partners. Reference clients:
Realization of the DMFCam - a self-adjusting helmet camera system always pointing towards your sports partner in skiing or similar environments.
06/2002 - 09/2011
Computer Science Diploma
University of Koblenz
09/1987 - 06/2000
Rechberg-Gymnasium Donzdorf
03/2011 - 02/2012
Freie Universität Berlin
03/2009 -08/2009
State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Linux, Android, Win, iOS
C/C++, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Shell/Bash, ActionScript, ASP/, PHP, JSP
Sqlite, Mongo-DB, MS-SQL, MySQL, PostgreSql
MQTT, ActiveMQ, ROS, Webservices, Client-Server- / Socket-Programmierung
PC / Mac, Android-Devices, Raspberry Pi, ODroid
Grundlegende Fähigkeiten in Fusion 360, SolidWorks, Maya, Blender, 3D-Druck, Simulationsumgebungen
Forschungs- und IT-Dienstleisterumfeld, Bildverarbeitung, Automatisierung, Embedded Devices.
E-Commerce, Logistiks, Food.
Angebote in der Region Köln/Bonn + 100km werden bevorzugt. Generell ist ganz Deutschland oder auch das Ausland möglich sofern man sich über die Konditionen einigen kann.
Der oben angegebene Stundensatz bezieht sich auf Remotearbeit. Bei Einsatz vor Ort kommen je nach Aufwandskosten hinzu (innerdeutsch ca. 20?/h). Ich werde den konkreten Stundensatz bekanntmachen sowie der Einsatzort und die Rahmenbedingungen bekannt sind.