Go and Web Development // Cloud Engineering/Architecture // CTO as a Service // DevOps
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Web Development
Cloud Computing



Berlin (+100km) Dresden (+100km)



2006 - today: Operation of GitLab Ultimate and a GitLab Runner fleet

Customer: Energy Industry Enterprise


  • Operation of GitLab Ultimate and a GitLab Runner fleet (Docker/Kubernetes) with ArgoCD & Ansible
  • Security assessments, consulting, development of CI/CD pipelines & pipeline security
  • Infrastructure as Code automation and development of Terraform modules
  • Applying DevSecOps & GitOps principles to foster security, technical, and org goals


Go, GitLab, Ultimate, DevSecOps, GitOps, Entra ID, Ansible ,Terraform, ArgoCD, Kubernetes, Azure

2006 - Today: popular mobile app for students

Customer: Scoolio GmbH


  • Design and development of several highly-available and scalable core business microservices (w/ REST/gRPC APIs for web and mobile apps), including a real-time chat, dropbox-like user file service, mobile push manager, video-streaming platform, user management and gamification services.
  • Architecture, implementation and operation of a web UI with administrative and moderation areas.
  • Integration of various Google Firebase and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services (such as machine learning models).
  • CTO as a service including support in KPI determination (incl. KPI trees), data analysis, product development, hirings, and introduction of agile workflows and methodologies (such as Scrum).
  • Operation and respective monitoring of all services in Google Cloud using Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles.
  • Conducted security and business audits and facilitated product development (incl. ideation and conception).


Go, HTML/CSS, TypeScript/JS, React, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Platform, GCP Run, GCP Compute Engine, GCP Storage, GCP MemoryStore, GCP VPC, GCP BigQuery, GCP SQL, GCP Pub/Sub, GCP Operations/Stackdriver, GCP Scheduler, SRE, Docker, GitLab, CI/CD, Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Data Analytics, gRPC, Jenkins, REST, WebSocket, Google Firebase, GCP Looker Studio, Security & Business Audits, Product Development (incl. ideation & conception), Semantic UI, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth, Android, iOS, Kotlin, Java, C#, Swift, .NET

2006 - Today: financial services for SME

Customer: Aifinyo AG


  • CTO as a service including hirings, introduction and optimization of agile workflows
  • Facilitated product development and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) negotiations for business-aligned teams
  • Conducted in-house developer workshops (e.g. machine learning)
  • Consultant to in-house software engineering (web and backend development w/ Go, Node)
  • Implemented CI/CD workflows in Bitbucket
  • Supported migration to Google Cloud from Heroku


Go, Scrum/Kanban, KNIME Analytics, Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, CI/CD, OKR, DevOps, DevSecOps, Heroku, Google Cloud Platform, HTML/CSS, REST, React, PostgreSQL

2006 - Today: Implementation and operation of a highly-available and scalable multi-language campaign website

Customer: Big Social Network


HTML/CSS, TypeScript, React (w/ i18), Lottie, Google Cloud, Cloudflare

2006 - Today: worldwide advisory and advocacy communications consultancy

Customer: APCO Worldwide


  • Consulting services for various client-projects, including search engine optimization, technical consulting, requirements engineering, product development and optimizations.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Requirements Engineering, Product Development, Technical Consulting

2006 - Today: Architectured and implemented community features

Customer: Medical Community


  • Set up a self-service and fully GDPR compliant medical webpage using WordPress with completely custom plugins and theme.
  • Architectured and implemented community features for persons concerned and those affected.
  • Continuous operations in Google Cloud and software maintenance such as regular code scanning and security updates.


WordPress, HTML/CSS, React, Scss, PostgreSQL, PHP, Go, Google Cloud Platform, GCP Run, GCP Compute Engine, GCP Storage, GCP MemoryStore, GCP VPC, GCP SQL, GCP Operations/Stackdriver, Docker, Security Code Scans

2006 - Today: most popular templating engine in the Go ecosystem (3rd party)

Customer: pongo2


I open sourced my pongo2 templating engine on GitHub. Featured on the official Go website (go.dev) and integrated by major Go web frameworks (Gin, Fiber, Iris, beego, Revel, etc.). pongo2 is used by thousands of users, projects and companies, including Fortune 500 enterprises, such as:

  • LXC ? Linux Containers (popular open source Linux container runtime)
  • Hexya (open source ERP and business application development framework)
  • Expedia Group (travel enterprise)
  • Brevo (previously SendinBlue)
  • Rain (crypto-currency exchange)
  • JCA Solutions (e-learning products)
  • Apigee (API management, acquired by Google)
  • Scoolio (mobile app for students)


Go, Code Fuzzing, Interpreters, Open Source

2016 - 2018: Mobile Dating App in German-Speaking Countries

Role: CTO

Customer: LOVOO GMBH


Increased LOVOO?s technical excellence & innovation capabilities and enhanced development speed and agility. Accompanied 70 Million USD exit to Meet Group.

  • Responsible for over 70 employees from 11 departments.
  • In charge of LOVOO?s technology, data, and innovation development with P&L responsibility serving millions of users in a highly-available, scalable and secure manner.
  • Consolidated and migrated LOVOO?s on-premise IT infrastructure as well as datacenter (hundreds of servers and terabytes of data) to Google Cloud services reducing the TCO, speeding up development and evaluation iterations, as well as reducing time-to-market.
  • Implemented a hybrid cloud approach to support disaster recovery scenarios.
  • Adoption of agile methodologies in order to scale agility at LOVOO and leverage the power of existing resources.
  • Enabled teams implementing Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps principles, including infrastructure ownership and Infrastructure as Code via Terraform.
  • Consulted on security best practices, implemented a bug bounty program and enforced security measurements using GCP IAM and related.
  • Ensured an efficient collaboration with product development departments to support frictionless software development.
  • Business goal determination and negotiations using Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to enable efficient autonomous as well as business-aligned teams.
  • Architecture and guidance of event-driven system designs and data lakes with automated reportings (e. g. via GCP Looker Studio or Tableau) to foster data-driven decisions.
  • Optimized and shaped the complex and grown software & service ecosystem on an architectural level to benefit from cost savings.


Go, PHP, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Incident Response Management, Microsoft Azure, Hybrid Cloud, Mobile App Development, Swift, C#, Java, Kotlin, gRPC, REST, Disaster Recovery, Kafka, Big Data, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Chaos Engineering, Terraform, ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Microservices, Kubernetes, Event-driven architecture, DevOps, DevSecOps, SOA, CI/CD, Docker, Jenkins, SRE, GCP Looker Studio, Tableau, Agile Methodologies, Software Architecture, OKR, Google Cloud Spanner

2015 - 2016: Founded a new Labs division


Customer: LOVOO GMBH


  • Founded a new Labs division that oversees all aspects pertaining to big data and machine learning, encompassing the development of anti-spam and anti-fraud methods and systems
  • Design and implementation of a new high-performance and high-scalable backend in Go serving millions of users
  • Database evaluation of and migration to technologies involving document and graph storages
  • Research on and implementation of a highly scalable anti-spam and anti-fraud architecture using machine learning techniques (including text and behavior analysis) processing millions of events per minute
  • Supervised LOVOO?s anomaly detection and live insight system and responsible for providing the main data warehouse (CDH cluster) to in-house customers
  • Responsible for LOVOO?s open source activities
  • Big data analysis/data mining using Hive/Hadoop and R


Machine Learning Algorithms, Tensorflow, Ansible, Rancher, Event-Driven Architecture, Big Data, Hadoop, Hive, BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Big Data Analysis, Tableau, R, Python, Go, Prometheus, Grafana, ETL




Conception, development, operation, and maintenance of pizzabus.de, one of Germany?s first food delivery platforms with online payment.

  • Software design, development and operations of frontend as well as backend services
  • Architecture and implementation of a relational database to handle all business data, such as customers, products and orders
  • Development of a domain-specific language for restaurant menus for capturing menus fast
  • Development and operation of an IVR system (interactive voice response, in Python) using Asterisk/VoIP including an API connection to pizzabus.de via XML-RPC
  • Automated billing processes including debtor management using a variety of APIs


Python, Django, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, XML-RPC, IVR, REST, WSDL, Asterisk (VoIP), Domain-specific languages (DSL)

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


  • CKA: Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Google Cloud

  • Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations
  • Computing, Storage and Security with Google Cloud Platform
  • Configuration Management on Google Cloud Platform
  • Designing Highly Scalable Web Apps on Google Cloud Platform
  • Google Cloud Platform for Systems Operations Professionals Specialization
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals

Johns Hopkins University

  • Building a Data Science Team
  • The Data Scientist?s Toolbox


  • Professional Scrum Product Owner | PSPO1
  • Professional Scrum Master | PSM1




Go Web Development Cloud AWS GCP Golang Webentwicklung Cloud Computing DevOps

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Expert in architecting and building scalable, highly-available, and secure software systems (primarily in Go) in cloud and big data environments (esp. Google Cloud) with lots of experience in web development. Professional in building and guiding high-efficient, loosely-coupled as well as tightly-aligned teams and organizations. Broad knowledge of a variety of best practices, techniques and a diverse skill set. Ensuring customer success by contributing with holistic IT, business and product development insights.

Cloud & Related Services

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Heroku, Cloudflare, DigitalOcean, Scaleway, Hetzner

Deployment, Orchestration, Operations

Docker, Podman, Rancher, Kubernetes, Helm, Infrastructure as Code (esp. Terraform), Ansible, Fabric, Jenkins, etcd, Vagrant, Grafana, lighttpd, Apache, nginx, OpenVZ, Qemu/KVM, firecracker, OpenVZ

Methodologies, Principles, Best Practices

Agile Methodologies (Kanban, Scrum), expertise in scaling agile teams (LeSS, feature-/component-teams, communities of practice (CoP)), Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Test-driven development, Clean Architecture, YAGNI, KISS, DRY, Dev(Sec)Ops, GitOps, OWASP, 12-Factor App

Web, Libraries & Frameworks

HTML/CSS, Tailwind CSS, jQuery, React, React Native, Svelte, Django, webpack, Bootstrap, Sass, Less, Semantic UI, gRPC/protobuf, Flutter, Swagger, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), NaCl

Big Data, Events, Machine Learning, Analytics

GCP BigQuery, GCP Looker Studio, Tensorflow, Cloudera Hadoop (CDH), Spark, Hue, Hive, Impala, R, Jupyter, scikit-learn, Anaconda, Tableau, Kafka, NATS


Figma, Zeplin, Sketch, Atlassian Suite (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket), GitHub, GitLab, Selenium, Wireguard

The subsequent compilation is by no means exhaustive and should be regarded as a roster of skills, techniques, and technologies that I have extensively utilized or encountered throughout my career. 
Selection of open source software I (co-)authored and have published on GitHub

Django-syntax like template-engine - Go

API framework for a variety of web frameworks (Django, Flask, AppEngine, WSGI-compatible server) - Python

Co-author of a document-object mapper for MongoDB - Python

Distributed hash table (DHT) implementation - Python

rudimentary Python interpreter - JavaScript

Route planner engine with API using OpenStreetMap data - HTML, JavaScript, Go

experimental Python interpreter - Go

Trigram searc libary - Go




MongoDB, Redis, Memcache, Cassandra, RethinkDB
relational DBMS
PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
graph databases
Titan,OrientDB, Neo4j
Time-series database
Prometheus, InfluxDB
several GCP databases
Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Cloud Spanner, MemoryStore
several AWS databases
Aurora, RDS, DynamoDB



Berlin (+100km) Dresden (+100km)



2006 - today: Operation of GitLab Ultimate and a GitLab Runner fleet

Customer: Energy Industry Enterprise


  • Operation of GitLab Ultimate and a GitLab Runner fleet (Docker/Kubernetes) with ArgoCD & Ansible
  • Security assessments, consulting, development of CI/CD pipelines & pipeline security
  • Infrastructure as Code automation and development of Terraform modules
  • Applying DevSecOps & GitOps principles to foster security, technical, and org goals


Go, GitLab, Ultimate, DevSecOps, GitOps, Entra ID, Ansible ,Terraform, ArgoCD, Kubernetes, Azure

2006 - Today: popular mobile app for students

Customer: Scoolio GmbH


  • Design and development of several highly-available and scalable core business microservices (w/ REST/gRPC APIs for web and mobile apps), including a real-time chat, dropbox-like user file service, mobile push manager, video-streaming platform, user management and gamification services.
  • Architecture, implementation and operation of a web UI with administrative and moderation areas.
  • Integration of various Google Firebase and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services (such as machine learning models).
  • CTO as a service including support in KPI determination (incl. KPI trees), data analysis, product development, hirings, and introduction of agile workflows and methodologies (such as Scrum).
  • Operation and respective monitoring of all services in Google Cloud using Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles.
  • Conducted security and business audits and facilitated product development (incl. ideation and conception).


Go, HTML/CSS, TypeScript/JS, React, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Platform, GCP Run, GCP Compute Engine, GCP Storage, GCP MemoryStore, GCP VPC, GCP BigQuery, GCP SQL, GCP Pub/Sub, GCP Operations/Stackdriver, GCP Scheduler, SRE, Docker, GitLab, CI/CD, Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Data Analytics, gRPC, Jenkins, REST, WebSocket, Google Firebase, GCP Looker Studio, Security & Business Audits, Product Development (incl. ideation & conception), Semantic UI, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth, Android, iOS, Kotlin, Java, C#, Swift, .NET

2006 - Today: financial services for SME

Customer: Aifinyo AG


  • CTO as a service including hirings, introduction and optimization of agile workflows
  • Facilitated product development and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) negotiations for business-aligned teams
  • Conducted in-house developer workshops (e.g. machine learning)
  • Consultant to in-house software engineering (web and backend development w/ Go, Node)
  • Implemented CI/CD workflows in Bitbucket
  • Supported migration to Google Cloud from Heroku


Go, Scrum/Kanban, KNIME Analytics, Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, CI/CD, OKR, DevOps, DevSecOps, Heroku, Google Cloud Platform, HTML/CSS, REST, React, PostgreSQL

2006 - Today: Implementation and operation of a highly-available and scalable multi-language campaign website

Customer: Big Social Network


HTML/CSS, TypeScript, React (w/ i18), Lottie, Google Cloud, Cloudflare

2006 - Today: worldwide advisory and advocacy communications consultancy

Customer: APCO Worldwide


  • Consulting services for various client-projects, including search engine optimization, technical consulting, requirements engineering, product development and optimizations.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Requirements Engineering, Product Development, Technical Consulting

2006 - Today: Architectured and implemented community features

Customer: Medical Community


  • Set up a self-service and fully GDPR compliant medical webpage using WordPress with completely custom plugins and theme.
  • Architectured and implemented community features for persons concerned and those affected.
  • Continuous operations in Google Cloud and software maintenance such as regular code scanning and security updates.


WordPress, HTML/CSS, React, Scss, PostgreSQL, PHP, Go, Google Cloud Platform, GCP Run, GCP Compute Engine, GCP Storage, GCP MemoryStore, GCP VPC, GCP SQL, GCP Operations/Stackdriver, Docker, Security Code Scans

2006 - Today: most popular templating engine in the Go ecosystem (3rd party)

Customer: pongo2


I open sourced my pongo2 templating engine on GitHub. Featured on the official Go website (go.dev) and integrated by major Go web frameworks (Gin, Fiber, Iris, beego, Revel, etc.). pongo2 is used by thousands of users, projects and companies, including Fortune 500 enterprises, such as:

  • LXC ? Linux Containers (popular open source Linux container runtime)
  • Hexya (open source ERP and business application development framework)
  • Expedia Group (travel enterprise)
  • Brevo (previously SendinBlue)
  • Rain (crypto-currency exchange)
  • JCA Solutions (e-learning products)
  • Apigee (API management, acquired by Google)
  • Scoolio (mobile app for students)


Go, Code Fuzzing, Interpreters, Open Source

2016 - 2018: Mobile Dating App in German-Speaking Countries

Role: CTO

Customer: LOVOO GMBH


Increased LOVOO?s technical excellence & innovation capabilities and enhanced development speed and agility. Accompanied 70 Million USD exit to Meet Group.

  • Responsible for over 70 employees from 11 departments.
  • In charge of LOVOO?s technology, data, and innovation development with P&L responsibility serving millions of users in a highly-available, scalable and secure manner.
  • Consolidated and migrated LOVOO?s on-premise IT infrastructure as well as datacenter (hundreds of servers and terabytes of data) to Google Cloud services reducing the TCO, speeding up development and evaluation iterations, as well as reducing time-to-market.
  • Implemented a hybrid cloud approach to support disaster recovery scenarios.
  • Adoption of agile methodologies in order to scale agility at LOVOO and leverage the power of existing resources.
  • Enabled teams implementing Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps principles, including infrastructure ownership and Infrastructure as Code via Terraform.
  • Consulted on security best practices, implemented a bug bounty program and enforced security measurements using GCP IAM and related.
  • Ensured an efficient collaboration with product development departments to support frictionless software development.
  • Business goal determination and negotiations using Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to enable efficient autonomous as well as business-aligned teams.
  • Architecture and guidance of event-driven system designs and data lakes with automated reportings (e. g. via GCP Looker Studio or Tableau) to foster data-driven decisions.
  • Optimized and shaped the complex and grown software & service ecosystem on an architectural level to benefit from cost savings.


Go, PHP, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Incident Response Management, Microsoft Azure, Hybrid Cloud, Mobile App Development, Swift, C#, Java, Kotlin, gRPC, REST, Disaster Recovery, Kafka, Big Data, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Chaos Engineering, Terraform, ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Microservices, Kubernetes, Event-driven architecture, DevOps, DevSecOps, SOA, CI/CD, Docker, Jenkins, SRE, GCP Looker Studio, Tableau, Agile Methodologies, Software Architecture, OKR, Google Cloud Spanner

2015 - 2016: Founded a new Labs division


Customer: LOVOO GMBH


  • Founded a new Labs division that oversees all aspects pertaining to big data and machine learning, encompassing the development of anti-spam and anti-fraud methods and systems
  • Design and implementation of a new high-performance and high-scalable backend in Go serving millions of users
  • Database evaluation of and migration to technologies involving document and graph storages
  • Research on and implementation of a highly scalable anti-spam and anti-fraud architecture using machine learning techniques (including text and behavior analysis) processing millions of events per minute
  • Supervised LOVOO?s anomaly detection and live insight system and responsible for providing the main data warehouse (CDH cluster) to in-house customers
  • Responsible for LOVOO?s open source activities
  • Big data analysis/data mining using Hive/Hadoop and R


Machine Learning Algorithms, Tensorflow, Ansible, Rancher, Event-Driven Architecture, Big Data, Hadoop, Hive, BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Big Data Analysis, Tableau, R, Python, Go, Prometheus, Grafana, ETL




Conception, development, operation, and maintenance of pizzabus.de, one of Germany?s first food delivery platforms with online payment.

  • Software design, development and operations of frontend as well as backend services
  • Architecture and implementation of a relational database to handle all business data, such as customers, products and orders
  • Development of a domain-specific language for restaurant menus for capturing menus fast
  • Development and operation of an IVR system (interactive voice response, in Python) using Asterisk/VoIP including an API connection to pizzabus.de via XML-RPC
  • Automated billing processes including debtor management using a variety of APIs


Python, Django, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, XML-RPC, IVR, REST, WSDL, Asterisk (VoIP), Domain-specific languages (DSL)

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


  • CKA: Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Google Cloud

  • Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations
  • Computing, Storage and Security with Google Cloud Platform
  • Configuration Management on Google Cloud Platform
  • Designing Highly Scalable Web Apps on Google Cloud Platform
  • Google Cloud Platform for Systems Operations Professionals Specialization
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals

Johns Hopkins University

  • Building a Data Science Team
  • The Data Scientist?s Toolbox


  • Professional Scrum Product Owner | PSPO1
  • Professional Scrum Master | PSM1




Go Web Development Cloud AWS GCP Golang Webentwicklung Cloud Computing DevOps

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Expert in architecting and building scalable, highly-available, and secure software systems (primarily in Go) in cloud and big data environments (esp. Google Cloud) with lots of experience in web development. Professional in building and guiding high-efficient, loosely-coupled as well as tightly-aligned teams and organizations. Broad knowledge of a variety of best practices, techniques and a diverse skill set. Ensuring customer success by contributing with holistic IT, business and product development insights.

Cloud & Related Services

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Heroku, Cloudflare, DigitalOcean, Scaleway, Hetzner

Deployment, Orchestration, Operations

Docker, Podman, Rancher, Kubernetes, Helm, Infrastructure as Code (esp. Terraform), Ansible, Fabric, Jenkins, etcd, Vagrant, Grafana, lighttpd, Apache, nginx, OpenVZ, Qemu/KVM, firecracker, OpenVZ

Methodologies, Principles, Best Practices

Agile Methodologies (Kanban, Scrum), expertise in scaling agile teams (LeSS, feature-/component-teams, communities of practice (CoP)), Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Test-driven development, Clean Architecture, YAGNI, KISS, DRY, Dev(Sec)Ops, GitOps, OWASP, 12-Factor App

Web, Libraries & Frameworks

HTML/CSS, Tailwind CSS, jQuery, React, React Native, Svelte, Django, webpack, Bootstrap, Sass, Less, Semantic UI, gRPC/protobuf, Flutter, Swagger, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), NaCl

Big Data, Events, Machine Learning, Analytics

GCP BigQuery, GCP Looker Studio, Tensorflow, Cloudera Hadoop (CDH), Spark, Hue, Hive, Impala, R, Jupyter, scikit-learn, Anaconda, Tableau, Kafka, NATS


Figma, Zeplin, Sketch, Atlassian Suite (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket), GitHub, GitLab, Selenium, Wireguard

The subsequent compilation is by no means exhaustive and should be regarded as a roster of skills, techniques, and technologies that I have extensively utilized or encountered throughout my career. 
Selection of open source software I (co-)authored and have published on GitHub

Django-syntax like template-engine - Go

API framework for a variety of web frameworks (Django, Flask, AppEngine, WSGI-compatible server) - Python

Co-author of a document-object mapper for MongoDB - Python

Distributed hash table (DHT) implementation - Python

rudimentary Python interpreter - JavaScript

Route planner engine with API using OpenStreetMap data - HTML, JavaScript, Go

experimental Python interpreter - Go

Trigram searc libary - Go




MongoDB, Redis, Memcache, Cassandra, RethinkDB
relational DBMS
PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
graph databases
Titan,OrientDB, Neo4j
Time-series database
Prometheus, InfluxDB
several GCP databases
Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Cloud Spanner, MemoryStore
several AWS databases
Aurora, RDS, DynamoDB

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